Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Thank you ladies. Yes alot can change in a year and I am praying it does. I think what upsets me most is he wants to go...I don't think I will ever get that. I am just sad thinking thta Gunner will be missing him the most. I can deal but how does a baby?? or a toddler at that stage.

Oh well.

Nicole how are things for you? Lucas doing better?

Tiger hows our girl treating you?

Carole hope things calm down soon.

I did manage to clean our room today and get the grass cut I feel very accomplished today. LOL
Tiger: I keep meaning to ask you....have you been doing any shopping? I'm ready to see TONS of pics all things baby!!!
LOL, I bought about $50 in baby clothes from the consignment shop, some 3mon, some 9mon but mostly 6mon. I expect a baby from Jeff and me not to be in new borns very long! ;)

I bought a pack and play that I'll also use as a bassinet from the consignment shop for only $90! And then from Craig's list a glider with a gliding ottoman for $100. I'll get some pictures posted here soon.

How's the handsome little men in everyone's lives!?
OHHH I can't wait to see pics! Please post. I'm so happy I get to see some girly stuff :)
Hello my ladies...

Reeds, sorry about the crappy news for clue how u do it. How is Gunner man doing?

Lilies....I have had no help, lol, things will be easier in about 8.5 hours as I go to the airport then to get MIL on a plane. She is super kind and sweet, we love spending time together but she is used to a different life. She has two maids so life is simple for her there and it has been here. I help her no the other way around. LOL..oh well. The only thing that truly bugs me is 3 times now my Lamine has pooped and I was at the store or running kids to school, she wont change diapers. Pee I can deal with as I am never more than a hour but poop??? Oh well...

Nicole, how is Lucas's refux? I miss chattin with u guys so much. I will send pics soon, Joe misplaced our camera cable a few days ago....bone head.
Happy Mother's Day to my favorite ladies. I hope your all well. I really miss chatting too but with Tj gone I can't seem to find time to get on here. I am really overwhelmed and right now I am at my moms and everyone is playing with Gunner so I have a few minutes. I am really blessed he is a good baby but I love to snuggle him and since I am home alone it makes the time better. I need to post pics too but for some reason I can't get the new ones to download so when Tj gets home I will get the new ones up. He is smiling now and laughing its heaven. :)

I hope your all well. Love you all.
Happy Mothers Day to you too!!!

I'm sorry things are rough. Any word yet on when TJ will be home? I can't wait to see new pics of Gunner and Lamine! You guys are terrible with the pic uploads...LOL...but I'll forgive ya! hehe :)

Awww...smiles and laughs. I can't wait for that. Lucas is doing mini smiles but nothing full on and who knows how long until we hear a laugh. Lexi was full on smiling non-stop by 5 hopefully he starts all that fun stuff up soon.

Anything else new with anyone?

How are you feeling Tiger? Can't wait to see your pics as well!!!
Nothing new with me...I have my 6 week check up tomorrow and have to decide it I want another TL...I am thinking I don't. I want another baby. Is that crazy?? aren't crazy! If you are having any doubts DON'T do it! Just remember how much it cost to reverse it this time. I know in my case right now I think awww another would be nice...but for me that is just because I love the baby stage. Then I get screamed at by Lexi and realize two is enough. LOL. But everyone is different. If you want another then go for it (if TJ is on board of course!!).

John's getting his snip at the end of the month. So many people try and talk us outta it...but for us it's best. Everyone is different though!

I have a TMI question for you...since you had a tear as well. Are you still sore down there? I am and I felt around and there is a very hard the majority of the area where the stiches were has healed for hte most part and is soft then all the way at the top of where I tore it's very hard and pokes out and is super sore. I'm totally not sure if that is normal as it never healed that way w/ Lexi (had an episiotomy with her). Sorry if that is just TMI but I'm not sure if there may be something healing wrong?
Tj doesn't want I don't know if he will change his mind or not...

As far as the tear I am still sore but not really bad I do remember with my tear with Ashleigh it was like that and it took forever to heal but I had a 3rd degree tear with her. It felt tender down there and lumpy. But if your not sure call you dr and get checked. Thats a rough place to be sore all the time.
Happy Mother's Day to my favorite bnb ladies!!!!!

Carole.....WOW to the MIL thing not even changing a diaper.....yeah, I'm not sure how I would have handled that one! I hope things will get into a better rhythm now.

Nicole, that really stinks that you're still sore down there. Are the stitches actually out yet?

Sandi, I'm sorry that Tj is still not home, I know it's one of the most honorable things he's doing but I would be terribly lonesome too.

Okay, here's some pictures of stuff. Starting to second guess my second hand glider though. I washed the cushions the best I could in our washer but I noticed yesterday it smelled like pee in the house and it's definitely the cushions. The previous owners has a small dog that jumped up on the seat even as we were picking it up. Hannah can't jump like that anymore and it's too small for Nick to get up there plus the rocking would make it harder too so I'm thinking the oxy-clean just wasn't enough. I'll have to take it to the laundry mat and use one of those big washer.
The tiger head underneath the activity seat or whatever it's called is actually a xylophone we picked up at consignment too.
Cool baby items must seem unreal now. I know when I did the big shop and actually saw his toys etc in the house it was like >>>WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!! LOL...try to get the smell out as it looks like a nice glider.

MIL is gone now, she made me have tears in my eyes as she said I was so kind to her and she will never forget that, she thinks Joe is lucky to have me, she prayed for us, my boys and our marriage. She just said alot of kind and grateful things to me. Guess I just have to remember she is from a totally different area than me and has a different lifestyle than us here.

Nicole, sorry your lady parts are so sore still. Makes me think I was lucky for the section. Even though I am still having a mild bleed??? Joe will be home tmorrow and I will make him find the camera cord, I have some great pics.

Sandy....I know exactly how u feel about being alone for days on end. Joe is running to N dakota these days and it sucks. Right now my oldest is cuddling lamine so I can make supper and do some computer time.

Happy Mothers Day to u all!!
Here's basically the pack n play I bought from consignment, same color too. Not exactly what I wanted but it saved me $40. My is all folded up and I didn't want to try to assemble it right now. It IS unreal! Every time I look at the baby's room and see things coming together, it makes me so happy!

That was really sweet of MIL to say all those wonderful things. It is hard to understand what it's like for someone else from a different culture and vise versa for them! I'm so glad Joe is coming home though! That will be nice!
Yup...stitches have been out for a bit..they use the desolvables. I love the baby stuff esspecially that pack and play! Have you tried using a steamer on the cushions? Like from a carpet cleaner attachment? I use one on our couch cushions since Lexi spills milk..and has even peed on the couch once after a Anyways, they really work on getting smells out. Maybe give that a shot since like Carole said it is a super nice glider!

I was the same didn't seem real until his room started coming together. I'm so happy for you!

Can't wait for Joe to get home so I can see pics of lil man! That is so sweet of MIL to say all those nice things!! Always nice to hear good things from MIL's.

Yeah, the soreness sucks. It doesn't hurt unless I move in a weird way or during wiping after peeing, etc. But, it is also making me not look forward to sex AT ALL when the time comes.
Yeah I bet you're not looking forward to sex right now but that discomfort can't last forever. It's been 4wks since you had Lucas right? Maybe you should mention something to the doctor like what Sandi said, make sure you're healing right.

I actually rubbed the cushions with oxy-clean and put it in our washing machine. It was too big though and water splashed over the edge that's why I'm thinking laundry mat, I just beyond this goes beyond a steam cleaners job.
Yeah, I will def. mention it to her. I don't think it's anything serious enough to call now. My 6 week postpardem appt. is coming up so we'll see if all is well. Not like John is getting any any time soon...LOL. He's getting sniped on the 30th and the procedure takes a few weeks (I believe) to be completely effective. And since condoms annoy me and I never got on the pill guess we will just abstain for a while. I'd rather get completely healed down there first anyways! It's still kinda hard to believe he is getting sniped and our family is now complete. I look at Lucas and sometimes want another one but honestly it's just b/c I LOVE the baby stages! They are absolutely wonderful...even with the sleep deprivation and crying and in my kids cases reflux and colic (Lexi). It's just so miraculous to watch them grow and develop!

Lucas is getting so big so fast! I think he may as big as the other boys even though weighed less at birth! Might just be imagining that I'm loving my cuddle time, b/c I know there is only so much longer that he can sleep on my chest and be that tiny! I'm getting all And he slept in his crib for the first time last night!

Tiger I really hope you can get the cushions clean. We have a super high capacity washer and it still doesn't fully wash a comforter or larger things like that. We take those to a dry cleaner or laundry mat like you are saying. So hopefully that is why the cushions didn't come completely clean, not enough room.
I hope the laundry mat worked too!

Any time I've held someone else's baby it's so darn precious, I can't wait to hold my own so I can still relate to what you're saying! Has Lucas been in a basinet before last night? How'd he like the crib?

Jeff and I talked about him getting snipped after our second. He's not completely comfortable doing it so we'll see what happens.
Yup..he was in the bassinet next to our bed until last night. He did really good in the crib...just looked around until he fell asleep. I'm a big believer in 'cry it out' to get kids on schedule. Not for everyone of course, but it works for us. But really he doesn't cry much...he just hangs out till he falls asleep.

I'm kinda surprised John is ok with getting it done as well. You know how men are with their penis'! But like I told him, we know we don't want more kids...and I've been on birth control for so damn long it's his!
LOL I know what you mean with them being so sensitive! But that's how I feel too, we do so much, they need to step up now!

I also agree with the letting them cry it out. If they've been fed, changed and it's nap time, then it's nap time! My sister and BIL made the mistake of rocking my neice to sleep and always holding her when she cried and she became dependent on that attention. I even told her then it wasn't a good idea and now, 5yrs later she admits she wish she didn't do that.
Very true about the dependancy. I remember when we first started letting Lexi cry it out, she was around Lucas' age. My mom was over and Lexi kept crying for no reason (she was a colicky baby). I kept going to her and getting frustrated. My mom told me about cry it out and literally MADE me sit there at the kitchen table with her and John while Lexi screamed. It felt like hours and I sat there balling my eyes out. But eventually she went to sleep and we only had to let her cry like that a handful more times before she was on a schedule and sending herself to sleep. Man oh man is it hard to hear at first though. But, it's been soooo good for her. So I've started Lucas as well now. I feel bad that it doesn't make me ball my eyes out anymore. Like it means I don't love him the same??? But I tell myself it's just because I know it's best for him and that is why it doesn't effect me the same way anymore. Does that make sense? Or am I horrible?!

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