Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

Radkat and Kalyrra, our posts must have crossed! I know your maternity leave sucks in the states, I think it's pretty disgusting! So good on you guys for breastfeeding for so long if you have to go back to work so soon :thumbup:

Seattle, I don't know about Progesterone cream, maybe like Kalyrra suggested have a chat with your doc first, but from what I know most doctors will just tell you to stop bfing if you are TTC before they prescribe anything. But then that's in the UK, it may well be very different for you. How long is your LP? I am sure that you already know all of this but from what research I have done low Progesterone levels due to bfing are caused by an inadequate follicular stage where the corpus Luteum basically isn't of good enough quality to produce adequate progesterone. So another way of helping is to nourish those follicles! I know with me, my body is screaming to O at day 14 and 15, I have very obvious O signs in a lot of ways, but it's not happening until CD 17, so by the time the egg gets released it's like it's gone bad with a pretty crappy corpus Luteum :nope: however I do know that there is a pregnant girl on b&b who is on progesterone and bfing, but I think she had a progesterone deficiency before. Decisions decisions :shrug:

And happy thanks giving to all stateside.
Kalyrra - Yeah, it looks like we may be a close in our O dates. It's cool to have someone else testing at the same time. Although I didn't even get to test last cycle as AF came on 10DPO. BTW, I'm trying to up my water intake as well. Also going to start the grapefruit juice thing for better CM. I don't think I got much EWCM last month that I could tell.

Charlie/Seattle re: progesterone cream. It seems like the thing to do would be to go to the doctor and get tested, but I'm anticipating the advice of "stop breastfeeding and come back in 6 months if you haven't gotten pregnant". Buuuuut, I just want to know if it's safe? My doctor is pretty conservative so I'm guessing she's say don't take it, unless you've been tested and shown that your progesterone is low. But I'm speculating, I guess.

As of right now, I'm holding off on any additional help in the form of progesterone cream or vitex. I may change my tune if I get another BFN this cycle.
Hi everyone! How's your thanksgiving going? My oh is at work for another hour and I have the ham in the oven....

So far my opk are negative, but both pink pad and ovia fertility tracker say that ovulation is between now and I'm keeping my fingers crossed...we just started the bd ing last night...I'm hoping to get them in every other day...

On to other hoping I can share here, and you can all offer some oh and I have always shown his mother that we love and appreciate her. We always try our best..we take her to disneyland, or invite her over or go to the mall...we don't treat her like a babysitter...I pay her to babysit our LO while I go to school when OH is at work. She complains that the two kids who live with her (a daughter 26, with a 9 month old, a son 31, with 3 year old daughter) don't show her any appreciation. That she is always babysitting and they don't pay her for that or fir rent or groceries...OH mom also pays the 26 year olds car insurance. Well she complains that they never do anything for her but get mad and yell at her. Well I listen to all this and I try to pamper her and call her and be good friends with her....
My OH and I have been living in a different city but try to go over as much as possible. A few weeks ago he told his mom that we were all moving back to the city they live in. A few days after that, she told me that she doesn't like him over with me when he should be living over there by where she lives....she said that he never goes over or calls her anymore and that he took a week vacation and didn't spend one day with her...(but he did) we saw her mon, tues, Thursday, and Friday of the week he had vacation. And we invited her to disneyland that Saturday....she couldn't go because she had to babysit the other grand kids that live with her. But she kept complaining about him but seeing her and that he used to take her to Costco shopping and now he doesn't....
She has left him two messages on his phone asking why he hasn't gone to see her, that i was the one who did something wrong, not her or him. But she won't say what I did...
So here we are, thanksgiving....and she called him again...saying the same thing....that I did something to her and why hasn't he gone to see her...
I tried calling her three times today and I left a message wishing her a happy thanksgiving. She wouldn't pick up...and I text the sister and all she responded with was that they were at the market. Nothing else...and I'm absolutely crushed...I love family. And I treated his family better than my own and I'm beside myself...I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for those who have fallen asleep, I just needed to vent and didn't know where else to go to do it. Thank you to those who read this entirely. Hope you all had a great holiday!
Oh my goodness, Layla. First off I want to commend you because you are clearly a better person than I for caring so much about what sounds like a bit of a difficult woman. My MIL and FIL are very difficult people, and I am not nearly so patient with them. Neither are DHs 4 sisters, who thankfully are all such a blessing. I can't imagine life without them!

So I don't have much advice other than it sounds like you guys really have your act together and that the rest of the family doesn't and maybe she's jealous of that and has decided to blame you for her son not spending more time with her - even if that's not really the case. Do you think she was upset because you didn't spend Thanksgiving together? It doesn't sound like she's being reasonable, so if you don't want to escalate the conflict all you can do is be the bigger person, tell her you're sorry for whatever you did to upset her, and that you love being a part of her life and would never stop her son from seeing her whenever he was able. Maybe pointing out that you'll be living closer by soon and that this should automatically become less of an issue soon will diffuse the situation without either of you having to get into it too much. I truly hope it works out for you!

On to TTC stuff - I hope you O soon and catch that egg! Anyone's BFP would make me happy right now :) Good luck!

I bit the bullet and started the progesterone cream, Emerita brand. The first night I used 1/4 tsp and immediately regreted it. I felt like it made my heart race, although admittedly it could have been all in my head. 1/4 tsp while it doesn't sound like much is actually a lot to be rubbing into one spot, and I think that really threw me. So last night I decided to do just 1/8 tsp, and since I had no weird feelings after that, I did another 1/8 this morning. I think I'll continue with that dosage.

My temp this morning took a dip, although I can't be sure how accurate it is because we got to bed so late after Thanksgiving. After sleeping in a bit more my temp was back up, but I don't know which would be more valid. Anyway, really just in a wait and see pattern right now. Guess that's why they call it the TWW!

My poor dear 4 year old nephew took a spill at Thanksgiving dinner and was taken by ambulance to the ER for 40 stitches in his forehead and cheek. Scariest thing I've ever seen, and I can only imagine how terrified my sister in law was. It really made me appreciate everything I've already got that much more. Still hoping to add to our family ASAP, but after that shock I guess I'm a little more willing to live life and take the next blessing when it comes.

Hope those in the states had a happy (and less eventful!) thanksgiving!
Sorry I'm not getting chance to get online as much as normal at the moment. We sold our house yesterday and move in 2 weeks! It's hectic!! xxx
Layla - I would echo Seattle, you are being very understanding with what sounds like a difficult person, but it sounds like you are willing to go the extra mile to preserve the relationship. I would make sure you reassure her that you, and probably more importantly, her son will be living closer to her soon which likely means more visits. Talk to your OH if you want to take a harder line/set limits. That's on him to take the lead.

Re: TTC, I should be ovulating between now and Wednesday too!

Seattle, continue to update us on your thoughts on the progesterone cream. I'm interested. And of course on your testing.

Iow-bird - Good luck with moving!
Thank you TTCinseattle and radkat.....I appreciate your help....yeah, I really tried with my oh's mom....and the problem with us moving closer, is that she wants her son to move closer, but for me and our little one to stay living over here! Lol really!!! She doesn't think anyone is good enough for her he has stopped talking to her and visiting her for the time being....I don't like that he has to do that because I don't want to come between him and his family. Ever.
That being said....I have decided to stop trying to get pregnant for the time being...this cycle I took soy isoflavens and it moved my O date up by four I'm about 2 dpo now and we didn't dtd during the fertile window...and all of the drama right now with his family and the holidays coming up, I think I'm feeling really overwhelmed and weepy and I have decided to to just focus on myself and my well being and more opks and and symptom spotting....I just wanna wait a few months and maybe my cycles will be more regular and it won't be too difficult to conceive...I hope. My LP is very short also, so we will see. I will still come to this thread though and stalk you ladies to see if you get your bfps!!
iow bird good luck with the move and congrats on the sale!!! It's going to be a very busy Christmas for you!
Layla - Good luck to you with everything!

IOW - Congrats on the sale, hope your move goes smoothly - or as smooth as possible with two little ones!

Radkat - I'm going to test Wednesday. It's super early to be testing (9dpo and I got my light positive last month at 12dpo, although that wasn't FMU), so even if this is my month I'm not holding out too much hope that it will be positive. But at least there's a chance I'll have some results for you by the time you'd want to start considering progesterone!

My experience so far with the progesterone has been great. I've been on it since Wednesday, and other than that racing heart the very first night, I've had no issues (and I think that was my nerves about the progesterone, and not actually caused by the progesterone).

I am really broken out, which doesn't really make sense for progesterone and started happening before I started it. It all seems to be on the left side of my face, and I read that can indicate what side you O'ed from, which is consistent with the O pain I felt.

I'm also exhausted which happened to me last cycle, so I'm hoping it's a good sign and that my body is baby making!

My temps are looking good, which could just be the progesterone doing it's thing. I had a dream last night that my temp dropped to 91. It finally dawned on me that that wasn't logical, and I was able to pull myself awake. It was still early for temping, but I temped anyway since I wouldn't have 3 hours of sleep before my usual time, and the temp was already good. Have any of you temped throughout the night? I often do because I never know if DS will sleep through the night or not, and I find that earlier in the night my temp is low and then gradually gets higher towards morning. So getting that high temp in the wee hours of the morning made me really happy!

I need to stop being so optimistic now before I jinx it :winkwink:
Hi girls! I feel like I've completely lost touch with whats going on on here :(
We've completely missed my fertile window this month. BDed on Sat and got ewcm on Monday, Ben is still away from home during the week which sucks!! At least we'll all be together again soon :) So no TWW for me this month, hoping we get a lot of time to BD over xmas! :)
Good luck to everyone this month, it's about time we got some more BFPs!!! :)
Hey ladies! I've been keeping quiet on this thread because nothing really has been happening, but I got my first positive opk this morning! I'm very excited but worried that I'll be crushed if I don't get a bfp. This is only our first cycle ttc and I know that because of breastfeeding it might take a long time to get pregnant again. My cycles are still a bit long (this is third cycle pp) and luteal phase is a bit short (10-ish days) but I'm just really hoping it happens!

Iow -- I'm so sorry you missed your fertile window this month, but as you said, hopefully you can get in a lot of fun bd-ing over the holidays!

Layla -- that sounds like such a stressful situation, I'm sorry! Hope it all works out for you all!
Layla - Good luck.

Seattle - Interesting about breaking out on the side you ovulate on. Keep us updated on your testing.

Iow - Saturday to Monday doesn't sound like too much of a stretch. Who knows?

Schmetterling - I got a positive OPK today too! We BD last night because I had a feeling it'd be positive today. Hopefully tonight and tomorrow too. We'll probably be testing around the same day too.

Kalyrra - What's up with you?
Just as a point of interest, I've been eating those cassava chips (you can get them in the supermarket out here, called vege chips/crisps) and my ov pains this month are off the chart and on both sides. Going to keep on munching on them as they're yummy and see if it helps :)
redkat: Technically it was the early hours of Sunday morning ;) but we'll see, not expecting to happen. I'm getting ov pains today (tuesday) so may have Oed last night or yesterday afternoon. I've had a tummy bug though so not too hopeful. I'm not too bothered this month, so much going on!!!
Looks like there's 3 of us Oing on or around the same day :)
Kalyrra? How are you doing babe? xxx
Awesome. I had an entire post typed out and accidentally erased it. :dohh:

LO is finally over his cold, but he's cutting in his front top tooth. So still lots of interrupted sleep here!

We put up our Christmas tree last night. I bought plastic ornaments and strung them with fishing line instead of hooks so I didn't have to worry about Landon getting a hold of them and choking or stabbing his eyes.

We BD'ed on Saturday and should have done it yesterday, but we were too tired. Will try to get one in today before DH goes to work tonight. I expect to see a + Opk within the next 72 hrs if I hold to the same as last cycle.
I fell down the testing rabbit hole this morning - BFN, big surprise lol. I'm 7-8dpo today depending, so I'm not really expecting to see anything until Friday at the earliest, but I'm going to test everyday til AF. I could justify this in some way because of the progesterone and wanting to be on top of things, but it's really just impatience ;) I had cramping on Saturday that could have been implantation.

How early have you ladies got BFPs?
Hi ladies. We've been a bit quiet recently as LO and I both had really bad colds last week and its been a tough and exhausting week.

Layla - that's really hard re your MIL. I think the MIL and DIL relationship is such a hard one. Sounds like you're being very caring and patient towards her. I would probably get OH to have a word if it was me a

Iow - good luck with the move. I hope you've got lots of help. Its so hard moving with LOs and then the weeks after where you don't know where e everything is. I really struggled when we moved around LOs first birthday

Seattle - interesting to hear about the prog cream.

All quiet here otherwise.around CD9 and nothing much yet
Ps I got the BFP with LO on 10dpo last time. A very faint line on internet cheapie then a positive on a digi the next day
I have no idea how many days I was with Sophia. I think it was my due day that I tested positive so probably 13 or 14 dpo. I am pretty sure it would not have been 10 dpo.

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