Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

No....they laughed about the laxitives. LOL, he isnt concerned about any of the BP numbers. He said after 160 is when they get worried and my lower number is never above 100. Whatever. I actually asked him today if we could do the section next week since I feel so shitty with the dizziness etc. He said he was out of town and no, I have to suck it up. He wants me to rest for the next 2 weeks and take it off work. the heck am I to do that. I explained I cant nor will i kick out my clients. This is their home too now. What an odd thing for him to say. Oh well.....My bp is going low then high so thats what causing the dizziness and since its not always up, they cant put me on pills.

I hope your Dr tells u your dilating and irritates that cervic tomorrow for ya
Yeah, are you supposed to take time off work when work is in your! That is crazy. So what would cause the bp to go high then low then high? Is it just something from pregnancy or a blood sugar issue maybe? I'm so sorry you are having a hard time though. When I didn't hear back from you after you took the laxatives...I was really worried!!!! Figured you were hanging out on the toilet, but!

Thanks, I hope so too...I've been having somewhat painful cramping for the past two days so hopefully it means something is happening in there..haha.
I had more cramps than actually pooping..LOL.sorry TMI. My sugars were 4.5 which is perfect. They said it just pg related BP and possibly my age is a facter, unsure.
After I had a cool bath yesterday afternoon, I laid on my bed in a tshirt and panties...moaning and beggin my 6 yr old to get me an ice water. I never let him go in the freezer for ice and he was unsure. He asked if he got a treat for helping me, lil bugger.
Wow Carole what a night. Sorry it was so crappy.. I hope you get to feeing better and so sorry he wouldn't move your section up. Hang in there hun its almost over.

Tiger I really like that stroller combo and bed set. So cute.
LOL, that's cute he wanted a treat!

I hope you feel better today Carole!

Nicole, what time is your apt today?

Counting down Reeds!!!!!!!!
Good morning ladies. Yes the count down is on...5 days EEEKKK!! I am not feeling ready today although I am continuesly anxious about his serious lack of movement and a fear that I am sleeping on him. I haven't been this emotional in a while.
Oh Sandi, I'm sorry you're feeling emotional, that's never fun. Just remember he's a big boy now in a small space!
Yep Tiger that is what I keep telling myself. As long as I him to wiggle his bum every now and then I am ok...well I am taking my lazy self back to bed. I hope when I wake up some of these emotions will have subsided.
I hear ya on the lack of movement. It kept me up most the nite, I was worried as heck. Finally when I work up I felt the rib tickle. But thats about it. He is stressing me.

How u feeling lilies? Is work going better? many cm are u dialted? LOL...come on girl!!!!
It would awesome if Nicole came back and was like a 3!! She has been in so much pain. :(

I feel better after a 3 hour nap. LOL I need to get motivated to get my errands ran.
Hey guys, just got home. So, Lucas' guestimated weight today is 7lbs 5ounces. They said he was big and had a big head. I expected that....Lexi had (and has) a huge head too. He's head down ready to go though. I am almost 2cm and 80% effaced. While I know you can stay that way for weeks I was really happy with it! I wasn't expecting to be anything! She asked if I wanted to be induced at 39 weeks, but I really don't. I'm too worried about the chance of needing a c-section b/c of being induced (as the chance goes up)...I say this b/c the healing time with having a newborn and a 2 year old. But, she said if I do make it that far she will strip my membranes and all that as I get closer and b/c of his size she won't let me go past due date. All in all a good visit :)
Nicole great visit!! So happy your 2cm...and huni as far as induction with you already being dilated and effaced the chances of a csection for you from induction is very slim...your body is already doing its thing it would just give you the extra push. They would just have to give you poticin to make your contractions that your already having stronger and more productive. But FX maybe you will be the first to go and have a baby this weekend!! ;)
Oh and our boys are about the same size! :) I was 36+6 monday at my scan and Gunner was suppose to be 7lbs 10oz with a huge melon head. lol
LOL! I know!! Big headed boys.

My dr. did say that the need for a c-section is usually for the 'first timers' and that since I have had a vaginal birth it wouldn't be that great. But what she is worried about is that it took me so long to push Lexi out and I still needed 'assistance' so that puts me at a great risk of possibly needing a c-section as well. We'll see. It's an option that will just stay there I guess...she won't do prior to 39 weeks anyways, so I'll just see how it's going week by week :)
Wow 2cm!!!!!! That is so cool!!!! I hope you keep progressing along.

Sandi, glad you're feeling better after that nap!

How are you feeling today Carole and Nicole?

Not much going on with me. I keep poking my fat to see if I can feel the uterus. I can feel the pressure after a walk or if I lay a certain way but that's about it. I hate work....I'm so tired of winy ass people but what can do!
Not 2cm yet...just almost!! She actually said I was "one and a wiggle" lol. I'm thrilled though. Continuing w/ baby eviction, and I gotta wonder if the EPO/RLT is helping!?

LOL...uh-oh, Tigers got the hormones going..hehe! Welcome to our world. And also, I'm sorry if all our complaining is scaring you. Just think, you know it's all worth it since we're all going through it (and tried to - not accidentally) again! Then end just sucks.
Tiger I was so glad when I got to quit work..I couldn't take anymore of the whining and I was the boss..I just wanted to fire everyone. LOL

Nicole I am just excited that your dialted. I know you have to do whats best for you and I am sorry if I sounded otherwise. XX

Where is Carole??
Tiger I was so glad when I got to quit work..I couldn't take anymore of the whining and I was the boss..I just wanted to fire everyone. LOL

Nicole I am just excited that your dialted. I know you have to do whats best for you and I am sorry if I sounded otherwise. XX

Where is Carole??

Oh you didn't sound like that...sorry if my reply led you to believe that! If he's not here soon, who knows I just may take that I hope it happens before then though!!! Crossing my fingers :winkwink:
Oh, I forgot....after the growth scan the tech was filing in all the parts of the report on the computer...which showed up on the monitor (you know like where they put babes position...etc.) Anways she wrote 'fetal breathing observed' does that mean if he was born now he'd be able to breathe on his own? Possibly a stupid question...just wondering what it!
That is one of the things they watch on Gunner's scans every monday. He has to do his "practice" breathing for 30 seconds. Its a amazing to watch. And I am not sure but I am pretty sure that is what it means.

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