Yay, Jokerette!!
I'm still waiting for AF to go away. Oddly enough, I didn't have hardly any cramping with this one. I did have one (TMI) humongous clot, though. Like, ping pong ball sized. It kind of freaked me out. The only other time I've had a large clot like that was a week or two after LO was born!
On a non-TTC related note: Starting to get a bit frustrated with LO and nap time. I love rocking him to sleep, but lately he's started waking up the minute I go to put him in his crib, and he won't go back to sleep on his own. He cries, or sits up in his crib and starts playing. I've tried leaving him there, and letting him cry or play but he never does go back to sleep. Then it takes me almost half an hour to get him calmed down enough to nap.
He's teething now as well, so that's been a bit fun as of late. I want to start giving him water in a sippy cup because he eats solids and nurses less, but all he does is chew on it. He won't suck from it, or a bottle either. Even if if has breastmilk in it!
Oh, and one more... then I'm done whining, I promise! We got a letter in the post from our health insurance provider stating that the pediatrician we so carefully picked out will no longer be accepting our health insurance starting in January! And the most unfortunate part is that the closest pediatrician that DOES accept it is now 20 miles away instead of the 5 miles our current office is. *sigh*
Okay, rant over! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest! PMS, anyone?!