Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Thanks Sandi...I hope so too :)

I've been having a ton of period like cramps on/off today. No routine to them...but they are getting a tiny bit more painful as time goes on....and as a whole my stomach is all messed up (TMI but cleanout like)....and I feel super hot. I'm SOOO hoping things are starting on their own!!!
Sandi, curious are you breast feeding?

I guess Carole is busy with new baby and finally being able to eat! Man, I would want a buffet by now if it was me.

Nicole, what time is your apt tomorrow?

Today was busy at work but it went smoothly and quickly so that was good. My coworker ended up M/C again last night at 7wks (this is 2nd time). Feel bad but I'm not really surprised, her ob had her on this stuff....estrace or something to build up her lining, being on that stuff she didn't even O in January so I'm sure that messed up the maturing of her eggs. Now that she's not on it (I assume) I told her to just go for it this month if her followup US looks good. We'll see, she didn't take my last advice which I still think she should of but all I can do is offer it.
My appt is at 10:10 :) Scared of the pain of a sweep...but hell can't be worse than labor! I've been having "false labor" since Sunday. On/off somewhat strong contractions, but they are just BH's...which sucks. I hope if I get the sweep tomorrow it leads me into labor quickly!

That is so sad about your co-worker, I know she's not really your friend or anything, but now that I've been through a m/c I feel SOOO badly for anyone who has to go through that. Even if I don't like It's just such a miserable thing. Hopefully she takes your advice!!
Oh and happy 15 weeks!! Not long till we find out what you are having!! :)
Tiger yes I am Bfing...its getting easier every day. He latches on really well and has a strong latch so I have some pretty sore nipples right now. I thought he was latching on wrong but I showed the dr yesterday and she said it was great my breast just have to get use to it.

Happy 15 weeks as well!! :)

Nicole I wish some real labor pains on you soon. ANd a speedy delivery.
LOL..I know!! I know I'll be cussing like crazy when real labor starts..but right now I'd take it over the fake crap that does nothing for your body to progress things.

I haven't heard from her...starting to get worried. But, I hope she's just taking in the new lil one.

I know I can't wait for my turn!!!

Glad you are posting pics of Gunner on FB, it's so cool to see how fast they grow and change at this stage!! :)
LOL, sorry for your nipples Sandi! Seriously though, Gunner must be eating well b.c he doesn't even look like a newborn anymore!

Nicole, do you have a bouncy ball? Though I don't know how much you'll want to do that after the sweep.....

Three more wks and pink or blue will be confirmed!
LOL, sorry for your nipples Sandi! Seriously though, Gunner must be eating well b.c he doesn't even look like a newborn anymore!

Nicole, do you have a bouncy ball? Though I don't know how much you'll want to do that after the sweep.....

Three more wks and pink or blue will be confirmed!

Yup...I have a ball...though I honestly feel like my fat ass is going to burst the damn thing every time I try and use it :haha:

I can't wait till you find out!!
What ass!?! I've seen your pictures!

Just checked FB and my email, still no updates the little bugger! There better be one tomorrow!

I'm off to bed, I have another jammed packed work day.
What ass!?! I've seen your pictures!

Just checked FB and my email, still no updates the little bugger! There better be one tomorrow!

I'm off to bed, I have another jammed packed work day.

ROFL...funny :)

Yup...I haven't heard from her either. She's in big trouble for making us

Try and have a good day tomorrow hun.
Thanks Tiger!! I'll update when I get home....hope it starts something!

Have a good day at work (well...try to at least!!) :)

What a few days. First off.....interent was blocked in whole hospital, so we called and had given our visa to get tv and internet as there was a pc in the room. They last nite at 9pm..still no connection, she came an hour before we were checking out today. PISSED OFF....monday was a right off for messaging anyone. I WAS SOOOOO SICK. I had a spinal...paralysed from the wist down. They gave me too much and it was paralyzing my lungs...i was freaking out as I couldnt was the worst feeling of my life...they gave me IV meds to control it. Joe was in there...all went well, til I was vomitting like a mad woman while laying down as they had not got baby out yet. Had to puke with my head to the side and get it suctioned out. Baby came......He is 8lbs 4oz. I will send pics when i am done this message. So...go back to recovery room at 2pm. ( he was born at 12:55pm) they said I would only have to be there for 20 mins. I was there til 5pm.....vomiting like mad.They gave me three different meds and nothing helped. It was horrible Green bile. Finally they let me back in my room and Joe had to wait in the nursery as they would not let him take baby to the room without me. We had no access to phones and couldnt call my parents til 5pm...they were worried sick.
I vomited all nite til 10pm....still no food but that was the last thing i was thinking about. My poor boys could hardly visit with me as I was soooo sick Joe closed the curtain. I had no c-cetion pain at all...weird.
aound 11pm I was feeling good. Yesterday I was feeling great....til around 2pm when after contractions started happening and since he is my 4th they were strong....down my thighs. I suffered all nite with that and gas pains. Woke up at 3pm in shock shivering and had to take pain killers. Now....I was let out at around 2pm today. Feeling great, eating like everything in site. Contractions mininal...milk coming bathed and snoozing in bouncer chair on vibrate. I am soooo in love. He is amazing. He is a HUGE eater...getting darker by the day and we are so in love with him. Joe has been beyond amazing. He spend each nite with me at the hospital and never left my side. I even got a dozen roses. heart is achin for u. I feel ur pain and discomfort and I will pray it comes to and end for us soon.
Lilies...happy 15 weeks, YAY and sorry but the discomfort is coming ur way. LOL but its worth it. much was gunner again? I think if I had gone 2 more weeks my boy would have been over 10lbs. LOL...he is almost a full lb bigger than my biggest boy. He is now 7lbs 9oz.. Off to send pics...
I think you and Sandi's boy weighed the same!! Crazy!

I'm so sorry you had a rough time with think it was the waist down paralytic that caused the issues? Sounds scary :( I'm so sorry....but glad you are doing better and have that beautiful boy with you. He's gorgeous!!! I am glad Joe is being such a good daddy, I knew he would be from how excited he I hope your recovery goes smoothly and keep the pics coming!
Wow Carole, that is crazy scary what you went through! I'm sorry it was smoother but so glad it's over for you now! So what's the baby's name!?! I can't wait to see the pictures!

Nicole, how did the sweep go? How do you feel?
Wow Carole, that is crazy scary what you went through! I'm sorry it was smoother but so glad it's over for you now! So what's the baby's name!?! I can't wait to see the pictures!

Nicole, how did the sweep go? How do you feel?

If I remember correctly Carole's little one's name won't get revealed until his I right?

I didn't get the sweep :( I am so incredibly bummed I can't even tell you how miserable I've felt all evening b/c of it. Hospital policy won't allow 'intervention' until 39 weeks. She said last week she'd do it today, but something appearantly changed her mind. Unfortunately I also have not progressed AT ALL since two weeks ago and am not too favorable for induction on Saturday. So....she is having me come in first thing Saturday for a sweep. She said we can go from there about seeing getting me induced over the weekend. Ughhh sorry for the rambling....I'm just so upset and ready to be done. I am soooo sore, walking is hard....taking care of Lexi is house is a wreck, I'm too worn out to cook. I'm so sad :(
We will announce the name after seven days have passed which will be next monday.
Carole, ohhhh, okay. How does that work for the birth certificate?

Nicole, I'm sorry sweetie, that really sinks. At least it's Thursday now so Saturday is just around the corner! Screw the house work, that can wait, just focus the energy you have on Lexi.

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