Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Tiger hope your puppy is ok. Its so hard to lose a pet. XX

Nicole are your feet and calves any better?? Mine was horribly swollen up til a few days ago...and so painful. I called and they said it was normal and from all the IV fluids they push during labor. Hope your feeling better soon.

Carole HEELLLOOO lol

Asfm and Gunner all is going well. Went to a WIC appt yesterday...he is now 9lbs 3.8oz and 22 inches long. Yay my booby juice is working. LOL
Thanks Tiger. I see changes in him every day...its amazing. I cant wait til your lo is here
I am with reeds...can;t wait to see yours lilies.

Ok, I am not crazy. I have had MAJOR swelling in my legs and arms. I BF lamine and get an imprint from his ear. CRAZY eh....
So how is Hannah doing Tiger? I can't imagine what you guys are going through. We've put down 3 dogs in the past few years. Always for agression issues (or foreseen agression) but it's devestating regardless the reason. In our house dogs are like our children and are treated as such so I can't imagine :( I hope you guys are doing alright.

On a positive note only a few days until your scan! I can't wait to hear what you are having.

AFM: I just went and bought some Alimentum (hypoallergenic) formula for my little guy. We switched him to soy at the hospital b/c he was puking from the regular stuff. So he was doing well but the past week he's had major constipation on/off. Today it's so bad he stops eating and screams and bares down for a bit. He's had 2 bm's today, but they've been the wrong color and extremely hard rock like (TMI sorry). I feel sooo bad for my little dude :( We called the pediatrician who is having us try this stuff (Lexi was on it as well b/c of tummy issues). And then we have to get a script filled and WIC will cover it. Thank goodness b/c that stuff costs $25/can.

How is everyone doing?

Other than that we are good. I am taking FOREVER to heal but I guess it's to be expected.
Poor lucas....its so tough on them not to poop. What about glyserin supositories? SP???

Our formula cost $30 a can on sale...and A case of the liquid costs $45. He is getting fussy and throws his face back and forth with the bubba in his mouth cause he wants to boob. LOL....I will have to increase my pills to see if I can get more milk as he likes the boob.
What day is your scan lilies? can not wait to hear...WOW...time is flying for u
Poor lucas....its so tough on them not to poop. What about glyserin supositories? SP???

Our formula cost $30 a can on sale...and A case of the liquid costs $45. He is getting fussy and throws his face back and forth with the bubba in his mouth cause he wants to boob. LOL....I will have to increase my pills to see if I can get more milk as he likes the boob.
What day is your scan lilies? can not wait to hear...WOW...time is flying for u

Our pediatrician said if all else fails we could use 1/2 of an infant suppository. BUT...that would just solve the problem temporarily. I guess it's a common problem with the soy for some babies. Lexi was the same way. She was so bad with her tummy issues that she developed severe acid reflux as well and had to be on baby zantac. He was showing signs of that last night too. Gave him the one bottle of the hypoallergenic and a few hours later he had a 1/2 way normal poop. He was up from 7 last night to pretty much 4 this morning on/off screaming in pain and baring down and arching his back (a sign of reflux). I just hope the alimentum helps and we don't have to resort to meds as well. He seems much happier today. WOW...sorry I wrote so much about Lucas!!

What pills are you on to get more milk Carole?

If I am correct Tigers scan is that right? I can't wait to hear too! I am soooo glad to be done being prego and now can live through you Tiger for the fun stuff :) hehe!
$30/can on SALE?! Is that for most formulas or just the one he's on? That is outrageous. Is everything more expensive in Canada (not to sound totally dumb) or are they trying to promote bfing that way?

I get WIC so formula is free (so many cans a month) and with dr. prescription they cover this one as well. We bought the can last night to test it out though. The cheaper formulas cost around $15 a can if I remember correctly.
Oh wow Nicole, poor little Lucas, how aweful! I hope the new formula will do the trick. How is he today?

Carole, is that much swelling normal? That just seems a bit much!

Yep, my scan is scheduled for Wednesday. I noticed with past scans at work my placenta is moving upward so I'm going to have my coworker check me tomorrow, make sure there's enough room to do this on Wednesday. If not I'll reschedule it since it would be pointless to pay for a scan and not being able to check ALL the organs.
Oh wow Nicole, poor little Lucas, how aweful! I hope the new formula will do the trick. How is he today?

Carole, is that much swelling normal? That just seems a bit much!

Yep, my scan is scheduled for Wednesday. I noticed with past scans at work my placenta is moving upward so I'm going to have my coworker check me tomorrow, make sure there's enough room to do this on Wednesday. If not I'll reschedule it since it would be pointless to pay for a scan and not being able to check ALL the organs.

He's doing a bit better...sleeping in his bouncy seat right now. We are going to keep going with the new formula for a few more days and as long as he is progressing, we'll get a script from the dr. and get it approved for WIC (thank goodness for WIC!).

Ok, I am going to sound completely dense here, but what would the placenta have to do with the scan?
Well, the baby is all squished to one side, at least that's how she looked this morning with a quick sneak peak and the placenta was right there in the middle. Now it was armature hour this morning, the girl who usually scans me isn't at work today that's why I'm waiting for tomorrow to have her check it out. Now I don't know this myself, but if the placenta is in the way with an abdominal scan, could they do a vaginal one to see the baby better?
Well, the baby is all squished to one side, at least that's how she looked this morning with a quick sneak peak and the placenta was right there in the middle. Now it was armature hour this morning, the girl who usually scans me isn't at work today that's why I'm waiting for tomorrow to have her check it out. Now I don't know this myself, but if the placenta is in the way with an abdominal scan, could they do a vaginal one to see the baby better?

I am sure they could do a vaginal scan to see better...but honestly I don't think you have anything to worry about. My placenta was all over the place this pregnancy. First it was low lying covering the cervix then it started to go higher all the while being anterior (which I am guess yours is already, being on the front?). I had 8 u/s' or so and the sonograph techs (or whatever they are called) never had a hard time seeing him or making out the parts they needed to check or organs, etc. Don't cancel your appt hun! I'm sure they'd be able to see everything even if the placenta is in the way :)
And the appt is only 1.5 days away!! Get excited about it woman!! hehe ;)
LOL, I am, I am! Thanks for the U/S advice, I really appreciate it, I was hoping that's what you'd say esp with all the placenta moving around you had!

So I never answered your question about Hannah, it's doing okay with the steroid meds. When she takes it she's a bit blah for an hour but she still in great spirits. She definitely gets tired easier and is not tolerating the heat as well like she did last year. Hopefully this will prolong the inevitable for another month are so.
K..BNB is a pain in the ass, would not let me log in other than to my profile yesterday. UGH....

Formula is about 30 bucks for the brand name stuff, 28 on sale. I have been using the tins of premade that u just add water too as my boy is super fussy and refussing the powder. He has been projectile puking sometimes after a forumla feed. We have a Dr apt this afternoon....but he doesn't puke after BF??

The meds I am on are Domperidone..sounds like the fancy wine.LOL....they help me lactate and without them I could not BF. They are a blessing.
Lililes......I can not beleive we get to find out what your having so soon. WOW....I am so pleased.

So Nicole....dont u just love peeing once at nite and WOW..does my bladder ever hold alot now. LOL. I want to weigh as I know I have dropped more weight, I feel great.
Hope u chickies are perfect and hope that little Lucas has a better day today.
Tiger----We find out TOMORROW what you are having! OMG can't wait to hear from you hun!!

Carole---OK so I am partly jealous and then partly worried....while I don't pee nearly as much as while prego, I still pee a lot...way more than my normal pre-prego self. And when I need to pee it's usually feeling really urget. Hopefully I'm not going to be one of those 30 year olds that pees themselves and has to wear pads all the time...ROFL.

Well..I don't know yet if Lucas is completely good on this formula. He FINALLY pooped a little bit about an hour ago (first poo since Saturday night) so i am not sure if the formula is completely helping him. He's also been doing a little bit of back arching (a major sign of acid reflux in babies)...and I was hoping not to go through that crap again. Guess we will see.
Tiger cant wait to hear what we are having!! lol :)

Nicole i hope Lucas is long does it take for the new formula to work?

Carole I get little gunner ear prints on my arm while bfing its so cute but thn i think i am cutting off the blood flow to his ears. lol

asfm I am flooded out of my house and tj is out on the state of emergency so i am at my sisters tonight...the flood water was about 5ft from my house and bridges were so flooded its a good thing we have a jacked up truck or we wouldnt have gotten jeep is stuck at my house...hopefully all these storms pass soon
Oh wow Sandi, I hope the water doesn't rise any more! Keep us updated!

Nicole, that sucks about emergency pees, hopefully after more healing time that will stop.

Carole, that formula does seem expensive! Good thing Lamine likes breast milk! Are you able to pump much between feedings?

So my scan is 3pm but I have a confession, we did a scan at work and it's a girl......Jeff and I are in a bit of denial so we really have told anyone, we want confirmation by the actual ob US machine but it doesn't seem there's much mistaking it unless it happens to be a boy that isn't well endowed. I'm not going to lie, it's hard to get excited about a girl b.c I get to name her and for years thought of Evelyn Maryanna and I would call her Evie which I adore! Except Jeff doesn't like Evie and said he would never call her that and that is ruining it for me. We tried to come up with a name together and thought if Pheobe which I like but I've had Evie on my mind for so long. It makes me feel torn. Now don't get me wrong about nit being excited for a girl, we already started a registry and we both picked out a TON of girl clothes!
YAYYYYY for a girl! So we were right! I just knew it! I'm so happy for you. I promise little girls are awesome. Are you guys in denial b/c you wanted a boy first or b/c you thought this one was a boy? Enjoy your confirmation scan today hun!

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