Charlie - welcome!
Seattle - I'm not sure how much the different times of day will affect concentration, but I do know they recommend to take them at the same time(s) every day with early afternoon being the best. I think the general belief is that your surge will generally start in the afternoon to evening?
It's starting to get busier and busier around here. Especially with the holiday season approaching! I'm also picking up a part time teaching job at a high school, teaching music... not because I want it, but because they asked me to fill in for next semester as the current teacher is leaving. It's almost not even worth the drive... it's about 1/2 hr away, and I'm getting $25 each time I come in. Barely covers gasoline, but I feel badly enough for them that I agreed.
It's been a rather rough week. The disappointment of AF showing up, hubby has been busy so haven't seen him much, LO is teething and crabby, it got freakin' cold and started snowing... and I rescued a kitten that someone dropped off outside 2 weeks ago, and it died in my arms Thursday morning. (same day AF showed up)

I had been syringe feeding it every 2 hrs all day and night for days... I got attached to it, so I was rather depressed for a few days.
I've been trying to eat healthier, but still managed to gain a few lbs thanks to LO suddenly dropping some feeds. I really need to get on the ball and lose some weight, 90% of my clothes don't fit. I keep wearing the same 3 pair of jeans, and 8 or 9 tshirts.
Sorry for the rant... just needed to vent off, I guess! I figured if anyone, you girls would understand.
Anyone got their Christmas shopping done yet?