Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Nicole, what's the news from your apt?

I still at mine. The nurse did the Doppler, it was very faint tiring to pick up the HR with the tilted uterus and thru the fat! HR is 152. They keep trying to repeat blood work that I had done at the other ob office (before I went to the fertility clinic). Some I.couldn't avthe but the doctor seemed understanding about financial concerns. My next "official" US is at 18wks for the organ scan and hopefully a peak b/n the legs!

Glad you got to hear the hb...does that put your mind at ease at all? You've made it past the biggest hurdle, the first trimester. I'm so happy for you...does it feel 'real' now? I know it did for me after the m/c making it to the second tri :) And shut up on the look great girl! The tilted uterus does make it hard though. Shitty they want to repeat blood work (probably just to get your money and insurance!!! *******s!). OHHHHH I can't wait till your next U/S! appt was kinda a waste. Dr. won't do a sweep until next wed. (which is fine...I'm just impatient!) so I didn't bother getting an internal until then either. She did say that if I haven't gone into labor by the 9th, she'll more than likely induce I guess that is my countdown...until the 9th (or sooner if Lucas is nice!!) :) Nice to have a date to look forward to!
It honestly doesn't feel real's silly I know, I've had my coworker scan me enough but lately my symptoms are so mild and I can't feel the baby yet so I just feel fat!

At least the doctor is willing to do the sweep! I was concerned the doctor would have said no so that's good! Yay on a goal date! Did you say earlier your b-day is the 11th or someone else in your family? So at most just 10 days after today and Carole is now what....5 days?
It honestly doesn't feel real's silly I know, I've had my coworker scan me enough but lately my symptoms are so mild and I can't feel the baby yet so I just feel fat!

At least the doctor is willing to do the sweep! I was concerned the doctor would have said no so that's good! Yay on a goal date! Did you say earlier your b-day is the 11th or someone else in your family? So at most just 10 days after today and Carole is now what....5 days?

It's not sillly at all...I think it's completely normal after having a loss that it doesn't seem really. I felt a bit 'safer' in second tri, but honestly it's just now starting to feel real with being so close to the end. Oh and don't worry too much about feeling baby....just so you know I didn't feel Lexi until between 19-20 weeks!

Yes, she is willing, the biggest thing is she said the hospital isn't too keen on 'interventions' prior to 39 weeks. At my next appt I'll be 38+5 and she said that is good bday is the 11th and our anniversary is the 7th!! I'm hoping to go before the induction of course.
Then I hope that sweep really gets the ball rolling for you!

So I was walking around the house half undressed out of my work clothes just b.c.....and Jeff asked what's wrong with my belly button, I said nothing, what are you talking about, I look down and it's already starting to stretch out! LOL I am NOT that far along to have my belly button stretching out already!
LIlies....yay for the stretching I was paranoid after my mc with this baby but I am with Nicole. your sooo past the scary stage. ENJOY the body discomfort that is coming ur

Nicole...that kinda sucks about not intervening til 39 w. I know thats why they would'nt do the section sunday. The dr even said he was shocked the Dr was doing mine at 38 w. So I guess I should shut up.
I went to my LAST Dr apt today. was given all my prenatal records to take to hospital tmorrow for my pre-admission/pre-op. YAY...This was a different dr as mine is away this week. Dr did my strep b and said baby doesn't seem very big. She said baby is on an angle towards my right rib cage. He is not straight at OH my goodness...we are having babies...LOL.It's sinking in. My kids are now gone to finish srping break with their dad and then its his weekend. SO I will not see them til monday supper time when Joe brings them to hospital to see baby. ex, let me trade weekends and the kids get to be here for the baby party and when all my family is here. He does has a heart.
Joe is off work fri around noon for two weeks....we are cleaning out the shed for the new clients treasures that he brought with him....(hoarder) and go out for a nice supper sat or sun nite. WOW.....iam all smiles. Hope u girls are happy too...God is sooo good!!
Hey reeds....what a cutie u have, cant wait for the birth story. Why such a long stay?
Labor sucked. Lol 20 plus hours and tore hurt tail bone and damaged my uretha I think that's how its spelled. Lol
So good for to hear from you Carole!! Glad you are in better spirits. I sooooo cannot believe we are having these babies soon! Crazy huh? I'm glad the ex was being nice enough to trade weekends...that will be so nice :) Basically sounds like you have a great weekend planned! Are you getting nervous at all?

I know...I was pretty bummed about no sweep today, but it's all good...I understand and don't really feel I need early intervention...just wanted I was surprised when she said she would plan on inducing on the 9th. Mainly just bc his head is measuring pretty big and I had a hard time w/ Lexi's dome piece...haha!!
Labor sucked. Lol 20 plus hours and tore hurt tail bone and damaged my uretha I think that's how its spelled. Lol

wow...long labor :( Sorry it was horrible hun. Were you dialated and effaced prior to induction? My dr. said induction would be easy enough so long as I was where I am at now or progressed (preferably) by the 9th. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything?

Is the damage from pushing? How long did you push for?

Gunner is adorable though...gotta make up for it all :thumbup:
I was a 2 and 90% effaced. They started it with a pill under my uterus. And was already contracting regularly. Got stuck at a 3 then he broke my water...but I will post the whole story when I get home. On th's phone and I don't like the touch screen. Lol But yes pushing was awful his hr would drop every time he dropped into the birth canal.
LIlies....yay for the stretching I was paranoid after my mc with this baby but I am with Nicole. your sooo past the scary stage. ENJOY the body discomfort that is coming ur

Joe is off work fri around noon for two weeks....we are cleaning out the shed for the new clients treasures that he brought with him....(hoarder) and go out for a nice supper sat or sun nite. WOW.....iam all smiles. Hope u girls are happy too...God is sooo good!!

Oh yay!!!! You do sound so excited!!!!

Labor sucked. Lol 20 plus hours and tore hurt tail bone and damaged my uretha I think that's how its spelled. Lol

Oh Reeds, I'm sorry it was so rough. I was thinking Monday night when I went to bed and didn't see any new postings that things might have been progressing slowly. Man, it must hurt to pee right now! But Gunner is so handsome!
Hubby came home from work and said we are going out...took me for wings and then to the casino and we both walked away with $150 each. Awesome nite.
That is awesome Carole! I'd take a night like that!!!! (man you are making me hungry for wings now and it's 9:30 in the morning!)
I'm here. So excited for you Carole...after a great weekend coming up you will be meeting lil man!!! How are you feeling?
Barely here, I've been so busy with work. How are you feeling Carole and Nicole?
I'm feeling fine actually. I mean I have some pains/pressure when I do a lot and the need to pee every 10 minutes or so...but nothing much really. I've got a sudden burst of energy since yesterday and been getting a lot done. I wish I felt shitty, it would make me think things were going to happen...but I'm thinking I'll be here until induction date :(

How are you feeling Tiger?
Well maybe this burst of activity will get you more dilated!

I'm still tired, work is wearing me out. Since I work with low dose radiation, I bought a lead apron to wear and today is my first day at work wearing it. It of course has some weight to it but it didn't seem like much until I had it on for 2hrs. Hot too. Though it's for the baby, I'm glad I only have to wear it when I'm at another office (my office is area is lead lined so I have more protection there but the other offices aren't).
Lilies....That sucks about the lead apron but well needed. I remember being so tired around your time. Now Iam awake early but have these lazy spurts.

I have a bum/legs? in my right rib so bad yesterday and today I can hardly sit straight. I am waiting for Joe to come home as he will now be on 2 weeks vaca. We are going to organize the shed to move that new clients stuff in there. Fun

Nicole....pass me some of that energy please.

I had my pre-op yesterday. Section got moved to 12:30pm ...damn, 45 mins later. LOL. They said I wont be out of recovery til 4pm...UGH, thats what sucks about a section.

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