Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Ok, I have a question for you ladies. Do your belly buttons hurt? Mine is driving me Like the whole area around it hurts and feels bruised or inflamed. And of course, now I have a HUGE wide open innie, and if I put my finger in it and poke around towards my stomach it hurts a lot...ROFL! I think Lucas is stretching my belly beyond capacity or something.
Thats alot of cash for a fun test!! belly button is good. LOL, but a funny story. Joe came home from work this am at 5:30 am, It woke me up, so we were chatting. I was trying to be frisky as best as u cna with a huge belly. Needless to say he is all paranoid about what position we do it in as he is afraid to squish baby. So, I was telling him I really wanted to go on top and that wouldnt squish babes. He was like no we were just chatting and the didn't do anything, I got up later, brushed the teeth etc and hopped on top of him to give him a morning kiss. I couldnt totally strattle him as my inner thighs/muscles there hurt sooo bad. LOL..He was laughing at me saying come on babe....thought u wanted this. LOL. I was like HELL NO, it hurts. I just can't move like I used to. Anyways...I thought it was funny
ROFL....well I can still phsyically be on top....but no way in hell do I have the confidence to...esspecially huge as a house!! John keeps saying he can't wait till I am unprego so I'll get on top...not sure...I have some major poundage to loose first. You and Joe are funny though ;)

We haven't done it in a LONG time. I know I need to start putting In two weeks I am going to be all about it (I hope)...gotta start baby eviction.
Ya....Joe doesn't know about sperm being a natural induction of all is ripe and I am sooo not telling him as I am going to try to be suductive as heck in 3 weeks. LOL.

I am a working fool now ladies. I got a call last nite from the YWCA, a support home opertator like myself is 6 months pg, she started mc last nite and had to ship her client off as she need to go to hosp. So this am I got ANOTHER client just on a respite basis til she is well. I am sooo sad for her and her family. The client says that a foster kid kicked her in the belly yesterday??? I take that with a grain of salt. But sad none the less....I hope its not true and she is just in labour early. I know for a fact she is in labour as my boss told me but we dont know babies health yet.

So this am at 9:30 I had a home visit with the agency I used to work with, 1 pm I have a public gaurdian coming over to see the new home of my new client. 2 :30 I have good samaritain agency coming for a home visit for respite and 4pm we have to go do our taxes.Holy shit I am busy. LOL.....on top of things this last 1/2 hour I am really low and crampy and having stronger BH.... I am was like no baby...u better not try to come early now. Momma is finally busy

I hope u chickies are having a great weekend.
How is the meat Nicole?
OMG that is so sad about the other worker...I hope they manage to save her baby!!!

Good for you about the clients though....sounds like things are really picking up...good timing (or is it bad timing w/ babe coming next month).

OHHHH NOOOO....your little guy better chill himself out...he is not allowed to come yet!! LOL!
Wow Carole what a busy day. So sad about the other lady. I hope her baby is ok. So its only 1 month til your section!! WOOHOO You getting excited yet??

NIcole how is that belly button?? I can't say that mine is sore but defiantely stretched. LOL

Tiger how r u today?
Oh Carole, I really hope that woman's baby is okay. Please let us know if you find anything out!

Yay for the client opportunities though! Just when you think things are getting dim it just all comes together at once, ah?

Nicole, I will probably get that belly button pain when baby is that big, I have a well for a belly button which I'm sure won't care for being stretched out. hehe, I noticed too the down ward facing baby Lucas on FB!

So I had my coworker check me out today again, I figured what the hey since I'll be pretty busy next week. She's still head down, kicking her feet. My coworker tried to encourage her to turn towards us since we could only see a profile shot and she did turn.....turned her backside to us! :haha: She showed us for bothering her like that!
Aww man so I am alone in having a weirdo belly button? hurts like when I cough or anything!

That is awesome Tiger!!! I am just so glad things are continuing to go well for you!

I thought of another thing that is majorly different in this pregnancy than Lexi's for you to compare to. Not sure if it means anything, but my hormones are different. To the extent that I mean with Lexi I was ubber emotional to the point that I would cry all the time (like happy cry at kodak commercials). I think it was the added estrogen. Now with this pregnancy I am hormonal, but in a mean way. Like people piss me off. I don't cry or get that kinda emotional, just want to hurt people...ROFL. Like just now I went to walmart and someone parked too close to me and I had to shove my fat pregnant ass barely in my car. So I went to leave and seriously had to control myself from ramming my car into theirs. Does any of that rambling make sense??
Oh my gosh I am the same way Nicole!! I want to rip people's heads off when I have to try to squeeze in cause they are too ignorant to park properly. I am very intolerable of people lately. I don't get it at all usually I am a sympathetic person but lately I am like whatever you did it you fix it! Don't know if that makes any sense....but like with the "friend" I was telling you all about...I just want to tell everyone on her and let them know and normally I am not that way. Or since my Uncle who recently passed his wife(whom I don't like much anyway) just rubs me wrong and I can't find a place in my heart to see how she could be hurting more than us...she was only with him 5 years...I had him my whole life and its like she is getting rid of all his stuff and wants us to feel sorry for her...I am like hello what about us?? I don't think I like this emotion of not being able to feel sorry for people.

On another not...I think Gunner has flipped breech again...the movements are back to the way they were and I am getting kicks low and rolling movements on top again. :(
Exactly how I am feeling!! Where when I was prego with Lexi I was more emotional than hormonally mean. I wonder if it has anything to do w/ carrying extra estrogen for girls or testosterone for boys?

Ok so since both Sandi and I are carrying boys and ready to kill people, how are you feeling with the hormones Tiger??

AW man....he better not have fliped! Even if he did there is still time/room to move again. Probably just trying to drive you nuts. Lucas is driving me crazy w/ his lack of movement, either something is wrong or he is the laziest baby in!
Our boys are rotten already and giving us gray hairs!! Gunner hasn't been busy today so I am guessing he is having a growth spurt..but I also slept till 11 today...I was up and down all night getting messages about Tj's cousin's wife who was in labor. She delivered a healthy baby girl at 3:56am 8lbs 2oz named Abigail Lane. I may have already posted this. LOL She did great though..they broke her water about 8pm so she only labored about 8 hurs and had her out in 2 pushes...I am jealous. LOL SO ready for Gunner to be here.
UUGHHH I hear you....more and more babies are being born and the more jealous I get...LOL...just ready to meet him and be done!
I really think Gunner will be my last baby...I think I am gonna consent to the TL. I know I can't handle another pregnancy physically. And financially I would have to go back to work and I would really love to be home with Gunner his whole life...does that make sense? Tj is really against anymore and I know if I don't get it done I will want to try again in a few years to give Gunner a brother or sister.
Reeds.....I understand what your saying but it sounds weird.I just think of u being on the TR thread for so your Jenny Craig promoting weight loss and now your the the head of McDonalds pushing fries and big macs. LOL...sounds weird!But we respect your decision.
I hope that little monkey didnt flip on u.
As for being a bitch, I am in the club too. I used to have these great business cards.
They said, "Thanks for parking so close asshole, next time leave a f-ing can opener so I can get back into my car"!...back in my sweet days I used to leave them if needed.

Nicole...have u ever had an operation around your belly button? It sounds like and umbilical hernia to me. Be careful. Is it popped out at all?

Lilies.....I am very grateful for the much needed work. I am going to be bringing in the cash now. YAY.....finally.God is good and does provide. Sometimes it takes longer than planned but does happen.
I know Carole that is why I am so torn about heart say HELL NO but my head says that is the smart thing to do. I just hate it. I hate now knowing what to do. And I really hate not having the option to have another if I want. See I make no sense at all do I??
I understand Sandi. I know that we are getting John 'fixed' because we can't afford more. It nice to have a bunch of kids, but for us if we can't provide everything and then some for those we have it's not worth it. I know that I spoil Lexi and will spoil Lucas, it's just who I I know in our case it's what's best. And as much as I LOVE being a mother, I def. do not like being I will be glad to have my two and call it a day. And I wish I could stay home with Lexi and Lucas forever, but can't see that happening. We get extra money right now via the GI Bill..but John only has another 2 years of that. And I make my pt money which is doing pretty good now...but I don't know if it will all be enough. We'll have to see. Ultimately my "goal" is to stay home until they both start that point I'd probably be bored outta my mind. WOW>....sorry I just wrote so much on that!

Carole: Never had any surgeries other than the lap band which they do through the 5 different incisions around the stomach. My belly button isn't popped out at just gets more and more sunken in the fatter I get...LOL.

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