Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Do you guys know anything about this SPD/PGP stuff everyone talks about? I'm now wondering if that is what is going on w/ my pains (and yours Carole!). I've never heard about either before this forum, but this crap is getting really old. I can't walk a lot of the time, horrible to pick up Lexi and I just feel like a fat lazy bum :( And it's SOOO much worse at night, John has to help me off couch and bathroom runs are beyond horrible and now something down there (like the front of my hips) keeps popping every time I try and get outta bed.
Ladies....just dropping kids off at school, making a trip to the drug store for an oral enema. I am done. Will comment on all your situtaions when I get back as I am running behind.
K...Nicole, it does sound like u may be suffering from SPD. When is your next Dr apt?

Reeds.....let us know what Dr says.

Lilies....My stroller/car seat is graco, I can't imagine spending a crazy amount of $$ of that stuff, it gets beat up and dirty after one kid.

AFM....yesterday sucked. I could hardly sit as baby was sooo high in my ribs. I couldnt even type on the pc as reaching in fron of me was impossible. Now today, he is so low its cramping and achy. But I still feel him high just not as unbareable. I just got back from the drugstore and bought a citro-mag, guess I will be on the toliet most of the day. Oh well....if it doesnt start anything at least I will get cleanned out as I am constipated these last days. wish me luck
Oh Carole I'm sorry :( I hope the stuff you got helps you out. I remember the last few weeks of LExi's pregnancy she had a foot stuck in my ribs and it can be SOOO painful! Hope you feel better soon hun.
what did i do....i feel like shit even more so. going to lay down....
Carole, Jeff has taken citro-mag before, it takes a couple of hours to kick in so I'm sure shortly after laying down you were back up to go to the bathroom.

Nicole, what does SPD stand for?

I'm sorry you two are so uncomfortable! I hope there is some relief real soon for you both!

No update from Reeds yet?

So starting Saturday there would be a smug of sticky yellowish CM when I wiped, almost greenish. Didn't notice Sunday and today it was there again, each time I went to the bathroom it was just one little smug like a booger but it was occurring more frequently so I went to the ob today to get checked out for an infection. Not only did I test clean but she couldn't see what I kept seeing earlier. Felt like a paranoid preggo!
Sorry about the discharge that led to prego paranoia! I'm sure they understand though, we all freak!!

I'd never heard of SPD until this forum. But it stands for Symphysis Pubis Dysfuction. Basically it says that it's when the ligaments down in your pubic area become to relaxed and stretchy which makes the pelvic joint unstable. I match a ton of the symptoms, but I know when I bring it up to my dr. she will just say it's normal prego pains, like everyone else does. EVen if it is SPD there is nothing they can do but pills and I don't really wanna go that route. But, it's making it to where I can't walk much and if I do then I can't walk at all the next day...not to mention picking up Lexi, etc. I know a lot of the girls on the forum get induced early for it, but the more I read on inductions, the more they scare me!! LOL!

So other than your bugger discharge (LOL...sorry!) how are you feeling Tiger?
Sorry all my ladies are feeling poorly.

Nicole mose drs don't reconize the SPD as far as they are concerned that is what comes with pregnancy.

Carole I so hope you get to feeling better.

Well as for today I have been trying to get on all day but BNB is so slow I got mad and shut everything off. Nothing really exciting about my appt...I didn't gain any weight and she had a hard time with measurements cause he is so the guess is 7lbs 10oz which is only 6ozs more than 2 weeks ago so she didn't think it was right. She had a really hard time measuring his head it was so low and the last measurement she took it was 41+6 and his belly was 40+2. SO he is still big. LOL We are set up for the amino at 8am Monday morning and we will go from there. He said he is 99% sure that all will be a go. He didn't check me again and when I asked he said there is really no reason to since we are inducing. So I don't know...been having a lot of BH today and had 6 today while I was on the monitor again.
I hear ya, but as far as I am concerned (having had a baby before) not being able to walk and nearly crying when you get up in the middle of the night is not normal for pregnancy. But, I know no one else sees it that way.

SOOO exciting you get to meet Gunner soon!! YIPPEEEE! :)

So, I've been having lots of cramping tonight. They are somewhat painful (not like real contractions though) but not like BHs as they don't go away when I get up and move (that is how you tell the difference right?). These feel like what I felt when I was first in early labor w/ Lexi. At that time I was 1cm dialated and the dr. said I could be that way for weeks. HOpefully this means I am starting to dialate (even if I am I know it could be a long ways away....but gotta get excited right?) :)
And even if its "normal" there is no reason for them to leave people in pain like that. Its just not right or fair...there has to be something that can be done.

When do you go back to the dr Nicole? I so hope you have made some progress...
My appt. is on Wednesday for the group b strep test and an internal. Even though you can stay at 1 forever, I just hope I am there!! LOL! Oh yeah, also having a growth scan :)
WOoohooo you get to see Lucas again! :) I hope so and maybe he can give you some advice for some pain relief.

My group B strep was negative. So happy about that.
Here is a pic of Gunner today.

He was givning up great profile views even if we couldn't see the top of his head well. LOL

Yeah, I hope she can give me some advice too! So crazy I can't wait until that see my lil guy again and to have an internal. And those damn things hurt so badly, but I can't wait to get them started...LOL!

That new pic of Gunner is great, so clear!!
Well Reeds, it sounds like Monday will definitely be a go for you and Gunner! I know you're ready to feel like you again but are you nervous?

Nicole, any chance you'd be interested in seeing a chiropractor who's certified in prenatal adjustments? I know everything is really loose down there but maybe it would help relieve some pressure.

Other than the booger (it really did look like one!) I just feel fat! And heartburn is starting to bother me more at night. Since I went to the ob today I now have my "nurse's apt" to go over my "what to expect" crap next Wednesday. I wish I could just bypass that,
Yaaaay, a Gunner picture! That is a good profile but the poor thing looks cramped!

Is it common to have step before giving birth or something?

Nicole, why an internal scan?
I am very nervous. I still really feel like I have a lot to do. Even though I have cleaned and cleaned I still feel the need to clean. LOL I am very nervous about giving birth for some reason.

Tiger I wish you could skip that part too...its just no fun.

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