Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

Leeze - it is very tiring, but we make it a point to BD around my fertile time. Normally, we try to follow the SMEP. (every other day, the day before/day of/day after O, skip a day then once more) It makes it easier if we plan it ahead of time... but it also kind of takes the romance out of it if we're not careful.
Then DH decides he wants to BD on the days we're supposed to have off, so we end up with quite the schedule! I promise the rest of the month isn't anywhere near as impressive. :haha: And because of his work schedule they're usually like, 15 minute quickies, not 2 hr passionate love makings! :rofl:

I think I'm about 3 DPO today, if I O'ed on Friday. Does that sound right? If I got my first +opk on Thursday afternoon/evening? I figure 12-36 hrs put me on Friday, or Sat morning early hours at the latest.

Thankfully, the next 2 weeks are going to be insanely busy! I'm hoping it will fly by and I won't have time to symptom spot. And even if AF does get me, it'll be more comforting to know that my cycles are almost back to complete normal! That will help with future cycles and TTC.

Radkat - we're pretty much on the same schedule this week! Crossing my fingers that we see good things! :flower:

Layla - how are you doing? Did you test again?

iow_bird - how's getting ready for the big move? How are you feeling, any suspicious symptoms?

Jokerette - I don't know if you're keeping up with the thread right now or not, but if you are... we're all thinking of you! :hugs:
Kalyrra - I was just thinking that we are just a day apart! I'm 4 DPO today. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this yet, but when are planning to test?

Leeze - How'd the party go?

Iow_bird - I had a ton of CM yesterday too.

Layla - Hope things are going OK. Did you test again? I know a BFN is disappointing. I've been having to be more patient this time. (We got pregnant really quick with LO). Good luck.

Hope all's well with everyone.
Nothing exciting going on here :) only thing different is my cervix is really high, but I don't think that means anything. Got really mild AF type cramps, and exhausted, but that's because Noah is teething!!! x

Good luck girlies! One of us will get a BFP :)
Kalyrra - I was just thinking that we are just a day apart! I'm 4 DPO today. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this yet, but when are planning to test?

Officially? When my period is late. Actually? Probably 7 dpo. :rofl: Or any time I think I might have a symptom. :blush: I did get my bfp with my LO when I was 10 dpo last time, so I usually assume that if I haven't gotten one by then, I'm out. I use IC's though. If I only had the nice FRER's in the house, then I'd only test when I was late or had a glaring symptom.
Kalyrra - I was just thinking that we are just a day apart! I'm 4 DPO today. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this yet, but when are planning to test?

Officially? When my period is late. Actually? Probably 7 dpo. :rofl: Or any time I think I might have a symptom. :blush: I did get my bfp with my LO when I was 10 dpo last time, so I usually assume that if I haven't gotten one by then, I'm out. I use IC's though. If I only had the nice FRER's in the house, then I'd only test when I was late or had a glaring symptom.

Ha, I'll try to wait until 10DPO as I only have two HPTs. Hmm, OK. Sunday it is. :)
hehe! I caved and tested, 7-8dpo I think, BFN, but was expecting that! My boobs are sore and I still have those weird crampy twinges. Not reading anything into it though, I'm 99.9% sure I'm not UTD this month!
Kalyrra - I was just thinking that we are just a day apart! I'm 4 DPO today. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this yet, but when are planning to test?

Officially? When my period is late. Actually? Probably 7 dpo. :rofl: Or any time I think I might have a symptom. :blush: I did get my bfp with my LO when I was 10 dpo last time, so I usually assume that if I haven't gotten one by then, I'm out. I use IC's though. If I only had the nice FRER's in the house, then I'd only test when I was late or had a glaring symptom.

Ha, I'll try to wait until 10DPO as I only have two HPTs. Hmm, OK. Sunday it is. :)

If you look at statistical charts, the average BFP jumps from like, 14% around 5 DPO to around 67% at 10 DPO, and 87% at 14 DPO... just sayin'. :haha: It's so hard to wait though, isn't it?
I've run out of tests, itching to get some more!! I don't even think I am, I just like peeing on sticks! I wish they made a reusable one!!
I've run out of tests, itching to get some more!! I don't even think I am, I just like peeing on sticks! I wish they made a reusable one!!

Maybe they should just make specialized toilet paper... you know, some that will turn a different color when you use it if you're pregnant! But it'd have to be a color that wouldn't scare people, so not red! Maybe purple or blue. :haha:
I've run out of tests, itching to get some more!! I don't even think I am, I just like peeing on sticks! I wish they made a reusable one!!

Maybe they should just make specialized toilet paper... you know, some that will turn a different color when you use it if you're pregnant! But it'd have to be a color that wouldn't scare people, so not red! Maybe purple or blue. :haha:

I love this idea. It'd be great for TTC, but they should also put it in high schools and college dorms so those unplanned girlies would know right away!:haha:
Hi ladies, I've been following along with everyone's stories, and figured I'd chime in with my own experience so far!

We officially started trying in September, but DH came down with pneumonia at exactly the wrong time, so didn't have high expectations. Tried again October and just knew I was pregnant. Blubbering during even a hint of sentimentality on TV :haha: I wasn't surprised since I got pregnant so quickly with DS. Took an FRER 6 days early and got a faint positive. Took another the next day and it was the same. Finally took one on Friday first thing in the morning (the other two were in the afternoon) expecting it to be darker....but it was lighter. I knew it was over. Waited two more days, had a clear negative on Sunday and AF arrived Monday.

So looks like this group has had at least 3 chemical pregnancies recently :cry: Hugs to everyone.

My son is a huge nurser, I'm sure low progesterone is to blame. I'm officially starting Vitex, B6 and considering Maca and progesterone cream. Anyone have any experience or suggestions on how to use these? Is anyone afraid of any risks?

I'm also working with DS to decrease nursing. This isn't easy because we both love our nursing relationship! I don't want to stop, so trying to get him to just 2 or 3 distinct feeds. It's a hard toss up. Future sibling, or nursing relationship?!

I'm going to try really really hard not to test early this month! On the other hand, maybe I should test early so I can get my progesterone levels checked and see if I need an extra boost for a sticky baby? Argh, I just don't know! I definitely think I have an addiction to peeing on sticks, like a few other people in this group :winkwink:
welcome, Seattle! Sorry about your chemical. :hugs:

I would be careful on how many different supplements you try at once. Maybe start with one and go from there. I took a B6 and B12 and it helped my cycle even out a bit. I considered vitex, but after doing a lot of reading I decided I'd rather let my own body work itself out or at least wait until DS was weaned. Too many possibilities I didn't care for. I definitely recommend talking to your OB/GYN or doctor and finding out what they recommend while breastfeeding.

Are your cycles back to normal, or are they still a bit wonky? How old is your LO?
welcome, Seattle! Sorry about your chemical. :hugs:

I would be careful on how many different supplements you try at once. Maybe start with one and go from there. I took a B6 and B12 and it helped my cycle even out a bit. I considered vitex, but after doing a lot of reading I decided I'd rather let my own body work itself out or at least wait until DS was weaned. Too many possibilities I didn't care for. I definitely recommend talking to your OB/GYN or doctor and finding out what they recommend while breastfeeding.

Are your cycles back to normal, or are they still a bit wonky? How old is your LO?

Thanks for the welcome! LO is 13 months.

Cycles are back to normal (30-31 days is normal for me) and according to my temp tracking I think I'm ovulating around CD15.

What side effects from Vitex are you worried about? I've done soooo much reading over the past 4 days and my head is spinning. :dohh: I've been going back and forth between Maca and Vitex and Progesterone Cream. Originally I thought I would definitely start the B6 since I'm not really afraid of it, but then I read that B6 can delay ovulation? I don't think I necessarily need help getting pregnant, just staying pregnant.
hi seattle :)

I looked at all the supplements and figure my body will let me get pregnant when it's ready. If you're worried about your progesterone levels can you get a blood test done by your Dr?
Sorry to hear about your chemical, I'm pretty sure I had one last month, but I'm ok about it, it just sucks a bit. I had 5 m/c before getting pregnant with my daughter so this wasn't too bad.
I got pregnant with DS when I was breastfeeding my DD, but she was a little older. Sorry I have no useful advice, but welcome to our little group, everyone is lovely :)

As for me, BFN again this morning, thats ok though, I was expecting it :) and not the best month to get preggo really! I'm 9dpo max, so might still only be 7-8. Will test again in the morning I'm sure (hehe and probably this evening too, I'm hopeless)!

How are the other TWW ladies getting on???
Oh goodness, the Vitex I ordered just arrived and specifically says not to use if pregnant or nursing.

Maybe I should just stay off everything while trying to cut back on nursing this month. As soon as I cut back on night nursing, AF returned, so my body does seem to be pretty sensitive to the decreases. I can have my progesterone levels checked (seems like I'd want to do this just after ovulation, right?) and then maybe supplement with the cream at that point if necessary.

I am pretty confident my progesterone is low. The insane bacne I've had since giving birth confirms it lol! Sorry, TMI. It's not pretty!

Crossing my fingers that you might still get lucky this month, IOW! Sounds like we feel the same way about our chemicals. Not devastated, sucks. I did get a little sadder when I realized it was probably a perfectly healthy pregnancy that just couldn't sustain itself through the breastfeeding. I hate feeling like I have to choose one or the other!
I coped with my m/c's by telling myself that if those pregnancies had continued I wouldn't have the 2 kids I have now, I'd have different children, I wouldn't swap these guys for anything, and that helped me accept last month. Yup it sucked, but I never really believed I was pregnant, the lines were hardly there at all. Still telling myself it was probably a faulty test :) it's different though if you get a good line and get excited about it and it ends. That would be completely devastating.

I refused to do anything about my nursing to get pregnant again when I was feeding DD, and am doing the same again. I don't want the next baby to take anything away from Noah. I fed until she self weaned when I was 7 months pregnant. Will let Noah self wean as well, the next baby will come along when it's ready :) I get to this time of the month and half of me wants to be UTD, the other half is happy with the 2 gorgeous kids I have and wonders what the hell I'm doing trying for a third!
5 dpo today. Nothing suspicious to report! Not that I thought there would be. :haha:

I'm sitting here eating a turkey sandwich and I suddenly remembered that when pregnant, lunch meats are cautioned against. And then I started remembering all the other craziness like no caffeine and steaks having to be well done, etc... and I wonder what in the world am I thinking?!! :rofl: Ah well. I guess the 9 months of torture had an outcome that was totally worth it all. :flower:

iow_bird - how's everything coming with the big move and packing?

seattle - like iow said, if you're worried about your progesterone levels, give your doctor a call and see if you can get them checked. They'll tell you when it needs to be done. And then from there, they can recommend the proper supplements for it that you can use while nursing.

Radkat - hanging in there? You haven't caved and tested, have you? :rofl:

Leeze - how are things going for you?
On to my next cycle of ttc.... I think my luteal phase extended itself by about two days! Keeping my fingers crossed about that! Hoping for a good month!

Also, i thought breastfeeding doesnt cause miscarriage? Breastfeeding causes low progesterone? I thought the hormone prolactin is the only prohibitor of ttc.....causing poor or no ovulation..... Hmmmm.... Now im confused and worried...
On to my next cycle of ttc.... I think my luteal phase extended itself by about two days! Keeping my fingers crossed about that! Hoping for a good month!

Also, i thought breastfeeding doesnt cause miscarriage? Breastfeeding causes low progesterone? I thought the hormone prolactin is the only prohibitor of ttc.....causing poor or no ovulation..... Hmmmm.... Now im confused and worried...

I wouldn't be too concerned. I think I heard the stats are somewhere around 16-30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, regardless of whether you're nursing or not. It may just so happen that you're nursing at the same time, but it's not likely to be the cause. (and it's amazing how many women are now aware of chemicals and miscarriages, thanks to early response tests. Most wouldn't have even known they were pregnant before) The majority of the time, it's due to a genetic or other abnormality and the body just rejects it.

While breastfeeding itself does not cause miscarriage, it does cause your level of prolactin to be higher, which will inhibit your progesterone to an extent. I believe they say the only time you should worry about breastfeeding causing a miscarriage is if you are already prone to having issues like miscarriage, etc...

I would do some more research on it if you're genuinely concerned. Here's a link to what kellymom has to say about it.

And one by the La Leche League:

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