Radkat, I used that same kind of justification for why I was testing early. I mean, it couldn't be because I'm neurotic and impatient, right?!
Schmetterling, I read that too and that's why I started testing at 8dpo. For me not a single hint of anything until 11dpo though. All those negatives were awful, and funnily they only made me want to pee on something again right away! I actually used a couple OPKs in the middle of the day to satisfy that urge and not waste my more limited supply of HPTs. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, although they were negative then, the OPKs are now super positive! All in all I'm glad I know exactly when the tests turned positive for me, so I guess the BFNs were worth it.
Your symptoms sound very promising!! Can't wait for some test results from you all!
I've been watching my progression on the remainder of my Wondfos and was nervous this morning to see a line only as dark as yesterday's. I know, I know...all the things you'd all say, lol. But they're just not as comforting as seeing that line get darker every day. And I can't believe how light Wondfo still is now at 15dpo. I asked DH and he thought it looked darker. I said are you crazy?! He looked down at me, sitting on the edge of the tub, crouched over the notebook I tape my tests in, raised his eyebrows and said am *I* crazy??

Touché, DH!
Still nervous. I'm having so much cramping, pulling, twinging etc. I didn't experience anything like this first time around. The TWW is maddening, but I think the wait for the safety of 12 weeks is worse for me!