Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Yay for seeing the hb Dietra!! :happydance::happydance:

Reedsgirl- sorry you have been so sick, but glad you are having at least one not so sick day :hugs:

Mommy- you have seen the hb so you have to trust that everything is ok :hugs:

My day- my Mom got to see the little hb today. I am adopted so she has never seen one at all so it was so special for her to be there with me today :cry: I am still having all day nausea and TERRIBLE sore boobs. But hey, I'll take it right now!!
Amos how sweet that your mom went with you today and that your fighter is doing good!! :) So happy for you and that your getting symptoms. What did the dr say about the bleeding still?

I have been pretty sypmtom free today but they are starting to creep in this evening...they always seem to get me at night.
Doc doesn't say anything about the bleeding now. He just always warns me that if I have acute pain to go to the hospital. Guess they really have no explanation for the bleeding.
I always wondered why they called it 'morning sickness'....especially when it comes at night, or lasts ALL day lol
I am not sure why its morning sickness I have to admit I have known no one that has just had it in the morning. ;) I am so happy that your little one is doing well. Did they measure how fast the hb was today?
It was the same 122. It's supposed to get faster and faster right?
Just wanted to check in on you all! Hope everyone is doing well :)

Also, wanted to come on here and say how thrilled I am that I hit a milestone....a small one, but each one counts right? Today I am 7 weeks (maybe 7+1), with my m/c it was confirmed at 6+5 (by er) then 7 weeks (by obgyn) and d&c a few days later. SOOOO....I am to the point now that I lost the last lil one, and still going (as far as I know!!!). YIPPEEE!
Wohoo MOmmy...I am so waiting for friday. I will be 8 weeks!! I am so excited for all of us!!
Yay Mommy! I have hit one milestone too- none of my pregnancies except the first made it to 6 weeks much less 7. I will be 7 tomorrow. Now my next big hurdle will be making it past 8+4
Yay Mommy! I have hit one milestone too- none of my pregnancies except the first made it to 6 weeks much less 7. I will be 7 tomorrow. Now my next big hurdle will be making it past 8+4

WOO HOO for milestones!! I think we all deserve to (and should) celebrate each and every little one!!!

What will the 8+4 be? Is that how far the first went? How are you feeling now? Still bleeding?
Well my visit today was a bit of a bust. Had a nurse consult and she went over some history details for my records, no problem, talked about additional testings down the road if we so choose, drew blood for State regulations, blah blah blah, but my doctor's visit was just a consult, no exam....:shrug: Now they want me to come back again in 4wks, for what, another consult? I'm not so sure I like paying for repetitive consults. I rather call for one if I need one, not just for the fun it.

Funny thing though, the dr assistant who brought me into the exam room, asked a couple of questions and then said to hop on the table, we were going to listen to the HB with a doppler. Now I know from BnB girls, that you have to be past 8wks for a doppler to work but my first thought was that maybe dr equipment is really good.....then when she couldn't find it, she started scanning up towards my belly button.....:dohh: I know I'm chubby, but do I really look like I'm 15+wks????? I didn't want to embarrass her but I tried to drop hints like, oh I guess my little blueberry doesn't want to cooperate...then she leaves saying she's going to get another doppler and I can her outside the door another assistant or nurse say, well no it's not going to work that early, :haha: that's when she came back in and said she looked at my chart wrong and the dr would be in shortly :rofl: there's always one.
Hey Dietrad at your next visit it should be the urine test for protein and all that stuff...its just to keep checking that the progress of our babies...make sure our uterous is growing.

Well ladies I got a call from my dr today. We are not going to do a scan next week. He wants to wait til I am farther along and we will discuss it at my next appt which is Sept 16. I will be almost 10 weeks, so I am hoping they will do one then. Just a quick peek would be fine by me.

Asfm symptms I am feeling better for the most part and the ms seems to be getting better already...that worries me. Isn't it too soon for it to be going away? And my bbs pretty mush feel normal, heavier but normal. UGH this is all so complicated.
ROFL....Dietrad you had me laughing about the nurse trying to find the heartbeat with a doppler all the way up by your belly button!! What a dummy!! LOL! :)
Just to reassure you....not sure how it works in N.C., but I had my nurse consult last week and next wed. have my dr. consult. But then, after that I will go once a month, then at 30 something weeks go once every two weeks then at like 36 weeks go once a week. That's how it was w/ my daughter too :) So it sounds normal to have you come back in 4 weeks....though I am not sure why the dr. didn't do an exam unless she plans to at that next appt....which actually makes more sense b/c then she will use a doppler and all that. The only reason I am getting my dr. exam next week is for that damn :)

I am sure you are just getting a few days off from the miserable ms! And about the bbs, I just read another girls post and her dr. told her bb tenderness should go away by 8 weeks! So that makes me feel a bit better as mine aren't hurting hardly at all anymore either!

AFM: Dr. appt next wed. to get the fluid outta my lap band so I can eat more w/o puking, and then OBgyn appt :) Then Thursday getting my hair highlighted and short vacation on the 16th....yay for the little things to keep my mind off this BIG thing!!! LOL!
Thanks Mommy...sounds like your staying busy!! And vacation where you going?
Thanks Mommy...sounds like your staying busy!! And vacation where you going?

We're going to Connecticut to visit hubby's dad and his dad gf. His dad has never met Lexi since he works a lot, so he got us plane tickets to go up there. We'll be there for 4 days :) I am really looking forward to it! Except for the part of having a 1.5 year old on a plane!!! UGGGHHH that part worries me!! LOL!
M2L, I hope you don't run into Earl on the way up to Connecticut. I'll pray for a safe trip there and back for you!

I actually did pee in a cup this past visit, in fact every time I go in for now on, I have to. Fun! That is just not easy for a girl....

The nurse consult told me too about the once a month visit, so when the dr said come back in 4wks, the girl at the front desk scheduled me for Sept. 26th, but I think I'm going to reschedule for the 1st wk of Oct. I don't really see the point of coming in twice in one month regardless of it being technically 4wks apart.

Reedsgirl, my symptoms of nausea have been coming and going too. Nothing really consistant. :shrug: My cousin said she barely had any symptoms with her first, then she was as sick as a dog her second but even then, she had good days so hopefully that will make you feel better, it did me.
actually feeling pretty good today...I have the burps like a crazy person but what can i do?

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