Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Two weeks early....and 7 days after baby is here. As for the heartburn, tums isn't cutting it? I am not a usual suffer of HB, had it more this pg than any time but tums worked. What about zantac?
Carole: That is exactly what the movements I do feel are like...strong pushing like a body part is about to bust outta my stomach. And it's weird b/c when I am not feeling any movement (like every day) from the inside I have to lay still and put my hand on my stomach and I'll feel movement on the outside. I VERY rarely feel any movement on the inside. So over it....completely different from Lexi's pregnancy...which I know you aren't supposed to compare but that is hard!

I am so jealous you could feel a body part!! I've tried and tried and never felt anything I can distinguish as a limb or body part in Lexi's or this pregnancy.

Sandi: I had horrible heartburn w/ was really bad...I couldn't sleep or anything. My dr. finally prescribed Nexium which is the ONLY thing that gave the slightest of relief. I feel for you...I am thankful that this time around I've had pretty much no ms or heartburn.
Good deal Carole...I couldn't remember. Not that its any of my business. LOL I amjust trying to figure out the order we may go in so we can all keep each other update.

Tums is not touching this heartburn...its awful. I will be asking him for something MOnday cause this is awful. Almots brings me to tears...I can't eat anything...everything gives it to me even water.
Good day ladies....SANDY, I have a bone to pick with u. Last nite I was suffering from HB soooo bad. LOL, U must have jinxed me.
Well girls, I have some awesome news. Joe's mom is coming from Africa a few days after I have baby. WOW eh. We are soo excited.
I'm finally caught up! Completely agree with the crap benefits vets get! It is sad yet all these BS politicians get luxury everything!

Sandi, I hope the Dr prescribes something for the HB though vanilla ice cream does sound good!

Carole, I feel the same way about not praying enough lately. The first few weeks I was praying a couple of times a day and now I'm lucky to remember to pray before bed in which I usually fall asleep before saying Amen! Oh, and that is awesome news about Joe's mom coming!!!

I feel for ya ladies for not being able to see the babies as much, this is probably going to be an unnerving last month.

Saturday morning we went to my parents and spent the night. There was a local comedy club thing my parents wanted to take my sister and myself to as a birthday present. I'm really not into comedy clubs (it's such a hit or miss thing for me) but it was a family thing my dad really wanted to do. The first guy was pretty good, didn't care for the second guy. Finally got to bed that night at 11:30! Got up the next day about 7:30 so when Jeff and I got home I literally slept the rest of Sunday! It was crazy. I'm surprised I wouldn't be able to sleep throughout the whole night but I did and even slept 15 min longer than I should have. Other than that, nothing new.
UGH,,,,lost my whole post. will have to type again later. DAMN
Well dr appt went well! But I am going to be starting operation Baby Gunner eviction!! LOL By this scan he is about 7lbs 4oz. Now I know this scans be off a bit but since they are doing them every week she said this is pretty accurate! His head is at 38+2 and he is off the charts as far as growht for babies at his same gestation. I am feeling really anxious now but Dr doesn't seem concerned...I did lose 2 lbs so now I have gained only 5lbs but I will work on making that up since I have a cure for heartburn. He gave me zantac. I do have the Group B test next visit and then we will go for there but I am seriously thinking about begging to be induced...but I doubt I will. LOL He will come when he is ready...I hope. LOL
LOL...I hear you...I"m starting baby eviction on Friday. Just completely over being pregnant and I won't complain if he decides to come around 38 or 39 weeks. Plus we don't have anyone to watch Lexi if I go into labor around his due date as my mom has to go to an out of area seminar that week.

Those growth scans are so weird....I've known a lot of womens' to be right and then I remember when I was prego w/ Lexi and had a growth scan at 36 weeks. She measured 8 pounds 6 ounces...was born 4 weeks later at 8 pounds 3 ounces...LOL!
If you want to be induced...I am sure your doc would go for it...maybe bring it up?
Well I know he does do inducations....but he likes to do the amino first. There has been a lady there for the past few weeks trying to get induced since she was 35 weeks. LOL I think I am going to ask him seriously if he would consider it between 37/38 weeks but we will see. My Dylan was born at 36+3 and he was 8lbs 11z.
See that is what I am saying...he'd probably understand being as Dylan was so big and this guy is measuring big as well. Crazy to think he requires an amnio first....aren't those risky??
I don't think at this point...cause we are far enough along the baby could survive outside if it brings on labor. I know they are early on in pregnancy.

Well I am off to nap...this computer is being really slow today and irratating me.
I am back. I had this huge post and was gone. Biotch!! ANyways....Reeds..thats one big boy. I would be scared of an amneo?SP....Why woudl they even need to do one. Your so close to term. Odd?? I would just start things up on your own if u can. Alittle blue and black cohosh tintures, some castor oil.

My job.....sad news today, that lady lost her baby. She was 6 months and baby died inside 2 weeks before she went in thursday nite. How tragic. Sad thing is from her tragedy, I have work. Her client will be living with us til next tuesday and he is awesome funding. Perfect timing before baby comes. I feel guilty for benefiting from her tragedy.

Lilies....I know I need to kick in the butt to pray more, I have sooo much to be thankful for.

Nicole, what are u doing to start baby eviction on friday?
Oh that is so sad, that poor woman. Was it because the baby got rapped up in the umbilical cord, do you know?

At least that client was lucky enough to be placed with you.

Sandi, so glad the doctor gave you something for the HB! That's good! An eight pounder at almost 37wks! That is a big boy!

So is everyone finally over their cold now?
I am not sure about the details as its was kinda confidential for her to tell me as much as she did as I do not directly know the lady. I do know she was well into her 40's. So sad
Carole that is so sad. They said he likes to make sure the baby's lungs are developed but they way Gunner was breathing today I have no doubt in my mind he would be fine.

Tiger how was your monday??

Nicole you want to make plans to start operation baby evictions this friday!!?? LOL

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