Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

It's one thing to clean out/store your own stuff but then someone else's stuff? Yeah, your clients are like family but still.

Why is your baby being so stubborn about dropping and staying down there?! Can you even eat breakfast the day of the c-section?
How come so long until you are out of recovery? I thought a section only takes like 20 minutes? Are you nervous at all?

Sorry about the feet in the ribs...I have it now too....always a rib on the right side. Tiger: They say for second (or subsequent babies) they don't fully 'engage' until they still move around a bit. I know Lucas' head is in my pelvis most of the time, but still get feet and bum in my ribs. It's weird!
That is weird. I guess it's b.c your abdomen stretches more easily with subsequent births?
not nervous at all....still somewhat paranoid he is a girl LOL.
NOthing to eat after midnite sun til tuesday am...I AM GOING FOR BRUNCH SUNDAY DAMMIT!!!
If the section is Monday how come you can't eat until Tuesday? I'm so

So you still haven't gotten that brunch you've been after? Shame on Joe!! hehe :)
Gecause they cut your muscles and the medication they give u to paralyse u from the chest down can cause major gas and bowel problems. They need to know this medication is out of your system and u can pass gas before u can eat. ( I am sure I will get Joe to sneak me something up.
As for that brunch, I am to blame as well. I am sooo lazy these days and like to stay at home but if they brought me brunch it would be a different story. LOL
I am going this sunday like it or not...craving homemade waffles and min donuts.

U and lilles need to FB me your email addys so I can send a pic on Monday, if not u will have to wait til wednesday.
How the hell are you going to go that long without eating!!!???? I feel horrible if I wait too long to have my morning snack!

Will FB you now! ;)
LOL...I was thinking the same thing...I'm such a pig these days, I eat a little bit at a time ALL day long! I remember after I had Lexi I demanded John get me a I was starving since you can't eat in labor. But that was only 13 hours or so...not a whole day!

Maybe they do sections different here? Afterwards will you be on a drip (morphine I think)??

I'm glad you are gonna get your brunch, hope you have a wonderful weekend w/ Joe!!!

Going to FB you now...I want my pictures!!! LOL! :)
I am only allowed fluids...but as said, I will be getting Joe to sneak me in a sandwhich or something.
We are washing the SUV today, pulling up the third sto & go seat and putting in the babies car seat.
I will log into FB monday afternoon and email u ladies a pic from Joes cell.

I am getting exicted for u NIcole to have your baby as well. I am curious to see if he looks like Lexi.

Lilies....I have a strong feeling ur having a baby girl.

Where is reeds.....I hope our chat doesn't peter off after we have these babies and are busy as heck.
Oh....yes they give u pain killers afterwards but I always refuse them as some does go through my breast milk. I will take tylenol if needed.
I hope you're going to brunch today young lady! ;)

I don't know why, maybe the way I sleep? but I my right SI joint (where the back and the waist bone meet up) is on/off straight up painful! We went out to dinner with MIL and afterwards started walking around Lowe's and I just couldn't, it hurt so bad, I had to go back out to the car and sit. I iced it last night which helped, it's just sore now but since this has been going on I've been chiropractically adjusted twice and it hasn't helped. So I guess this is the beginning of the good stuff!
Ladies I am so sorry I am behind. I have to admit I have forgotten how much work a newborn is...but he is worth it all. He is a very content baby. Rarely cries. I am so blessed.

Carole I thought they gave you a epidural during a csection I guess they do it different there..I got to eat right after delivery and I was starving so I couldn't imagine a whole day. I would be so grumpy. LOL. Seriously though I will be praying for you tomorrow and I hope it all goes smoothly and can't wait for my FB update.

Tiger I am sorry they pain has started...I hope you find some relief.

Nicole any sign of Mr. Lucas yet??
I will be having an spinal if all goes well tomorrow but u still can't eat after that...only fluids til the drugs are out of my system. NOthing to eat or drink at all from midnite on....oh well.My belly is full of bacon and waffles still...Joe was shocked at how much I ate.
Thanks for the well wishes ladies...will update u when I can. Can't wait til we all can chat and shareour babies stories. TTYL ladies....-insert smile here!!
Can't wait for the update, I'm sure everything will go well! sorry you are in pain hun. Def. could be the way you are sleeping, suddenly having everything stretch and move and all that can't be helping either. You bought one of those maternity pillows right??

Nothing new on my end...go figure. Just waiting. Dr. appt Wed...Dr. said she will do a sweep then (yay..). Hopefully it kick starts something before an induction on Saturday. Other than that just lots of on/off period like cramping here. FUN.
Well girls....slept like crap, just sitting here dying my roots. LOL...going to be heading out the the hosp in an hour. Cross ur fingers I get a private room. First come first serve. UGH.....I am excited but it doesn't seem real. I am sure I will be a total twit once I am sitting there in the hosp.
Thanks for all the support and the ear when I was bitching.....hugs to u all.
Carole, praying everything went well today and you're recovering okay!!!!!!! Not only can't I wait to see pictures, but I can't wait to find out this baby's name!

Sandi, don't worry about not being able to get on all that much! Totally expected! I figure once Nicole has Lucas I'll be sitting here.....all alone....missing you guys.....No guilt! :)

Nicole, any updates? When do you have another apt?

I did get a pregnancy pillow but it's half a horse shoe so it looks like a candy cane!!! :) I feel like I'm not twisting as much but I did wake up this morning half on my belly anyways. :shrug: At least today it doesn't bother me.
Carole, praying everything went well today and you're recovering okay!!!!!!! Not only can't I wait to see pictures, but I can't wait to find out this baby's name!

Sandi, don't worry about not being able to get on all that much! Totally expected! I figure once Nicole has Lucas I'll be sitting here.....all alone....missing you guys.....No guilt! :)

Nicole, any updates? When do you have another apt?

I did get a pregnancy pillow but it's half a horse shoe so it looks like a candy cane!!! :) I feel like I'm not twisting as much but I did wake up this morning half on my belly anyways. :shrug: At least today it doesn't bother me.

I know!! I can't wait to hear from Carole!!'ll never be alone. I'm a good multi-tasker and I still be on all the time to check on you ;) My next appt is Wed. where I'll get an internal and sweep..yay!

Are you worried about sleeping on your belly or does it cause pain? I ask b/c if you are worried...don't be. I slept on mine until I couldn't anymore...made it to like 34 weeks! Can't wait to sleep back on my tummy! :)
Yeah, I was concerned that I was squishing baby half laying on my belly. From the work US it just doesn't look like there's much room in there!
No worries Tiger...babes is good in there. I know what you mean though...on each u/s I always ask if there is enough room...they look at me like I'm crazy, but it just looks so wierd!! Sleep on your belly while you can, I can't wait to do that again :)
Evening ladies. TIger we won't leave you. Promise. I am getting a better routine and Gunner is settling in nicely. We had a dr appy today and he already back up in weight..he ws 8lbs 4oz at birth and 8lbs exactly when we left and today he was back up to 8lb 7oz. I will get some more pics up soon. He has gotten the chubbiest cheeks. LOL

Tiger I hope get to find a comfy position soon I was always worried I was squishing him cause of the way I laid but they adjust.

Nicole I so hope that sweep works for you. X

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