welcome cupcakes
Kalyrra, at 9dpo, could that not have been implantation bleeding?
Did the B vitamins help you before at all? maybe you could try a higher dose? I don't think they made any difference for me, in fact i have a feeling they made it worse or did nothing at all. I guess it depends on the individual. I find having a short LP so frustrating, it is so hard to motivate yourself isn't it? last month mine was 8 daysreally hoping for at least 10 days this month, at least it would be an improvement!
she has been sleeping through the night with no feeds since 6 weeks old.
she doesnt have many feeds during the day maybe 2-3 at most, i supplement with bottle feeding as im trying to get my fertility back!
she has been having solids for about 2-3 weeks ish.
im trying everything i can! i really dont there to be a big gap before no.3 because i want them to be equal, not 2 older kids and then a baby.
where is af?! i like testing regularly and nothing. feel like i cant do anymore - only more BD!
Really bummed, we wanted our kids to be close in age (like, less than 2 years apart) and it's starting to look like that's not going to happen. LO is going to be 1 in January!
Welcome Princess Em and Mrs. Cupcake!
Princess Em - It seems like you're ahead of the game with already having regular cycles. Do you plan on temping? If so, that will confirm if you're ovulating.