Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

My LP is now 14 days again (or at least it was last month) but it took about 8-9 afs while BFing to get to that point! It jumped around 10-12 days for a while so I think it's ok for your body to still be working things out :flower:

CD23 for me, I got a peak on my cbfm yesterday and today and high two days before that so it's all go here! Lol. Then after today may the tww begin!

Frizz bee my LO is Emilia also! So cute! But she's Emilia Rosario and born on Father's Day excellent choice for name...

How long have you had your cycles back? I got mine back in pregnant and miss carried in December...but I don't know how regular my body is...were so close with our babies...just wanted some insight on how other 19 monthers are doing?

Aww that's so cool, I really do love the name :) my cycles came back when she was 11 months old, but they are quite long (34-36 days), so 8 cycles for me was quite a long time!

I also know a lot of pregnant people and one lady with a 12 week old - it does make me more broody seeing scan and bumo pics on facebook!

I'm about 5 DPO at the moment and waiting (im)patiently!
Hey ladies! I know I wasn't on here too long but I wanted to say that I still am checking back here and wishing all of you ladies the very best of luck!!!!! :)
Do any of you ladies know if BFing can make it more difficult for an egg to implant? I'm not referring to mc, just if after the egg is fertilised it can be more difficult. last cycle my lp was back to normal so I don't mean with a lp defect either, rather the last two days I've been having uterine cramping similar (but not as frequent/constant) as when I was pregnant with dd. today ive had nothing (which might not mean anything either way!). Dd has a sickness bug and although she's not nursing more (still once a day) she was nursing for longer (comforting sucking rather than drinking) because she fell asleep feeding. while she was doing his yesterday i was having lots of cramps and I was wondering whether if an egg was trying to implant, whether the uterine contractions from the bfing would have "pushed it out"?
I don't think it works like that :) I think your over thinking it all, I drove myself nuts thinking things like this the last 6 months but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not pregnant and I'll never know if an egg fertilised. It totally sucks that you have to wait for a positive test to know! I've had also rats of weird and wonderful cramps while feeding, not feeding etc.
I really hope it was a wee eggy implanting for you though. How many dpo are you?
I don't think it works like that :) I think your over thinking it all, I drove myself nuts thinking things like this the last 6 months but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not pregnant and I'll never know if an egg fertilised. It totally sucks that you have to wait for a positive test to know! I've had also rats of weird and wonderful cramps while feeding, not feeding etc.
I really hope it was a wee eggy implanting for you though. How many dpo are you?

You're right, I'm the worst over thinker there is! You hit the nail on the head there :) thanks for your answer, I think you're right - I was just having a moment and feel more positive now. funny how your mood/mindset can flit about. I was having some uterine pains/stretching sensations in the night and now, but last time I was pg my temps rocketed and I was so hot I was having night sweats every night in the early days. I'm not temping now, but no night sweats, so who knows. There I am over thinking again.

I'm 7dpo now which I know is early for symptoms in the tww, but they were early for me when I was pg last time too.
I understand your feeling superfrizbee. I fell pregnant with my son the 1st month of NTTP. This time it's been 5 months of NTTP and this is month 5 of TTC.
I understand your feeling superfrizbee. I fell pregnant with my son the 1st month of NTTP. This time it's been 5 months of NTTP and this is month 5 of TTC.

I hope this month is your month :flower: glad I'm not alone in feeling like this sometimes at least!
:) definitely not alone. I've been getting twinges and weird cramps. I'm a terrible symptom spotter though! I have been unusually sensitive and snappy the last few days. I'm not bothered whether I'm utd or not though. Ive got mum coming to stay for 6 weeks, she's disabled so will kind of ruin. Her visit if I'm puking all the time!][/URL]
Does this look positive or nearly? The middle one was taken at 3pm and the bottom one 8pm.][/URL]
Does this look positive or nearly? The middle one was taken at 3pm and the bottom one 8pm.
Almost, maybe you will have your surge tonight or tomorrow...better get busy!][/URL]
Does this look positive or nearly? The middle one was taken at 3pm and the bottom one 8pm.
Almost, maybe you will have your surge tonight or tomorrow...better get busy!
This is early for me. This was taken on CD 14 so maybe it will only be a 30 day cycle this month. My shortest has been 30 and my longest 36.
30 days is better than 36 so :thumbup:

Looks like I am a day behind you then I am CD 16 and had a positive OPK on CD 14 too.
I'm guessing I'm around 2 or 3 dpo. I didn't do any kind of tracking this month... no OPK's, no temping, no CM checking or position. It's kind of liberating! lol

If I assume I O'ed around the same time, then I probably O'ed on Friday or Saturday.

Super busy here, though! With my new business, and teaching music, and playing piano at church full time with no help (the other girl moved out of state), I hardly had time to DTD with hubby! :dohh:
Kalyrra... What strategy are you using to wean LO? In trying to cut feeds also...I find that if we've gone more than a few hours and I air down, she wants to nurse, so I have to really stay busy and keep moving in irder to skip a feed and hold off till the next one. She doesn't like to take naps anymore but the only way I can get her to sleep for a nap is by nursing her.

I just completely eliminated his midday feed. He fussed a bit the first few days, but now he doesn't seem to notice. And the first 2 or 3 days, I wasn't even home during his normal feed time, just left him with DH and my mom so it wasn't even an option (or on his mind!).

I want to try to have him completely weaned in the next 2 months!
I'm setting myself up for serious disappointment this months have gotten myself convinced I'm pregnant. Completely exhausted, spots, mild cramps and few weird pains a few days ago, and little dude (who turned one today! Where did that time go)! Has been faffing about on the breast, which is really unlike him. I'm probably not, every month I've ever thought I might be, I haven't been and the times I've been pregnant, I had no clue! Ho hum!
Sorry about the excess of posts, you ladies are very quiet at the moment! Hope your all well and the tww isn't driving you too nuts if your in it!
I'm having a crap day, just feeling really fed up, this is our 7th month ttc, and I feel completely over it. Normally I'm fine, but I feel like it's never going to happen :( I don't even particularly want to be pregnant, I just hate how the pre af symptoms are so similar to early pregnancy symptoms, and the uncertainty every month. I am so looking forward to a time in my life where ttc is not ever going to be in my future!
Sorry iow bird that you are feeling so down about all of this ttcing! I feel the same and this is our 5th month. I don't know, for me I fell pregnant straight away with Sophia, so this is my first experience really of TTC and it sucks! I just keep on thinking that I will be one of those mums that can't have any more babies but that I should be grateful for what I have. I also feel that I have no right to complain! I've just been keeping of b&b until recently as needed some head space from the crazy world that is TTC!

But hey we are all here to have a rant every now and again! Hope your DS had a lovely 1st birthday x
Thanks Charlie! It does sick! It sucks so bad for those few days before af, and then the day it arrives. The rest of the time I'm fine! I'm just having a bad day. It took us 12 months to conceive Tilly and I'd go through every single day of it again for her, so I know it will be worth it again :)
Thinking of you ladies. I hope to see lots of BFPS soon!! how is nursing going?

Iowbird when will you test?
I also convince myself every month this will by my month. Officially in the TWW again now.

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