Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

So I know there's no chance of being preggy this month, we BDed on CD10 and I normally O on CD16, but I got ewcm on CD11/12 hmmmmm! Lying in bed last night I felt so sick! I hope I'm not coming down with something, I don't have time!!! I'm itching to test just to satisfy my POAS addiction, but I know it's just a waste of money as at most I'd be 8dpo.
Iow bird, test test!

Radkat and schmetterling too, test soon :thumbup: It does seem a lot of people get a BFP at 9 dpo. With my dd I was negative until my due date which I am guessing was 14 dpo, so either way a negative doesn't mean you're not!

Kalyrra, that was a big drop, I am not surprised you felt down, hope your body is getting adjusted now. I did read that you are more likely to get pregnany while breastfeeding if you feed less than 3 times a day, so some hope for you :thumbup: I think I will have to wean to get pregnant, just a feeling that even though my cycles are back to normal in every way, except my LP, I just don't think it will happen. Unfortunately age is not on my side, so if I don't get lucky this cycle, I will drop one feed, so that will be one feed every morning. However I think that last feed may take a few months to go though. The though of weaning makes me :cry: but then so does missing my window to have another :shrug:
Schmetterling - I love stats. You've only strengthened my decision to test early. :) I had a little bit of blood at 2-3 DPO as well...interesting.

Kalyrra - I didn't even get a real period back until I went down to 3-4 feeds so I'd say you're ahead of the game.

Charlie - I kinda feel the same way about weaning. I don't know what will happen with my LP otherwise. I will probably wean sometime in January, I'm guessing.
Radkat - I got my bfp at 9 or 10 dpo with LO. They say 6-10 days to implant, so that's definitely when people start testing! lol

I got my period back at 5 1/2 months PP, so I'm on cycle 6 already!

iow_bird - wouldn't it figure, the one month you don't try and you'll probably end up UTD? :haha:

charlie my cycles have been fairly normal the last 2 times, so we'll see... maybe dropping those feeds helped!

schmetterling - testing without IC's can be very expensive! If I only had FRER's, I'd wait until AF was late. But I have a drawer of IC's :haha: I always plan on waiting until 9 or 10 dpo, but end up testing a little earlier. :blush:
kaylrra -- very true. I did find 2-3 barely expired (yes I know it's a big no no but if I can't resist I may use them and see) IC's and 1 non-expired store brand test. So it's much more tempting to test early and use those up...

iow_bird -- you're still in the game!

radkat -- I do too. I was shocked how many people get bfp's at 8 dpo. Granted, they included very, very faint lines but still!

charlie -- have you tried acupuncture to boost your fertility? My naturopath said that's usually the first thing she tries while a woman is breastfeeding and ttc. Otherwise I think maca root was suggested and vitex as a sort of last resort. There may be some other ideas she had as well. I'd of course check with a professional before you try anything different.

I felt pretty tired this afternoon -- it came over me all of a sudden. Then the thought of food grossed me out and my stomach was bothering me a little. I've also been slightly gassy. No clue if any of this is related. Ugh, I just want to know either way so I can stop obsessing. Oh also my teeth have been super sensitive...weird.
Radkat, I used that same kind of justification for why I was testing early. I mean, it couldn't be because I'm neurotic and impatient, right?!

Schmetterling, I read that too and that's why I started testing at 8dpo. For me not a single hint of anything until 11dpo though. All those negatives were awful, and funnily they only made me want to pee on something again right away! I actually used a couple OPKs in the middle of the day to satisfy that urge and not waste my more limited supply of HPTs. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, although they were negative then, the OPKs are now super positive! All in all I'm glad I know exactly when the tests turned positive for me, so I guess the BFNs were worth it.

Your symptoms sound very promising!! Can't wait for some test results from you all! :dust:

I've been watching my progression on the remainder of my Wondfos and was nervous this morning to see a line only as dark as yesterday's. I know, I know...all the things you'd all say, lol. But they're just not as comforting as seeing that line get darker every day. And I can't believe how light Wondfo still is now at 15dpo. I asked DH and he thought it looked darker. I said are you crazy?! He looked down at me, sitting on the edge of the tub, crouched over the notebook I tape my tests in, raised his eyebrows and said am *I* crazy?? :haha: Touché, DH!

Still nervous. I'm having so much cramping, pulling, twinging etc. I didn't experience anything like this first time around. The TWW is maddening, but I think the wait for the safety of 12 weeks is worse for me!
Hi ladies! Good luck iow! I'm not much of a symptom spotter....I'm pretty sure I'm gearing up for af! I AM happy to say that my LP has gotten longer....I am currently 11 dpo....I tested yesterday and it was a bfn....but I was pretty sure I missed the egg since I only bd once three days before O....but a longer lp is definitely good need even if I'm not pregnant this cycle....on to next!
TTCinseattle how are you feeling now? With my LO I had a lot of cramping and even bleeding during my first three the cramping may be just your uterus adjusting to the next nine many dpo is everyone here? Or cd? Anyone due to test today? Good luck ladies!
Somehow I resisted the urge to test today (8 dpo). We will see if I have the same will power tomorrow!
Somehow I resisted the urge to test today (8 dpo). We will see if I have the same will power tomorrow!

We'll see if I have the same strength tomorrow. I'll be 8DPO then as well.

Seattle - I love your DH's comment. I always wonder what this whole thing looks like to the partners.

I looked back at my chart the month that I got pregnant with LO and I had implantation bleeding on 11-12DPO, which I kinda feel doesn't bode well for me and my short LP. I know implantation could happen earlier, but still. We'll see.
Hope we have some BFPs by the end of the weekend!

Charlie, any sign of O yet? Fx that it's moved up for you.

I'm feeling good today. Used my last Wondfo, and it was a smidge darker, and now I can't torture myself with them anymore. Still feeling a lot of cramping, and some very light nausea. I guess baby might just be getting comfy in there, but seems like that would have happened more the first go round. This time shouldn't it be all broken in thanks to DS?! :haha::shrug: Now my biggest worry is remembering the progesterone cream twice a day everyday for the next 8 weeks.

Radkat, what did you decide about the progesterone?

Got a lot of Christmas shopping done today. Now just need to place an Amazon order, run to Nordstrom, and pull off a dinner party this Friday! Then I can relax for the rest of the season and just attend parties :winkwink:
congrats Seattle! I have been MIA recently and it was so nice to come back to such great news!!! :)
Welcome back, Jokerette. Sorry to hear about the mc.

Seattle - I haven't made a decision about progesterone yet, but definitely leaning that way.
I had worse symptoms with my second baby, all the stretching and cramping was heaps worse heaps earlier! xxx

Jokerette: Glad you're back babe! xxx
Alright ladies I broke down and tested today (9 dpo). It was unsurprisingly a bfn. However I'm making myself crazy because when I get the test at a certain angle I feel like I can see just a hint of a line. Then other times I see nothing. It certainly won't show up in a pic. I'm just going to take it as is: a bfn, and test again tomorrow. I'm sure my eyes are making things up anyway. Trying to accept the fact that this almost certainly won't happen on the first cycle and to prepare myself for af.

Has anyone else tested today?
Ummm, yeah, I did. :blush:

And of course it was BFN. I'm only 8DPO. I'm going to try to wait until Saturday. That's when AF is due. If nothing else, I'm hoping for a longer LP.

I'm looking at FF and it predicting that my next O date will be when we're traveling. Fantastic. It's super easy to BD a lot when you staying with your parents and in laws and in the same room as LO. Oh and keeping the OPKs, temping, preseed out of sight of everyone. Hopefully, we'll get some BD in.
Schmetterling sorry about your BFN, but still very early days, good luck tomorrow! I have never considered acupuncture at all tbh. We are only on our 3rd month of TTC and I feel I just want to let my body do its thing now when it's good and ready, but who knows I may well consider it in the future.

I laughed at your DHs comment about your little book :haha: what must it look like? Mind you my OH asks no questions and just let's me get on with it and I don't really ever talk to him about my research and concerns, only the basics! I think I'd scare him otherwise :dohh: As for my O day, I had a + OPK today, CD 16 so the same as last month, which then meant I O'd on CD17. But this month has been different in other ways, so I feel like even though I am Oing on the same day, other things are more back to normal. Tbh because of my LP I have been a bit slack this month with BDing, we have only BD once on CD13 ! We will tonight though. But I feel the same as you Radkat, I just don't think I will get pregnant with a short LP. I know some women do, but like you i didn't get my BFP until late with my daughter so reckon I wouldn't have implanted then until 10 or 11 DPO I have no idea if implantation is different with each pregnancy or similar for the same woman each time though :shrug:

Jokerete, sorry about your mc, hope you're feeling ok

Any more testing today??
Radkat, missed your post, good luck on Saturday, that is if you're not tempted before :winkwink:

Ooh bad timing for your next O day, hopefully you won't need it, but I'm sure you will find a way!
Radkat -- If I didn't see the ghost line (evap probably or just my eyes), I would wait until Saturday too, as that is when af is due (based on last cycle at least). But I'll probably test tomorrow (and probably be disappointed again lol). I got my bfp with my daughter at 12 dpo and it was pretty strong. It was the first time I tested to I'm guessing I could have gotten a positive at 10-11 dpo maybe. Anyway, we'll see. I'm not holding onto too much hope. Best of luck for your testing on Saturday! I'll be anxious to see the results!

Jokerette -- so sorry to hear about your mc
Layla, I think that would be just like the TTC game if you did get pregnant right as you decided to stop trying! :) Definitely possible. Keep us posted!

SOOOOOOoooo.......I just got two bfps on the hcg strips...light, but definitely there and I'm about 11-12 dpo....I'm crying right now....all kinds of things are racing through my head right now...I'm in utter shock and disbelief.

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