Charlie, so sorry about your illness and AF

And your temping getting messed up, that's so frustrating! A month is a long time to have to say well, hopefully I'll get a better picture next month.
Yes, this is the first month I've ever used OPKs and the 4th month I've temp'd. I had a chemical last month, and I'm suspicious that low progesterone due to DS's heavy nursing could be to blame. My temps in August (first cycle back) were fairly all over the place, September dipped below baseline, but actually looked okay in October, so maybe the pregnancy just wasn't meant to be. I'm only on prenatal and vitamin D currently. I held off on B6 and Vitex this month out of fear that they'd delay O. But I am seriously thinking of them for next cycle (if necessary, fingers crossed not!) to help regulate the estrogen to progesterone levels. I'm down to nursing 2-3 times per day, but like you only for the past few weeks, so hard to say yet how that's affecting me.
Kalyrra, I've read you're not supposed to use FMU because it can cause you to miss the surge or get a false positive, but once I got my first positive in the afternoon I just kept regularly testing to get a complete picture of when the surge ended - and to feed my pee on a stick addiction

I tested positive yesterday both with FMU and in early afternoon, so I'm confident the FMU test wasn't a false positive.
Radkat, I'm so excited to hear when you O! Seems like the tables have turned and now instead of being the only one here not DPO, I'm the only one in the TWW! What are your thoughts on progesterone cream? I just read about Hypospadias risk with progesterone pills and that scared me, but I haven't come across anything regarding the cream and birth defects.
I probably should just contact my doc, explain my concerns, and see what she says, but everything I've read says to start the cream right after O, and at this point in my cycle I don't think progesterone would test very high regardless. It seems like you wouldn't really test into a concerning area until you actually knew you were pregnant, and maybe then it would be too late? I found this link gave me a pretty clear picture on how the levels work, but I'm still not clear on what to do
On the one hand I keep thinking if I'm this unsure I should just let nature do it's thing and hope that cutting back on BF is already making a big difference. On the other hand I think it doesn't sound like the cream can hurt, so better safe than sorry. I've never been so 50/50 on a decision in my life!