Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Thanks Tiger. I'm sure I sound like a whiny brat....maybe I am...LOL. I'm just so fed up at this point. You are right....Saturday is not far off! I just hope the sweep can be performed (not sure how 'favorable' everything has to be down there for it to get done well) and it does something. Dr. kinda scared me off of the induction thing b/c she said with things the way they are and the fact that Lexi's labor was long induction could be long. I'm not too keen on being in labor in the hospital for days. Then way in hell and I am going past my due date. Ugghhhh!!

I'm going w/ John, Lexi and Kiya (our lab) for a nice long walk once they all wake up...gotta get moving and get something happening!

Hope you have a good day at work, the week is almost up :)
You have every right to complain! Don't you worry about that. I guarantee if it was me my husband would probably move out for being so sick of hearing whine about being uncomfortable! Guarantee it! I'm just sorry more can't be done for you now.
Yeah, I get jealous of all the positive inductions and everyone who naturally goes early. I know I still have a week before my due date...but damn! I'm just hoping that sweep sets stuff of on Saturday! I don't even read third tri threads anymore b/c most people on there go naturally or their babies are taken weeks early for whatever reason. So basically everyone on there is either in labor or about to be....LOL. And I think my hubby just ignores me and my thank goodness for you guys! you have a date for your gender scan? I wanna keep track :)
Yeah, that has to stink too read about everyone else. Since I'm at the end of September I know I'll be thinking the same thing!

Gender scan is April 27th!
April 27th!!! Not tooo much longer (though I know it feels like an eternity to you!). Have you started getting any gender intuitions? Does anyone else have a guess? I still say girl :)

So, today I went on a decent length walk, cleaned up some of the house, got a pedicure, had mexican food for dinner and dtd (with a pillow to elevate and help things go where they I hope some of it did some good. John was going to start paternity leave tomorrow since we assumed I'd be getting induced Saturday. he's going to work tomorrow, taking Saturday off (to take me for the sweep) and then I guess we will play it by ear. He's taking 3 weeks off so I'd hate to have him use it up before Lucas is here.
wow changes fast once baby is here. Today the health nurses came and it took me forever to get myself and him ready., I forgot. First time on pc today. CRAZY but awesome.

Nicole....I am soooooo feeling for u and pray they get the ball rolling saturday for u, I so feel ur pain. Thank goodness John has a nice chunk of time off.

Lilies....As for the birth cert,....u have to go to a registries here in canada to send off for them. U can do it asap or wait but u don't get the monthly tax benefit til u get your baby the birth cert. So its not even an issue .....I think its time for a belly pic to make cookies today, sqwat without pain, wear jeans...Landon said wow mom, u lost weight. LOL....I made a nice supper, we walked the mall today and Joe bought his boy some cute clothes and a baby album. He said he finds it hard to not just look at baby and cry. He said he finds it hard to leave the house. He is sooo in love. Beyond what he ever imagined. I love hearing that.....he has been super sweet to me as well. More than normal. lol....rubbing my back, asking to cuddle in bed. its kinda funny...may need to have more kids to be spoiled. lol.....hope all u ladies are great! Will post more pics soon,

My milk came in...yay, baby is getting darker by the day. I was abl
well did the mexican, walk and dtd work? anything?

Hey lilies...u should be feeling babes soon. YAY.

Where is sandy?
Didn't do much I guess. Woke up this morning w/ tons of pelvic pressure....the way it was a few weeks ago where it hurts to walk. Other than that, the period cramps are still here, but they don't mean a thing.

Sweep tomorrow morning!!! Hopefully it does something! :)
Hey ladies. How is everyone?? Sorry I have been mia...just really busy. Between Gunner and my other 3 I haven't had much free time. I do have to say that my little man did awesome last night and slept from 11 to 3 then til 6:30 this morning. We laid back down at 7:30 and slept til almost 11. I feel way better. I did have to pump twice last night as my nipples are pretty sore and they needed a break. Gunner took the bottle with no problems and drank almost 4 oz each time. hungry boy.

Carole your little boy is so adorable!! How big was he?? Or did I miss that post?

Nicole hang in there hun. I know its frustrating when everyone is in labor or has had their baby but Lucas will be here soon. I am hoping by sunday for you.

Tiger I will be looking for to April 27. I can't wait to hear but I am thinking girl for you. What are your thoughts?
Sounds like Gunner is doing great Sandi!! Like he is a content baby, that is wonderful :)
Nicole, your situation reminds me of that Friends episode when Rachel was doing everything she could to get that baby out except her water actually broke in the end! I hope that sweep works tomorrow!

Carole, wow, you really had a baby-out-of-belly day! I'm so glad things are so great! LOL about having more babies!

Reeds, what breast bump did you buy? Is it really a pain to clean?

I feel pressure in the lower pelvis and it will go away so I'm sure it's baby but no "kicks" just yet. Today at work every single time I got up off the chair I had to pee! That baby was using my bladder has a warm cushion or something I swear! I wish I could find out the sex before Easter, I still don't know.....I'm not swayed one way or another still. Some people at work think boy, some girl. :shrug: The top of my uterus is at my belly button now so the upper half is fat, the lower half baby. LOL
Nicole, your situation reminds me of that Friends episode when Rachel was doing everything she could to get that baby out except her water actually broke in the end! I hope that sweep works tomorrow!

Carole, wow, you really had a baby-out-of-belly day! I'm so glad things are so great! LOL about having more babies!

Reeds, what breast bump did you buy? Is it really a pain to clean?

I feel pressure in the lower pelvis and it will go away so I'm sure it's baby but no "kicks" just yet. Today at work every single time I got up off the chair I had to pee! That baby was using my bladder has a warm cushion or something I swear! I wish I could find out the sex before Easter, I still don't know.....I'm not swayed one way or another still. Some people at work think boy, some girl. :shrug: The top of my uterus is at my belly button now so the upper half is fat, the lower half baby. LOL

LOL...I hope the sweep does something tomorrow too! And I hope she is even able to do it. She's on who knows how long it will take to get seen. She wants me there at 8am. But, I've also heard of dr.s not being able to do the sweeps if the cervix isn't just right. Guess we will see. If my water breaks I may freak never broke w/ Lexi the dr's broke it while I was in labor.

Other than baby using your bladder as a trampoline, how are you feeling hun? Are you sick ever or is your tummy ok? I feel for you with the peeing thing, you have a while to deal with that unfortunately. It will be the ONE thing I am most looking forward to, not peeing as much. :haha:
LOL, I bet it will be nice not to wake up every hour to pee! Of course you might be doing that anyways for feeding times!

I thought about that too, the sweep causing your water to break, if it does, will your body automatically start with contractions?
I don't have a clue! Is it the water breaking that causes contractions for some women?
I honestly have no idea.....I guess if it did break and you didn't get contractions they would have to induce you Saturday!
My luck it would break while I'm at the mall afterwards. I know it's a completely natural thing but I would be soooo embarrassed!!
Just play it off and say real loudly, "Who spilled their drink and didn't clean it up!?"

I didn't answer your other question, I haven't been nauseous in awhile but these past two days I have been so I feel like I'm snacking ALL the time to keep the feeling away. Not to mention mega bitch in the mornings, just down right annoyed at everything!

I didn't answer your other question, I haven't been nauseous in awhile but these past two days I have been so I feel like I'm snacking ALL the time to keep the feeling away. Not to mention mega bitch in the mornings, just down right annoyed at everything!

Awww man I'm sorry...nausea sucks (thank goodness I escaped it this pregnancy). But snacking all day instead of meals helps. LOL about the mega bitch part...probably b/c you'd rather be sleeping!

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