Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

I wish I could still legitimately say i''m part of this group but I feel crap :sick: I was feeding my son this pot of fruit cocktail puree by cow and gate and I felt so sick my eyes watered. It was revolting. Right now I feel like I'm swaying, it's a wierd feeling and I hate it :wacko: Hope you ladies are ok :thumbup: xx

I'm sorry you're not feeling well :(

But be glad you have symptoms, I wish I did, just to know this pregnancy was going to make it.
I wish I could still legitimately say i''m part of this group but I feel crap :sick: I was feeding my son this pot of fruit cocktail puree by cow and gate and I felt so sick my eyes watered. It was revolting. Right now I feel like I'm swaying, it's a wierd feeling and I hate it :wacko: Hope you ladies are ok :thumbup: xx

I'm sorry you're not feeling well :(

But be glad you have symptoms, I wish I did, just to know this pregnancy was going to make it.

Keeping my fingers x'd for you hun :hugs::hugs: xx
Thanks hun :)

Didn't you have a ticker before? HOw far along are you now?
Thanks hun :)

Didn't you have a ticker before? HOw far along are you now?

I did yeah but I think my siggy would be too big with it in :shrug: I've put it on the top page of my journal. I'm 5+2 today. I'm sure your lack of symptoms is nothing to worry about, I don't have many at all other than this sickness and dizziness that has only really gotten worse since last night. I'm not peeing loads and eating tonnes like I did with Arf. Take care hun and try not to worry, I know it's hard :hugs: xx
Ladies I am finally starting to oget sypmtoms too. Although yesterday was way worse than today. Its like it flucuates...does that make any sense?
Ladies I am finally starting to oget sypmtoms too. Although yesterday was way worse than today. Its like it flucuates...does that make any sense?

Sure it makes sense....esspecially w/ morning sickness. With my daughter I had it every day but to varying degrees and some days it was just 'different' then others. Congrats on getting symptoms...that is great!

Now you all need to throw some my way so I can relax a bit too :haha:
I am 5+2 and barely have any symptoms...I have sore bbs but only if I have had my bra on all day. Nausea seems to come and go. I generally don't "feel" pregnant and that does concern me. I have had my levels done and they all have came back fine. At 10dpo:30, 13dpo:222 and 20dpo:4165. They nurse even commented maybe more than 1. But after 3 early mcs I can't seem to grasp I am really pregnant since I am not really feeling it. Anyone else feel this way? XXXxxx

Hi were due around the same time and I have not had that many symptoms so I panic that something is wrong. I didnt even know I was preg until I had a BFP four days ago.. My bbs are sore same when I've had a bra on all day. I feel bloated but the sickness is not that bad only thing that ive notice now is other people that are around our stage are really tired and I dont really feel like that either. happy to be buddies we can share our journey xx
Welcome and congrats on your BFP Kierley! I am up and down with symptoms yesterday and the day before I felt awful. Today my bbs are barely sore and the nausea is barely here as well. I am back to being worried. I have another scan on tuesday. FX they see what they are suppose too. I had a early external scan on thursday and we seen a sac and a fuzzy bean but my levels were 27125.40 and I think we should have seen a hb with my levels that high even with a external one.
Ladies I am finally starting to oget sypmtoms too. Although yesterday was way worse than today. Its like it flucuates...does that make any sense?

Sure it makes sense....esspecially w/ morning sickness. With my daughter I had it every day but to varying degrees and some days it was just 'different' then others. Congrats on getting symptoms...that is great!

Now you all need to throw some my way so I can relax a bit too :haha:

I wish I was relaxed Mommy. I am still anxious twit. LOL
Ladies I am finally starting to oget sypmtoms too. Although yesterday was way worse than today. Its like it flucuates...does that make any sense?

Sure it makes sense....esspecially w/ morning sickness. With my daughter I had it every day but to varying degrees and some days it was just 'different' then others. Congrats on getting symptoms...that is great!

Now you all need to throw some my way so I can relax a bit too :haha:

I wish I was relaxed Mommy. I am still anxious twit. LOL

LOL...I know it's sooo nervewracking....esspecially after going through a loss. What I wouldn't give to have the naive excitedness I had with my daughter again! At least we both have scans on Tuesday!! Fingers crossed we see those heartbeats we are dying to see :)
Oh yay you have a scan too!! Wohoo I am so ready for it but scared at the same time. What time is your scan? Mine is at 11:30
I know I am sooo ready. But terrified. I'll be exactly 6 weeks, so I know it's possible to not see the heartbeat yet....but still hoping!! My u/s is at 1 then I have my nurses' consult right after. Aw man....I have to leave at 12 to be there on time so I won't get to see what happens at yours until I get home :(
I have to leave at 10 to get to mine on time. I think we may be back on line about the same time. LOL I will be 6+4 and my levels are high so I am thinking they should see a heartbeat. For both of us
I have to leave at 10 to get to mine on time. I think we may be back on line about the same time. LOL I will be 6+4 and my levels are high so I am thinking they should see a heartbeat. For both of us

Yeah, you seem to have super high levels!! I have no clue what my levels are, I was too scared to get them done. Who knows what is going on in there!! LOL!

I bet the only reason they didn't see it last time is because they did an external. When I had my m/c they always did internals (up to 7 weeks when they finally diagnosed it) I am sure they will do an internal this time as well.
He just did a quick scan on thursday cause I wasn't even schedules for a u/s. He just wanted to see if he could see anything. I was kinda anxious after the scan cause that is when he asked for my levels to be repeated.
Did you get new labs done already? Did you get back the results?
I got the labs done that day. My levels were 27125.40

Here is what that have been

13dpo: 222
20dpo: 4165
thanks for welcoming me to your group. I am a little worried about my lack of symptoms my previous pregnancy was riddled with complications and I am so nervous its going to be the same again. I cant seem to relax at all Im on edge and in a panic all the time.

It sounds silly but its like i sort of dont want to think about it until im past a safe mark as im expecting the worse to happen. The doctor was no help really today he didnt do any bloods or send me for a u/s because my dates are not clear he has reffered me to the specialist again but until that app comes through kind of in limbo.

Im going to see the mw on fri dont know if theres anything extra she can do.

hope your scans went well ladies xx
I just wanted to stop in and say hello! I posted on here about a week or so ago without symptoms and still none today which I'm beginning to dislike only because whatever small amount of distaste in food I had is gone and I feel almost completely normal except my breasts are huge (which, I ain't complaining...though they would be a dead giveaway to others if I flaunted them).

Anyway, we did see the baby on Wednesday of last week and the heart was just fluttering away. Is it true that the chances of m/c drop once you see the baby and the heart beating (or did I make that up)?

How is everyone else doing? Any new signs or symptoms? I see I've missed quite a lot. :)
Hey ladies. I have heard once you see the hb and hit 8 weeks your chance of a mc does lessen. But I have no proof of that but I will be praying for you

I have my u/s tomorrow and I am nervous. I am back to having no real symptoms. I am praying hard we see a healthy little bean with a hb

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