Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

That is how we get extra money as well...the income I lost when I quit work is compensated by Tj's GIbill and he is also on VA disability plus he is still in the guard...we keep thinking he will get a medical retirement since they have him at 70% disabled but nothing yet and now they are talking about promoting all really makes no sense to me how the military works. Although we never really see his actual drill pay since we have Tricare insurance its just enough to pay that. But since we both drive new vechicles our payments for them are insane and I so wish I wouldn't have bought my jeep but I did and we have to stick it out.

I dont have a outy belly button either...its shallow but funny shaped. There is a lady on here that does have that umbilical cord hernia and she did complain about her belly button hurting before they discovered hers but hers formed about 20 weeks or so
How crazy is that that he can get disability from the military and yet be in the guard?! LOL! The military is so freaking dumb sometimes. We just got a letter that they are changing some parts of the GI bill which for us will be $300 less/month....*******s. If you are able to pay for insurance through the drill money it sort of is like you get paid b/c otherwise you'd have to pay outright for insurance. Does the tricare cover everyone? How do you like it?

Awww man I want a new car!!! I have a mini van (that I love...just want a newer one with the stow and go)....and John and I share it for now.
Well he was hurt during his last tour in Iraq which was while he was in the guard...he had 9 concussions in 6 months...he was a 1st gunner and should have been pulled from missions but he wasn't til the last blow up when he was knocked out for 3/4 minutes and they life flightedhim out of combat and he was just 3 weeks from coming home and was on the last week of missions....he has severe PSTD, no hearing in his left ear and knee and back injuries.. He also has TBI. We get drill pay but its like 202 a month a tricare for family is 197.85 a month. And well he could get insurance through the prison where he works but the state insurance here sucks and so far the Tricare has been good we have had a 50copay for Gunner.

We just started getting the GI money and I am really confused as to how it works..he started school in Sept and we got a payment of 2670 in Dec and then we have gotten one more check on Feb 4 of 1336 but his letter said he should get 1463 a month so I am lost cause we don't seem to get it every month even though he calls and recerts. I just go with it...
Oh man, that is horrible :( The military is so scary, I don't think most people understand or appreciate all that the military does.

The GI bill is SOOOO very confusing at first. Then once he really gets in the system, it gets pretty straightforward. Is he getting the regular or post 911? John is on post 911 and they pay the tuition directly (we don't recertify monthly) and then we get $1290/month...but it's going down to like $900 something in August :(
I am guessing he is on reg...they pay the school and then get a check directly from the VA ed that is direct deposited when it happens. LOL He does all his classes on line so I am not sure if that matters. There is a phone number he has to call on the first of every month to certify that he is still in school
I really have no clue and I don't think he does either...he just does what the school tells him too. I dont really understand it cause his cousin's wife also get the GIbill money and she doesn't have to call either the school took care of it all for her...I think his is jacked up cause he does on line classes through the Universty of Phoenix.

Did it say why John's is going down?? We havent received anyting like that?? Is he still active duty?
If he calls every month that is the original GI Bill. People with the Post 9/11 GI Bill don't call...the school does it. BUT....the post 9/11 basically pays tuition directly then you get E5 BAH based on where you live. You have to go to at least one class in person I am sure TJ is on regular otherwise he wouldn't be getting any $$.

The only changes that I know of were made to the post 9/11 so you guys should be fine. All part of Obama's lets take money from vets instead of crackwhores on welfare plan. It starts in August. We were going to buy me a newer van....but hell I am glad we didn't b/c the payment would be what we are going to lose!! LOL! Now we are just looking to get him something w/ cash.
Oh, and John isn't on active duty.....I've been out since 2005 and he's been out since 2006 :)
WOW...I am lost. All this military talk.

SAMMY was the one with the hernia. I had one with my second boy. I had a laperscopic operation and they made little cuts around my belly button years ago. Well...I was like 30 weeks pg and wanted to sit in the sun as my oldest played. SO I pulled a picnic table from the shade into the sun by myself. By the evening my belly button was radiating pain like heck and popped out like a golf ball. I was too pg to operate not that I would have had one anyways. They fixed it when I had my section. Careful out for it. It sounds like one may be forming??

Lilies...I forgot to say congrats on seeing your little girl upside down kicking...awww, God is sooo amazing. I have been a lazy Christian lately and haven't been praying as I should. We are so blessed and I need to say thanks more often.

Reeds....u have to just make sure u talk to TJ and know for sure that is the decision u want. As u know, it was not cheap to have it reversed but then again it's not cheap to have kids either. U will have to do whats right for u!!!

I don't know if we would ever have anymore. I think my issue is in Oct I will be 38, this is going to be my 4th section ( even though my Dr said he has done way more than what I have had done and I was told my last section that I have hardly anything for scar tissue which is a good thing) Plus I will have 4 kids. Thanks goodness Joe is amazing with my boys as their dad is unprediciable and I am hearing talk of him moving 6 hours away again in May.
But who knows.....time will tell and we will see.
Good morning ladies.

Nicole yep I asked him last night he is on the original cause he is still active duty and he takes all his classes on line. That sucks that they are taking more money from the Vets....some people are really ungrateful for all you, you DH and my Dh have done for them.

Carole yep is was Sammy...they are fixing hers when she has Jonathan which at the rate she is going could be any day now.
Tell her your not feeling the best and can't make it. LOL...I would soooo bail.
LOL I probably will...

Have you got the brown line running from your vag to your belly button?? I just noticed mine last Granny always called it a health line. :)
I don't ....I never had with any of my pg's but seen it on others.
I don't have that line either. Most women I have known to get it have some kind of tan to them....whereas I am ghostly

So here is my fun for the day. I am sitting here waiting for the on-call dr. to call me back since it's the weekend. I haven't felt Lucas move but 3 or 4x today or so. It's getting crazy! I tried everything...I felt him once or twice when I first woke up..then nothing for a while. Ate ice cream...waited...nothing. Ate lunch and waited...then got like 2 movements. All the while drinking and drinking. I'm so sick of worrying. THe only thing I am feeling is this crampy pressure low out front. I bet all is fine...but what the hell???
Nicole why don't you just go to L&D to get checked...that is what my dr always tells me. Better to be safe than sorry. I bet Lucas is like my Gunner they party all night and sleep most of the day. I feel so sorry for us...our little men have their nights and days backwards. Praying all is ok though. Keep us updated.
The on call dr. just called me back and said all you need to feel is 10 movements a day...I'm so confused on why every doc has different 'kick count' requirements. She said to go to L&D if I want, but it's probably fine. Guess I will just wait it out. It's hard for us to go to L&D because John will drive me (an hour away) then we have to bring Lexi who acts crazy being cooped then he has to take her to the playground at the mall or something. Just a big pain to hear all is fine. I'm completely over this pregnancy and it's worries it's causing me.
:hugs: Nicole. I understand. I have been told at this point we will feel less movement cause they are out of room so its more of nudges and stuff than kicks but its been so long since I have been preggo I can't remember. I just know as soon as the lights go out at night and I lay down Gunner starts rolling.
Nicole....U know how active my babes has been, well the last two weeks he is different. I hardly feel him, he is more pushing on my skin then kicks and punches. They are harder to feel.....I am sure he is fine, he just has no room.
I forgot to tell ya all yesterday...
I was sitting on the couch rubbing the belly and I felt like a lump on the Lower part of my left belly. I gently pushed it and he moved away, it was like an elbow or shoulder. I really felt his limb. It was crazy...being fat its tougher to feel exact parts but he was totally sticking out. First time in all my pg's I felt something like that. It made me sooo happy. it was like I just touched him for real.....very cool. But that being said, his movement has changed hardcore and is is way way way less active.
Ladies I am sooooo tired of HEARTBURN!! I eat a banana and get it!! WTH! I have tried everything I know...tums, milk, crackers any advice??
Carole I keep meaning to ask how many days early from your edd will your little man be here?? And I forgot how many days til we learn his name after he is born?

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