Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Hey Tiger I have the breastflow bottles which are formed like our nipples and from all the reviews there is little to no nipple confusion...he just doesn't like it. LOL We can get him to take the bottle once he realizes there is my milk in there but if there is formula he will just plain refuse...and would rather be hungry. I sure there would be a point where he would take it but I will just nurse. I have actually done it in public now and its not that bad. Most people don't even pay attention to me...I think my family was more embarassed than anyone else. But oh well.
Nicole the on call pediatrician is the one who did his circ...I hope all goes well with you and Carole's lo's circ. Xx
Nicole, don't worry about not breasting, not everyone can, it's just not that big of a deal.

I really want to attempt a natural birth, we'll see what really happens, and to me the scariest thing about natural birth is that episiotomy/tearing and having to feel them stitch me up.

Sandi, have you tried those nipples that work like breast feeding to get Gunner to take a bottle?

Go for it with the natural birth girl!! Good on you...I know I couldn't do it. I like to think I can handle pain, but when it comes to labor I am a big baby I think. I think even if you have a natural birth and tear (not everyone even tears) you can get numbed before being stitched, so don't let that deter you.
My stitches are killing me at the moment. I can't wait to be healed. Been getting crazy contractions (guess it's the uterus shrinking down)...never had them after Lexi's birth.
Tigr I had 2 natural births and 2 not...I would prefer the natural any day to be honest. My epi stops working when its time to push so I feel it all and it sucks LOL with the natural I really feel like my body had built up to the pain and could tolerate it better. If that makes any sense.

Nicole I had the contractions too they suck...I think its cause once those boys came out they did in a hurry. Did they give you the indione water bottle and the spray to help with yur stitches?? it is wonderful
Tigr I had 2 natural births and 2 not...I would prefer the natural any day to be honest. My epi stops working when its time to push so I feel it all and it sucks LOL with the natural I really feel like my body had built up to the pain and could tolerate it better. If that makes any sense.

Nicole I had the contractions too they suck...I think its cause once those boys came out they did in a hurry. Did they give you the indione water bottle and the spray to help with yur stitches?? it is wonderful

My epidural was turned off and pitocin pushed w/ Lexi b/c she was slightly distressed...this time I think my epidural started wearing off like you are talking about b/c I started feeling the contractions all the sudden right before I pushed. Didn't matter b/c he came out so fast though...LOL. I think they say labor is A LOT faster without drugs though...correct? Lucas' labor was pretty fast even with the drugs.

Also, they had a lot of problems getting my epi in this time...Lexi was no problem, this time they had to try numerous places on my back and it was pretty painful. I have a few bruises down my back and last night was having serious shooting pains....I'm hoping there is not damage b/c of it. I still think at the time they are WAY worth it, but that is just me.

I got the bottle which really helps, but they didn't give me the spray this time. How long did your contractions last afterwards? I hope they go away feels like labor building up I made the mistake of taking a mirror and looking 'down there' OMG it looks horrible. LOL.
And Sandi, like I say of any woman who can do it, that is amazing you had two natural births. I seriously give you HUGE props!!

Now where are the new pics of Gunner?! Don't you know I am a picture addict!! I wanna see more of the cutie pie!! ;)
That's too funny about Gunner refusing the formula! He's all about the real stuff!
That does make sense about your body getting use to the pain of labor during a natural birth. I want to try but we'll see!

Okay, this stitch stuff and sprays is not making me look forward to this "birthing" thing! I'm going to have to take some kind of class to teach Jeff how to stretch me down there for the time comes in hopes to prevent tearing......I wonder if they even bother teaching you that? They should!

Nicole, do you think you had the epi too soon that it was wearing off at the end? If it works, how long is that stuff suppose to last for?

So my sister today was trying to tell me not to be paranoid about the baby and I told her that she has no idea what it's like to have three MC's so she can't possibly know what it is to be scared something could happen. Then she tells me how when they first moved to NC she had a missed period and when it did start there was tissue there so she thought it might have been a MC. The thing is she never did a hpt so she doesn't really know if indeed she was PG (wasn't trying at the time) and she was very stressed out at the too b.c she was having difficulty finding a job (well over a month kind of thing). This might be selfish of me, but to me, she still doesn't really know what it's like.
That's too funny about Gunner refusing the formula! He's all about the real stuff!
That does make sense about your body getting use to the pain of labor during a natural birth. I want to try but we'll see!

Okay, this stitch stuff and sprays is not making me look forward to this "birthing" thing! I'm going to have to take some kind of class to teach Jeff how to stretch me down there for the time comes in hopes to prevent tearing......I wonder if they even bother teaching you that? They should!

Nicole, do you think you had the epi too soon that it was wearing off at the end? If it works, how long is that stuff suppose to last for?

So my sister today was trying to tell me not to be paranoid about the baby and I told her that she has no idea what it's like to have three MC's so she can't possibly know what it is to be scared something could happen. Then she tells me how when they first moved to NC she had a missed period and when it did start there was tissue there so she thought it might have been a MC. The thing is she never did a hpt so she doesn't really know if indeed she was PG (wasn't trying at the time) and she was very stressed out at the too b.c she was having difficulty finding a job (well over a month kind of thing). This might be selfish of me, but to me, she still doesn't really know what it's like.

They say the perineal massages do help, but honestly I'm not sure how much....every woman I've known to give birth has torn or been cut. I think there is only so much the area down there can be stretched But, don't worry about it hun, at the time you won't care and afterwards the pain only lasts so long. Mine is finally starting to feel better today.

I don't think I got the epi too late...there may just have been issues with it since it was so hard to get in in the first place. I got it going around 9 or so and had him at 1. With Lexi I had my epidural at around 4 and didn't have her till 4 the next morning. Plus they can control it...if I was going to stay in labor longer w/ Lucas they probably would have pushed more. But, when I told them I was starting to feel contractions again I was already fully dialated.

I don't think you are being sellfish or paranoid at all. I completely understand and I only had 1 m/c. It's devestating and ruins the 'excitement' of the future pregnancy I feel. I mean you still get excited, but the naiveness is gone and the optimism isn't always there. I can't imagine how you feel having had three of them and my heart goes out to you. You have every right to be worried and feel whatever you feel. It's scary! I was scared the WHOLE pregnancy w/ Lucas. Even at 37 weeks, if there was a day I didn't feel movement it was horrible. So I think it's completely normal and no one should try and tell you not to feel that way. I hope you are a bit excited (even if the excitement comes with nerves!).
Thanks Nicole! I am excited, it's just before yesterday below my belly button it was as hard as above the belly button but yesterday and today the uterus part feels softer than the fat part of my abdomen and it's hard not to be concerned. It's probably nothing and all very silly but I feel more fat than PG compared to two days ago. Ya know?
Thanks Nicole! I am excited, it's just before yesterday below my belly button it was as hard as above the belly button but yesterday and today the uterus part feels softer than the fat part of my abdomen and it's hard not to be concerned. It's probably nothing and all very silly but I feel more fat than PG compared to two days ago. Ya know?

I hear ya...the worries never go away. If it's any consolation, I never had a hard stomach below my belly button, it seemed it was soft the whole pregnancy.
Ya know, I wasn't bothering to actually check out other forums since some people are real dumb-asses about not reading what you wrote but making comments on it or just being plain wrong about what they write. Pretty much what poor Sandi was experiencing. This pixie girl is starting to piss me off telling ppl that at 20wks she just really started to get a bump so everyone not as far along as her has bumps mostly b.c of bloat. She keeps posting this stupid looking chart about where the top of the uterus would be at different weeks and I don't think she herself even knows how to read it. There is a girl about 16wks feeling how I'm feeling about my bump not being as hard and this woman has the audacity to say at 16wks the uterus is just about the pelvic bone. Well my week by week baby growth website says it's just 3 inches below the belly button, and for me that's also 3 inches above the pelvic bone. That sure the hell isn't JUST above the pelvic bone, you're JUST above the pelvic bone at 12wks. Dumb-ass.
Okay, rant over. :)
LOL vent away Tiger!! That is what we are here for! One of the worst things about pregnnacy in my opinion is that everyone is a 'know it all' in some sense of the word. I am sure I am guilty of having done things like that as well unfortunately. Women always think that whatever they read is the truth and they always think whatever they have experienced is the ONLY way it can happen or be and that everyone else is lying. I am sorry you are having to go through that crap....just ignore all those kind of people and know that what you are feeling and how your body is is right for YOU and the rest of the people can kiss it!

AFM...I'm honestly feeling kinda shitty. Sandi...did things start healing for you after the stinging started? Everything is starting to sting down there more and more as the days go on....I'd think it would be the opposite, but I remember you saying something about feeling like that before healing?

Also, I'm kinda concerned as I've got some serious lower leg/ankle/feet swelling the past few days. I'll admit that on Friday I was feeling better so I did a lot...possibly too much, but since then I've been taking it VERY easy but the swelling continues. Yesterday afternoon/evening my calfs started hurting and they still hurt now (one leg worse than the other). I know right after labor they always ask if your calves hurt, but not sure if them hurting this far out means anything?? Also, not sure what the hell they mean by 'hurt'...mine feel like they are sore, like when you jog without stretching or something? I'm so confused, and not sure if any of this makes sense or is normal at this point? Probably going to call tomorrow, but just wanted to know what you guys think?
HELLO my, what a busy 3 days. My family just left and now to clean the house. The baby party was great, busy, messy but all had fun. Lamine was spoiled.....great to have all my family around.
Sorry I was mia but it was impossible to get on here with so many staying and visiting...would be kinda rude.

Nicole...I had major leg and ankle swelling and it is just now that it is getting better. it was worse than when pg. And the after contractions will only get worse with each pg...mine this time almost brought me to tears and they lasted for days.

Sandy...they do not do baby circs in the hospital here. U have to go to a baby dr that does them and its after u are discharged. There is a fee here to have it done...we paid $250

I will pm u ladies some pics of the party within the next few days. We got some great family photos.

How are all these boys doing? Lamine is sleeping well but still lazy as heck during the day. He is sooo amazing and funny, he has such a personality already.

Lilies....still waiting on a bump pic. As for the rant....I totally know what u mean about the annoying posts, everyone is soooo different and can not be compared to a chart. I honestly felt my baby flutter at 11 weeks. Dont know how I did but its true.....

Will catch up later as I need to clean clean clean.....
Thanks ladies for understanding my rant!

Nicole, I would definitely call about leg pain since one hurts more than the other, that's the one thing that would concern me. If it was both equally then I would just say it's some weird post labor thing but one hurting more......hmmm.....

Carole, so glad the party was great! Is your MIL still with you? I can't wait to see some pictures!

I had Jeff take a belly pic tonight and I just deleted it. I just look fat.

I have sad news, Hannah's symptoms starting kicking in again so we took her to a neurologist to see what he would say. Did a CT scan and said he found no disc herniation that would cause nerve problems. Felt that her problems might be from autoimmune disorder, like multiple sclerosis for dogs. There's two types, ones more aggressive than the other. We had a spinal tap done on Friday and Saturday the results showed it was the aggressive type. With steroids she might have weeks, maybe a couple of months. So right now we're just spoiling her as best we can and when things get worse we'll have to do the inevitable. This is so hard for both of us but especially Jeff. This is his baby. His dad bought this dog when he thought his cancer was getting better only to end up dying a few months later. Not only is she the sweetest little thing, but she means so much to Jeff.
Oh lilies...I hope your dog gets better soon with some tlc.

My MIL is here til May 8.
OK..I was without a pc for a few days as our modem was acting up and no one has posted. Come on ladies....where are u all?
Working, waiting on next week's scan, love'in on Hannah as much as possible. Just not much to share. I did get one of those frames that you can imprint a dog's paw in clay and put a picture of them on the other side. It actually upset Jeff but I think he'll appreciate it more later. He's really taking this very hard. I pray we never lose a child, I don't think he could deal with it.

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