Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Dietrad I am praying all is fine for your little bean. I am always worried about that thought as well....what if I have lost the baby and the progestrone is delaying the mc. I am sure we will all be fine and our beans are snuggled in we have just lost the innocence that nothing can go wrong. Hand in there hun. I will keep praying.
Thank so much ladies!!!! You guys are the best support symptom I could possibly pray for! When I put in my pill this morning, it felt a little higher than the day before but the opening feels like it more cushionie ? I don't know if that makes sense, like a have more tissue build up or something. Still no signs of blood which is good. I do have an apt on Wednesday but I'll probably call tomorrow. I'm the the ob nurse is going to think I'm a paranoid nut! :wacko:
Thank so much ladies!!!! You guys are the best support symptom I could possibly pray for! When I put in my pill this morning, it felt a little higher than the day before but the opening feels like it more cushionie ? I don't know if that makes sense, like a have more tissue build up or something. Still no signs of blood which is good. I do have an apt on Wednesday but I'll probably call tomorrow. I'm the the ob nurse is going to think I'm a paranoid nut! :wacko:

LOL...don't worry, I think they all expect us to be paranoid, essp. after going through a loss. No sign of blood so that is great, and keep in your mind that you just saw that beautiful heartbeat!!!! I bet all is well in there :) Let us know what the dr. says tomorrow!
They won't think you are a nut- they deal with us crazy ladies every day!!

Well, I woke up to more bleeding this morning- I thought when I didn't have any yesterday that it was gone, but NO. It's weird because when I went to bed last night, my boobs were so sore I couldn't lay on my side so I thouhgt, yay, BIG symptom. Plus my nausea all day yesterday....SO, WHY am I bleeding today again??? Here goes my panic until tomorrow at 1:00!!!! :cry:
Oh Amos, I'm praying for you! And I expect a good report when you get back this afternoon!!!!

DH checked me again last night and said it felt a little higher and not as open so I decided not to call the OB, I'll just mention it on Wednesday during my apt. I did have my coworker scan me, and it's not an OB US so the picture is more grainy but we did see the HB!!!!! She also let me know that I had a tilted uterus and DH found in the internet that that could actually sit lower, and also something about the opening of the uterus could feel open but it doesn't mean the whole thing is open, that sometimes the uterus doesn't close tight until week 8. Isn't that weird?
Oh Amos, I'm praying for you! And I expect a good report when you get back this afternoon!!!!

DH checked me again last night and said it felt a little higher and not as open so I decided not to call the OB, I'll just mention it on Wednesday during my apt. I did have my coworker scan me, and it's not an OB US so the picture is more grainy but we did see the HB!!!!! She also let me know that I had a tilted uterus and DH found in the internet that that could actually sit lower, and also something about the opening of the uterus could feel open but it doesn't mean the whole thing is open, that sometimes the uterus doesn't close tight until week 8. Isn't that weird?

I am sure you are fine hun! Sooo lucky you are to be able to have a coworker scan you said even though it was grainy I am sure seeing the heartbeat again was wonderful :) You have another appt. on Wed? Do you get another scan then? I don't have an appt. till the 8th (8 weeks) and no scan then. Seems a lot of women have tilted uterus' which causes undue worry at times, like what you have been going through. And I told ya about the cervix still being a bit open....takes a while to close completely ;) Mines still kinda open, but from what I read that may be b/c I have a previous pregnancy (hoping that is true!).

AFM still no symptoms, and even my bbs are feeling better. Starting to freak out as I have been cramping on/off alot :( I would like to think this is things stretching out, but again with having a previous birth, I think things would kinda fall back into place easily....and I don't remember cramping with Lexi, just the ligament pains when I would get up to fast etc., this is different :(
HI ladies. I hope everyone is feeling good. I have had serious evening sickness the past few days...I wole up this morning feeling better and I really hope I can make it through today. So I am still waiting for my next scan date...I thought the dr office would call by now...but if I haven't heard anything today I will be calling. The tech that did the scan said it should be on Sept 7 but dr needed to review my first scan first.

Amos how are you? You have a appt today right? Praying for you

Dietrad glad your doing better.

Mommy sounds like your getting lucky and having no symptoms...did you have any with Lexi?
I will only consider myself lucky if things are ok in there!! LOL!

With Lexi was sick ALL day EVERY day from 5 weeks on. Through my whole pregnancy, was even puking in labor/delivery! Also was much more tired with her than I am now....I pretty much feel completely normal now.

That is probably what makes having no symptoms even harder.
Awww Sweetie that is how I was with my son...sick so horribly the whole time. With my dds I wasn't sick a day...I felt normal the whole time. So maybe this one is a boy since you was so sick with your dd. When is your appt? YOu have probably said but I am forgetful these days.
Awww Sweetie that is how I was with my son...sick so horribly the whole time. With my dds I wasn't sick a day...I felt normal the whole time. So maybe this one is a boy since you was so sick with your dd. When is your appt? YOu have probably said but I am forgetful these days.

I had a scan at 6 weeks and saw hb, which was a big relief, next appt is on the 8th (at 8 weeks). No more scans though until 20 weeks, unless I beg I guess :haha:

I hope you are right, I know different pregnancies can cause different symptoms, but it's hard after having it so rough with one then NOTHING! Esspecially since just having the m/c (and I had minor symptoms then, and that baby never established a hb!!)....just so stressful.
Seeing the hb is a good thing. WE just have to tell ourselves that each pregnancy is different.
My apt on Wednesday will just be a pelvic exam and a nurse consultation but no scan, they're not going to scan me again until 16wks but I think I'll push it off to 18wks so we can get a better idea of what the sex might be.

I still haven't had a lot of symptoms since Thursday/Friday. No nausea, a little heartburn before lunch but it didn't last long. :shrug: As long as beanie is safe, I guess this is it for now.
I am not having much symptoms today...the last few days have been rough though.
My apt on Wednesday will just be a pelvic exam and a nurse consultation but no scan, they're not going to scan me again until 16wks but I think I'll push it off to 18wks so we can get a better idea of what the sex might be.

I still haven't had a lot of symptoms since Thursday/Friday. No nausea, a little heartburn before lunch but it didn't last long. :shrug: As long as beanie is safe, I guess this is it for now.

Oh....gotcha, the 'head to toe' exam is what I am getting on the 8th as well. And, of course they are doing a pap smear since they say I haven't had one for two years, but I know that I have....oh well. I really don't want one, only because I know I will bleed from it and then freak out for days! LOL!! :haha:

I am so glad you got that scan done by your co-worker, I hope seeing the hb again eased your mind a bit :) And you are so right, as long as the beans are good and snuggled in no sense in worrying (that is what I am thinking now....stressing is just to much!).
I am not having much symptoms today...the last few days have been rough though.

You're just getting a short break!! :haha: I have heard twins can make the symptoms horrible.....double the hormones I guess :( Glad you are having a good feeling day.
Ohhh, good point M2L, you might get hit hard again soon Reedsgirl!

I hate pap smears too. So uncomfortable! I'm surprised they do one while you're PG, but I guess they know what's best.

It was good to see the HB again! I even shedded a couple of tears! :haha:
I had one w/ Lexi too! I think it's safe in early pregnancy. It just happens I am always "due" for them at the wrong times!! I guess they would rather know things are ok then wonder throughout the pregnancy. But actually in my case it might be because I have had cervical issues in the past and had a Leep done a few years ago due to pre-cancerous cells. So maybe they just check more avidly because of that?

Awww you cried at the heartbeat....the good ole pregnancy emotions! I was sitting here bummed about symptoms, and a friend just pm'd me and asked how I was emotionally. Silly me to just look at physical stuff!!! My emotions are a complete disaster, crying at tv shows, mad at hubby more easily, etc.! What about you guys?!
Oh yeah, definitely crying over the TV. DH said I'm not at bitchy as I was back in April but says I'm definitely more emotional. I absolutely get frustrated over things faster, so like 2 seconds oppose to 5! :winkwink: Right now, I'm about to kick my computer at work for not printing out a document!!!! :comp: is going to lead to :gun:
Oh yes...the frustration I totally understand that one lately too! Guess we gotta be glad the emotional outta controlness is going on?!

Like the other day I was grocery shopping and got to the register and couldn't find my coupons, started retracing my steps and I was getting so upset that I couldn't find them I almost started crying! I mean seriously?! They were coupons it wasn't that serious!!! Turns out they were in my purse.:dohh:
Oh ladies I know all about the crying...I have been doing that a lot lately. I am so craving cake today. LOL

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