Kalyrra - Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like whatever you're doing is working already. I think it's a great idea to take it easy with TTC while you're focusing on being healthy.
Kalush - Here's to a longer LP.
Welcome, Kelsey. I like your enthusiasm.
Cupcake - Hooray for the fertile period. Have fun BDing!
I got a positive OPK on New Year's Day, so we've been BDing as well. My temp was lower today which is weird, but doesn't that happen sometimes on the actual O day? We'll see what happens tomorrow. Overall, my cycle has been super weird. I had a really long AF - 9 days of actual flow with a day of spotting on either side. Usually it's 5 days. And heavier in the middle/end when usually it's heavier at the beginning. Also we were traveling so my temps are kinda wonky. I don't know what to think about this cycle. We'll see.
Kalush - Here's to a longer LP.
Welcome, Kelsey. I like your enthusiasm.

Cupcake - Hooray for the fertile period. Have fun BDing!
I got a positive OPK on New Year's Day, so we've been BDing as well. My temp was lower today which is weird, but doesn't that happen sometimes on the actual O day? We'll see what happens tomorrow. Overall, my cycle has been super weird. I had a really long AF - 9 days of actual flow with a day of spotting on either side. Usually it's 5 days. And heavier in the middle/end when usually it's heavier at the beginning. Also we were traveling so my temps are kinda wonky. I don't know what to think about this cycle. We'll see.