Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

Seattle, I didn't up anything, I was sick as a dog the whole pregnancy as I get hyperemesis! I was pretty tired for the first tri, then was ok for the 2nd. Worst bit was that I got nursing aversion, so I was cringing feeding Tilly, but I was determined to get to 2yrs with her feeding and couldn't stop! You just do what feels right for you and what works for you!

IOW, you stalked me across the internet! :winkwink: Don't you love CountdownToPregnancy? I love voting and getting other people's opinions on my tests! I think the general consensus is that the doc I saw is a twit, lol. Seemingly confirmed by the much darker positive I got this morning - started to show immediately! For the record the doc who delivered DS was unavailable so I saw one of her colleagues who no longer works OB. I was definitely taking everything she said with a grain of salt, and I really hope to nurse through this whole pregnancy.

I'm hoping it will be strong enough to come up on a Clear Blue digi tomorrow. I'd like to wrap up a "Pregnant" test for DH and surprise him with it!

How's packing going?? :hugs:

By the way, Schmetterling, I've read that you can get a little bit of O bleeding a few days after O because it takes awhile to make it's way out your body. So probably just a good confirmation of a strong O this month! GL!
Seattle - So happy that your tests are getting stronger! I think with nursing while pregnant, you do whatever works for you.

Kalyrra - I'm sorry your DH was insensitive. The most important thing is that you're working towards healthier habits. Most of the recent research says that good eating habits and moderate exercise is more important than being skinny.

Schmetterling - I got some post O blood this month too. Never had that before. Hopefully it means good things for us.

How annoying. FF just moved my O day from CD16 to CD18. Still covered for BD (maybe even better covered), but now I'm only 3 DPO instead of 5. And my O day didn't move up this month. Boo.
Thanks ladies! Even if the blood was from ovulation, I'm still happy with that! Hey, at least I'm ovulating! My daughter was 17 months old when my cycles came back and I was starting to think I'd have to wait until she weaned to get pregnant! So I'm just thrilled there's a possibility :)
Congratulations Seattle. What fantastic news XX
Congrats TTCinseattle!! Happy and healthy nine months!!!
hehe Seattle, it's bad that I recognised your test (well... the story helped)! I love countdown to pregnancy, but I'm not symptom spotting this month as I'm 99% sure we missed it this month. So glad your tests are getting darker :) yayayayay!!!

I just found out Ben has 3 weeks off for Christmas.... plenty of baby making time :) at least it's all fun if it doesn't make a baby!!! :) 1 week till moving. So hectic here!!!
Approximately 2 dpo here.

For those of you who temp, do you use a regular thermometer or did you get a special basal body one? I might start temping so I know for sure which day I ovulate. I'm tired of guessing within a 48 hr period. I use opk's, but that only tells me when my surge is. I always assume I ovulate the second day of positives, but my CM starts changing from EWCM to creamy pretty quickly by the end of that second day, so I'm not sure.

We definitely have this month covered, we Bd'ed every day Tuesday through Saturday... and I think I ovulated on Thursday or Friday.

iow_bird - I'm so excited for you and your new home! I don't envy you the stress of moving, though! :haha: 3 weeks off for Christmas? That would be nice!

Seattle - happy your tests are getting darker! Sounds like a sticky little bean! Are you past your AF due date now?

Schmetterling - I've heard that spotting from ovulation means you're really fertile! So hopefully that's the case for you!
Kalyrra, you should get a bbt thermometer as the change is usually to 2 decimals so wouldn't be picked up on a regular thermometer. I only started last month and it's a lot less hassle than you think, only takes 5 minutes, if that, and tells you so much, especially while bfing.

IOW bird, good luck with your house move, I would love to move to a bigger place, but yes I don't envy you the move, but once over with, so worth it!

Seattle, yey for stronger BFPs! You should post one to that doc!

All boring and quiet here on the count down to O, now CD 12 and just hoping for an earlier O this month! Will even be happy with a CD 16!

Radkat why did FF change your O day to 18, very frustrating! Fingers crossed for a longer LP for you!
Kalyrra - I bought what I thought was a bbt, but it only goes to one decimal place. Seems to work fine. However, I don't think the bbt are much more expensive so you might as well. Good job on the BDing.

Charlie - I'm not sure why FF changed my O day. I'm trying to share my chart below if you want to look.

Iow_bird- Good luck on moving. We're going to move across the country after baby #2 comes. Totally dreading it. Hope yours goes smoothly.

My Ovulation Chart
Radkat, I wonder if it's because of your + OPK on CD 16 and 17? Looking at only the temps I would say day 15 but with the OPKs day 18, but I am no expert, very much a novice!

Last month I got crosshairs on CD 17 with + OPKs on CD 16 and 17, but looking at my temperature only it looks like I O'd on CD 14. So similar to yours, I will try and share it.
Radkat Agreed with Charlie, it's gotta be the positive OPKs causing the CH to move, I would definitely put O at CD15 based on your temps alone.

Kalyrra AF due Tuesday. Makes me a bit stressed that I'm not even late yet! But so far looking great, I'm just going to try to be relaxed and confident in this pregnancy.

I couldn't find a two decimal point thermometer, so I just use a regular one and it seems to work fine. The most difficult part for me is making sure I get enough sleep, but for the most part the chart seems to even out as long as enough accurate info gets on there. Good luck this cycle though!

Charlie Hoping you see O in the next few days! Based on your last post, maybe you're Oing earlier than you realize? Strange that the positive OPKs would be so late though...
Charlie and Seattle - Thanks for your feedback on my O date. So it seems maybe more like CD15, but then why the +OPKs later? Hard to know what to trust. I'd be less covered BD wise if it were CD15. Hmmm... need to remember to BD early next cycle if this one doesn't work out.

BTW Seattle, your temps look great.
Radkat - how frustrating for you! It's annoying not to know when you O'ed, isn't it? I don't chart, so I can't comment on temps... but I know that you only O when your LH surge tells you to, so I'd be more inclined to follow the opk's... but that's just me. :shrug: Next cycle, just BD every other day and you'll be set! lol :haha:

Seattle - wow, you have a really long LP! Don't be too nervous, it sounds like you've got a sticky bean as your lines were getting darker. :thumbup:

I really need to not focus on the 2WW this time around... most of the time I'm pretty good about it, but now it's all I'm thinking about! Probably because after this cycle we might take a break so I can focus on losing weight. We'll see.

On another note... have any of you noticed that you experienced any symptoms of depression when you were dropping feeds? I'm not "depressed" per se, but I swear the hormonal changes are messing with me. I feel like I'm PMSing the entire time, my poor hubby never knows what mood I'm going to be in when he gets home. I know some of it is frustration with LO and lack of sleep lately, but in general I have a much shorter fuse, don't really feel like doing much, etc... is it just me?
Kalyrra, OMG yes yes yes I so have had really low moods when I have dropped feeds, especially when we went from 3 to 2. I had lots of tears for no known reason, which isn't really like me even PMS. It does make sense that it's the hormonal changes causing it. I did read about it occurring when women stop breastfeeding and their oxytocin levels drop, the love hormone as it's meant to make you feel loved up, so would make sense. Are you trying to wean?

Oh and Radkat, I agree with Kalyrra, the combination of OPKs and temp, you prob did O at the later date.

CD 13 for me and still no imminent sign with the OPKs but have started getting busy with DTD, if it's going to happen, it'll be sometime this week!
Kalyrra, OMG yes yes yes I so have had really low moods when I have dropped feeds, especially when we went from 3 to 2. I had lots of tears for no known reason, which isn't really like me even PMS. It does make sense that it's the hormonal changes causing it. I did read about it occurring when women stop breastfeeding and their oxytocin levels drop, the love hormone as it's meant to make you feel loved up, so would make sense. Are you trying to wean?

Oh and Radkat, I agree with Kalyrra, the combination of OPKs and temp, you prob did O at the later date.

CD 13 for me and still no imminent sign with the OPKs but have started getting busy with DTD, if it's going to happen, it'll be sometime this week!
How's everyone doing? Any positive symptoms in the TWW??? Seeing as I'm not symptom spotting I need to live vicariously through you lot!!!
Are you trying to wean?

I'm working him down, hoping to be completely weaned sometime in the next 6 months. He'll be a year in January, and my original goal was to BF him for 6 months, so I hit that!Then I decided I'd go for a year, and we'll hit that too! :thumbup: So, we're down to 3 (and occasionally 4) feeds a day. I want another LO soon, and I have a feeling it's my BFing hindering that.

I think the hormonal change happened because we went from 7 or 8 feeds a day to 3 or 4 without any gradual weaning.

iow_bird - nothing to report here, but I'm only about 3 dpo, so... lol I do have a good bit of CM, but that's not unusual for me at this point. I will say that this cycle I had lots more CM throughout the entire cycle than I normally do, so I'm hoping that's a good sign for my fertility!
Kalyrra - That's a big jump from 7-8 feeds to 3-4. All of my reductions were gradual so I don't recall a mood change, but it totally makes sense! Hang in there. Things will even out.

I'm 6DPO. No symptoms. I'm totally planning on testing early. Probably 8-9 DPO. My rationalization is that I want to know if I'm getting pregnant and my short LP is keeping me from staying pregnant. I'll keep you all updated.
Radkat - I'm 7 dpo today and was also thinking of testing early...tomorrow or Thursday. I was reading on countdowntopregnancy that like 33% of pregnant people get bfp's at 8 dpo and about half get them at 9 dpo. So I think maybe I'll wait till at least 9 dpo. But I'm super scared to test! I don't know why. I think I am just really scared of seeing a I should probably wait to see if I miss af but I'm also very impatient! I lost my 20 internet cheapies otherwise I probably would have given in already.

I don't really have many symptoms. I did have brown/pink tinged cm at 3 dpo and cramping around then and have had a few tiny things here and there that could happen anytime but I'm just noticing more now that we are ttc.

This is only our first cycle ttc, but I'm already anticipating being devastated if we don't get pregnant. Ugh, ttc is rough. Best of luck to you all!

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