Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

lol...yeah me too but at the other end so it makes for an interesting work day!
Hey everyone....checking in to see how you are doing.
Me- I have this overwhelming sense of dread- like something is wrong. I still have slight nausea all day and sore boobs, but I have learned in the past that doesn't matter sometimes. I haven't had any growing type cramps or pains in the last few days, and that's why I think something is wrong :(
Hey everyone....checking in to see how you are doing.
Me- I have this overwhelming sense of dread- like something is wrong. I still have slight nausea all day and sore boobs, but I have learned in the past that doesn't matter sometimes. I haven't had any growing type cramps or pains in the last few days, and that's why I think something is wrong :(

Please don't worry :( I haven't had the pulling growing pains in a while either, or cramps in general. I am ok with that as I had very mild cramps when I m/c last time. So, to me not having cramps is alright!!! And my bbs aren't hardly sore anymore. I thing (& hope) things just fade and then come back. When's your next appt hun?
Not til next Thursday- what about you?

Next Wed. Just an exam. They said I won't get another u/s until the gender one between 18-20. I think I may go nuts by then not knowing if things are still ok. I'll beg for another in between somewhere!!! Are you getting more scans? What is your Thursday appt for? How are you feeling/still bleeding? Like all my ?''s been a bit since you've been on!!! LOL!
just wanted to pop in, i've had symptoms come & go too. Yesterday i had what i am calling pregnancy blues, didn't feel like working, felt like sleeping so i just layed my head on desks- i'm the only one in the office this week. Still feeling a little down. Wish i had more symptoms.
Hi Carissa and welcome! I am great for giving out advice, but not taking my own, but here goes lol Symptoms can come and go, so try not to worry. Sorry you are feeling blue :(
Mommy- omg...I would go crazy if I had to wait that long!!! My appt next week is for bloodwork and another ultrasound. I feel blessed that I gert to have so many I guess.
Amos I am glad to hear from you....I have also had that off feeling all day. ANd to top it off I won't get my 8 week scan. I am going to beg and cry at my sept 16 appt. I didn't feel preggo all day and then bam they hit about 5pm but really just that gassy nauseated feeling.

Praying for all you ladies and our beans.
thanks amos- feeling sick today not nausea just plan old sick but hungry jack (burger king) chips are so good! :)
I have never heard of those chips??
Reeds- I can't believe you won't have an 8 week scan- what's their reasoning for that???
Hey Amos he said he was happy with what he seen in the first scan and there is no reason for a 8 week one as long as I am not spotting or bleeding and I am not so....I guess I will be wI aiting til my appt on the 26 and I will beg and cry for one. I had that same bad feeling as you tday....just feel like something is off or wrong. Wish it would go away
So when do they want to scan you again???
I hope our "off" feeling is just our minds working overtime. Someone just told me on another thread that our intuition or gut feeling is really just our fears creeping in...that it's really not intuition based on fact or reason. She is right- my fear is probably outweighing everything that I can see or feel.
He said 12 weeks. BUt I will be almost 10 weeks at my next appt so I think I may be able to talk him into a quick one since I live a hour away from his office to have to drive back in 2 weeks...

I agree with you about the bad feelings but sometimes its hard to let it go
Well, not much of anything yesterday or today so far....I hate that! My heartburn is practically non-existent too...:sad1: Well, I'm done with the progesterone next Thursday, so I'm going to have my coworker scan me 5 days later. I feel blessed to be able to do that and I wish you ladies could too.

So what are some of the State side girls doing this weekend!?! I'm going to a town festival to spend some money today, I would love to go to a botanical garden not far from here, there having a butterfly expo! You get to walk through a room with butterflies fluttering all around you!
Soooo....I spoke to soon and now symptoms have hit me like a ton of bricks. Started yesterday, all day nausea (which is sometimes relieved a tiny bit by burping....nice huh?), horribly dizzy and just out of it feeling. I feel like I am loopy all day long, like I've had a few drinks, kinda a mildly buzzed feeling? My bbs don't hurt as bad anymore though.

And, my stomach (really low) is already hardening and pants are getting tight :( Seriously? At only almost 8 weeks? I know they say you show faster w/ the second but jeez....doesn't help that I am not a thin girl, so now it just looks like fat.....
Hey ladies. I am glad to see everyone is doing well. Mommy sorry your not feeling well. Mine seems to have already passed and just continuesly have to burp...and if I wait to long to eat I get super nauseated. I am still kinda feeling anxious and it seems like this pregnancy doesn't seem real. Does anyone else feel like that?
Hey ladies. I am glad to see everyone is doing well. Mommy sorry your not feeling well. Mine seems to have already passed and just continuesly have to burp...and if I wait to long to eat I get super nauseated. I am still kinda feeling anxious and it seems like this pregnancy doesn't seem real. Does anyone else feel like that?

Oh yes, I feel like that!!! I don't feel as though I am pregnant at all. I have to remind myself that I am all the time. Not sure what that is about, but it's not a good feeling at all. Very worrysome :( Feeling better this evening w/ the nausea, so who knows.
I know its a weird feeling....and so unsettling. I try to think back to when I was pregnant with my girls and I don't remember being sick or feeling pregnant so I am hoping this is the same. I am so going to be begging for a scan....I will be 9+6 at my next appt think they will be able to hear hbs with the doppler?
I know its a weird feeling....and so unsettling. I try to think back to when I was pregnant with my girls and I don't remember being sick or feeling pregnant so I am hoping this is the same. I am so going to be begging for a scan....I will be 9+6 at my next appt think they will be able to hear hbs with the doppler?

With Lexi I was sick, but that isn't what made me 'feel' pregnant. With her it was the pure excitement of being prego, and I think that is ruined after having a m/c. I keep telling myself all is ok, and the reason I don't really feel pregnant is simply because deep down I don't want to get too excited :nope:

I think it's absolutely crazy that you aren't getting a scan, and that you haven't gotten another one yet period! I mean, I would think they want to see the progress of baby B, right?! I would beg, hell demand if you need to. It's for your sanity if nothing else!! Hard to say w/ the doppler. We didn't hear Lexi's until around 10.5 or 11 weeks with the docs doppler. It wasn't scary at the time because we didn't know any better. I hope they can for you though!! They need to do something to ease your mind!

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