Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

kalyrra: Not started packing yet! Still waiting for the house to sell, auction will be 2 weeks today, so hopefully we'll be able to start packing up after that! Me & the kids are doing good without Daddy, although Tilly had a complete meltdown about it last night.

I'm a bit of a depressed emotional mess today, think it's just a week of bad nights with no help from DH. I'm so shattered, tomorrow will be lovely to see him, but is it bad that I'm kind of planning on handing him the kids and going to bed!! Boobs are sore, but could just be pre-Af soreness, and fairly convincing BFN this morning. Used a crappy test, looked at it, thought BFN, then had a better look and thought oooh.... then decided it was line eye. Now I can't stop checking it to see if what I thought might be a line is still there. I'm such an idiot, it's nothing, it's BFN! I double checked it against the one I got last month (picture, I don't keep dried wee sticks lying around the house) and it's definitely a BFN. But, I just want to sit down and cry today, for no good reason.
Layla: Patience! Mine was coming around CD 22 for ages then my LP was 6 days. It righted itself though. How old is your LO?
Layla: Patience! Mine was coming around CD 22 for ages then my LP was 6 days. It righted itself though. How old is your LO?

My little one will be 17 months on ovulation day is usually around cd24-27.... Is it possible to get pregnant when its so late?
Ahh, mine came right when Noah was around 7 months, took about 3 months to go back to something sensible. Whether you can get pregnant depends on your LP, not the CD you O on. So if your LP is over 10days you're ok, but if it's less then you might want to take something? I think Kalyrra took B6 to sort it out (could have the wrong person and wrong supplement though)!!
hi ladies and welcome to Seattle - so sorry to hear about the chemical

I'm taking vitex but not sure if its doing anything
sorry for lack of posts - life feels very hectic right now. so many things all happening at once! work is quite stressful too and sleep hasn't been very good this week

Iow - I have a feeling your BFP is just around the corner. you did it before while BF so you know you can do it!

I'm 1dpo - O was a lot earlier this month. We managed to BD only once around this time - and LO woke up just afterwards so i couldn't do the legs in the air trick for long. Does anyone else do this?

We had a lovely afternoon for LO's birthday - she's now 2 years old. Can't believe it! So today I tried a bit of distraction and stalling when she asked for mummy milk It seemed to work initially, but I'm sure she made up for it later! Is anyone being put under pressure from anyone else about weaning? My OH.and.his.Mum are to the does.feel like a bit.of.pressure. It does also feel like its too, which seems unfair.

anyway, rant.over! baby dust XX
I hope so Leeze! This will be our 6th month TTC this time. I'm a bit worried it's going to take ages as Ben is going to be away a lot for work which will limit our BDing timing a bit for a couple of months at a time.
I'm honestly not bothered how long it takes us, as I'm not desperate to be preggo again, but I hate TTC, and wish I could just forget about it all and really let nature take it's course!
Layla - Like iow_bird said, when you ovulate doesn't matter so much as how long your LP is. The desired LP length is 11 days minimum to be able to sustain pregnancy, I believe... but better if you can get it up above 12 days.

It's taken my cycles 6 months to get back to normal. And this cycle I'm on was the first one where I ovulated around day 14 or 15 instead of later in the cycle. Give it some time (I know it's hard to be patient!), your cycle will work itself out. I did take B vitamins for 2 cycles to help mine regulate a bit. I'm not sure if they helped or if my cycle would have evened itself out anyway. It'd be worth a try, though!

Leeze - I do lay down for about 15 minutes afterwards. I have read, however, that elevating your hips actually doesn't help that much unless you have a tilted cervix or uterus, or something like that. A few dr's said that the only way it helps is to keep the sperm from coming back out, and it may help a couple extra swimmers but the majority of them are already on their way within seconds of having been deposited. So don't be too concerned if you couldn't have your legs up as long as you wanted!

I'm extra tired right now. I rescued an abandoned kitten, and it wasn't doing too well over the weekend. It was like having a newborn all over again! I had to get up every 2 hrs and syringe feed/water it all day/night. So because I'm so tired, I'm also emotional. I am totally chalking it up to sudden lack of sleep, it's way too early to suspect it to be anything else. Bummer. lol
Thanks kalyrra! I've been taking b vitamins for one whole cycle so far....hopefully they're helping....on cd3's so funny how we get excited over the phases in our cycles.....first were excited that out af has arrived after days on endless bfn's....then, we get excited when we see that smiley or definite positive on the opk's....and then we get excited when we can finally test for the sticky bean...LOL!!! And the cycle continues if we don't get our bfp....but if you think about it, it makes the time less getting through each phase....I love it!
I hate that it means we have to BD at the "right" time of the month. DH has been a bit difficult to get into bed, but he's been having a shit time at work, so I'm hoping this new job might help.

On another note, my boobs are SORE!!!
Layla, I've read really promising things about Vitex and B6 taken together to even out cycles. But both also seem capable of making you ovulate even later, so YMMV! Specifically I think their benefit is lengthening LPs which is more important than when you ovulate, as others have stated. How long is your cycle right now? What was it before?

Leeze, I also feel a little bit of pressure. I asked my doc mom if she had any tips for getting my period back (this was a few months ago) and she and my grandmother both said wean! Well, duh, but obviously I was looking for ways to get it back while continuing to nurse! So that felt like a bit of pressure. I was pretty pleased with myself when DS started sleeping longer hours and DH and I got on a more equitable schedule so I could cut down on night nursing and AF returned with just that change.

DH has also said a few times he doesn't see why it wouldn't be time to stop nursing. That doesn't feel particularly supportive, but he's not putting any pressure on me whatsoever to actually stop, so that's good. I don't think he really minds either way, he just wasn't expecting me to nurse this long since I made 12 months my goal before DS was born. Everyone always seemed to talk about how hard nursing was, so I thought 12 months was going to be a challenge. Instead I think weaning is going to be the real challenge!

My temp finally went back down to my normal FP levels this morning. Tonight is CD4 for me, so that's pretty unusual. Is that normal after a chemical? AF was also almost non-existent today. I'm usually pretty heavy, lightening up only on the 5th day and then clear CD6 so that's also a little unusual, especially since AF started around 8pm - wasn't sure I should really count that as CD1! Hoping my cycle doesn't do crazy things to me this month.

I'm holding off on all the supplements for now. Definitely considering progesterone cream after ovulation though.
nah, I don't think so! They're killing me tonight though and my supply has tanked :( Poor miserable baby tonight!
6 DPO. Time is starting to drag, because I'm actually keeping track. *sigh* :haha:

Does anyone else start craving sweets or just get ravenously hungry in the week before AF is due? I always do, and I feel like I can't stop eating during that week. :dohh:
Hi ladies! Mind if I join this group? I just started ttc this cycle (on cycle day 3) and I'm breastfeeding my 19 month old daughter. I just got my cycles back at the end of September and it seems like my luteal phase is pretty darn short (9-10 days). But I'm hopeful! I'm not quite sure what to expect in terms of how long it will take to get pregnant and how my breastfeeding relationship with my daughter will change (I'm so worried about that!) but I can't wait to give her a sibling!
Ok girls, like an idiot I bought blue tests (they had nothing else in the shop) what do you think???? I had to tweak a bit to get it to show in the picture, but it's so barely there :( urgh!!!


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Hi schmetterling!
Welcome to the group! I found my cycles settled after a couple of months so I had a sensible LP again. When I got preggo with DS, I had a few months of nursing aversion, but I got through that and it was fine. DD would have been about 18-19 months when I got pregnant. She fed until she was 25 months, I was determined to make it to 2 yrs, and she self weaned a month after I stopped offering.
Good luck TTC! xx
6 DPO. Time is starting to drag, because I'm actually keeping track. *sigh* :haha:

Does anyone else start craving sweets or just get ravenously hungry in the week before AF is due? I always do, and I feel like I can't stop eating during that week. :dohh:

YES!! And it's worse this month cos Ben's not here and I have nothing else to do!!!
Thank you!! Yes I hope my cycles will become more normal in time (or heck, I'd take just getting pregnant right off the bat, lol!) but they aren't as bad as I thought they might be. I have a few friends who are pregnant and nursing and they have all had nursing aversions too. My daughter came early (35 weeks, 5 days) so there is theoretically a higher chance I'll have another preemie but they don't know why she came early so my midwife isn't worried about me nursing during my next pregnancy (though they'll be on higher watch in the third trimester). Still can't believe we are ttc! I'm looking forward to hanging out here with you ladies!

Anyone else just staring a new cycle? The past couple months I haven't ovulated until day 22 or 23, so it feels like a very long wait.
6 DPO. Time is starting to drag, because I'm actually keeping track. *sigh* :haha:

Does anyone else start craving sweets or just get ravenously hungry in the week before AF is due? I always do, and I feel like I can't stop eating during that week. :dohh:

I noticed the week before this cycle started (I'm on cd 4) I was craving donuts and cake and candy bars....and my boobs were sore..something I hadn't felt in the previous cycles...I know it's not very comforting..I was hoping I was pregnant.

TTCinseattle- the last few cycles have been 40, 29, and 35 days...all depends on when I ovulate cuz my LP is around 7 days...but last cycle I think it was 9.

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