Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

How is everyone? Are you feeling better Reedsgirl...or will you be calling the dr? Yay for symptoms Dietrad!!! How are you today Amos?

AFM- Just got home from the Dr's for the 8 week checkup. When I got there they wheeled in the portable ultrasound machine, I told them..."that's for me?!" they said yes and I was soo excited. I've been a nervous wreck for a few days. Everything was good on the ultrasound babies heartbeat fluttering and she turned on the sound so we could hear it. I am so relieved. When she first started measuring it though it was coming up 7 + 5 (I am 8+1 today)....but then she moved the probe and got 8 week measurements. She said I have a tilted uterus, and that combined with how small the baby is makes an accurate crown to rump measurement difficult. Does this sound ok?

I attached one of the pic (got three, but this one's the clearest), just b/c I am so excited that is seems this lil one may make it. Not sure of m/c stats at this point....but I will remain positive. My next appt. isn't for 6 weeks!!!


  • LastScan.jpg
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Lovley pic!! So happy for you M2L!! I have been in bed pretty much all day. Headache and nausea. So I didn't call the dr.

My best friend had her baby today. Molly Joy she was 6lbs 14oz and 191/2 in long. I will post a pic later. She sent me one but I haven't got to see her yet since I have been sick all day. Was a little sad about that but with all the bad vibes and dreams I have been having I was glad in a way too that the nausea came back.

How is everyone else?
Hi everyone....what a beautiful pic Mommy! I know you are relieved!

I am actually dreading going to my scan tomorrow. If I thought I could cancel and get away with it, I would. My boobs aren't even sore anymore :(
Hi everyone....what a beautiful pic Mommy! I know you are relieved!

I am actually dreading going to my scan tomorrow. If I thought I could cancel and get away with it, I would. My boobs aren't even sore anymore :(

I have my fingers crossed and am praying that your scan goes beautifully Amos!!! When is your appt? Please let us know how you are afterwards....I look forward to seeing some pics and hearing good news ;)
Hi everyone....what a beautiful pic Mommy! I know you are relieved!

I am actually dreading going to my scan tomorrow. If I thought I could cancel and get away with it, I would. My boobs aren't even sore anymore :(

Oh and my bbs are no longer sore either. They have been feeling slightly better for days, and today pretty much like normal. No real soreness or tenderness to speak of at all!!
Good luck Amos. We are all praying for you!!

My symptoms so come and go...nothing for days and then bam today I have it all!!
Thanks appt is at 230 so I will hopefully be able to update before 5pm central time...I pray I'm wrong
We are praying your little is bean is growing big and strong for mommy.
I pray for good news for you tomorrow Amos!!!!!

Yay for symptoms Reedsgirl!!!

That is an awesome pic M2L! I'm so happy you got to hear the heartbeat! I'm surprised the dr's are going to do a scan at 14wks instead of 16wks b.c isn't 16wks the earliest to check the development of organs and such? You think they would do one at 13wks, then again at 18 or 20wks.

After I threw up early this morning I was perfectly fine, no more symptoms. :shrug: I have three progesterone suppositories left and I can't wait to be done with them! If you didn't think there was a wrong way to shove that up there, I proved that theory wrong tonight! Lost the stupid thing in a fold or crevice or something half way so now I've got that uncomfortable feeling...sorry if TMI but if anything, it should be for a good laugh! :haha:
I pray for good news for you tomorrow Amos!!!!!

Yay for symptoms Reedsgirl!!!

That is an awesome pic M2L! I'm so happy you got to hear the heartbeat! I'm surprised the dr's are going to do a scan at 14wks instead of 16wks b.c isn't 16wks the earliest to check the development of organs and such? You think they would do one at 13wks, then again at 18 or 20wks.

After I threw up early this morning I was perfectly fine, no more symptoms. :shrug: I have three progesterone suppositories left and I can't wait to be done with them! If you didn't think there was a wrong way to shove that up there, I proved that theory wrong tonight! Lost the stupid thing in a fold or crevice or something half way so now I've got that uncomfortable feeling...sorry if TMI but if anything, it should be for a good laugh! :haha:

Oh as far as I know I am not getting a scan at the next appt....just the general pee in a cup and check up crap! Today was a surprise. I am not getting another until the gender scan as far as I know (and that is between 18-20 wks at my dr's). Aw man now you have me freaking out that they are doing something wrong :( I think w/ Lexi I had a scan at my first appt around 10 weeks then a gender one at 19.

ROFL :haha: Thanks for the laugh hun....sorry it got a bit 'lost' that is too funny though :)

Yay for soon to be no suppositories. I am sure you will be scared to stop them, but it will be a good feeling to not have to deal with it anymore I am sure!!
I'm thinking we're not getting the traditional 10-12wk scan since we did the early scan but we should be able to get a doppler at least!!!!

I am so sick of dealing with the suppositories but at the same time, I am going to be on edge next week wondering if the placenta took over and baby is okay.
I'm thinking we're not getting the traditional 10-12wk scan since we did the early scan but we should be able to get a doppler at least!!!!

I am so sick of dealing with the suppositories but at the same time, I am going to be on edge next week wondering if the placenta took over and baby is okay.

Yup, with Lexi we had a doppler done at every single appt.

Do you have an appt. after the suppositories are done?
My next apt is Oct 4th, and same thing, pee in cup, use the doppler for the first time, maybe blood work since I have hereditary anemia. Nothing too exciting except for that doppler!
My next apt is Oct 4th, and same thing, pee in cup, use the doppler for the first time, maybe blood work since I have hereditary anemia. Nothing too exciting except for that doppler!

LOL...I hear ya....when they started the ultrasound, I was like "just tell me there is still a heartbeat" the rest didn't matter, just bloby looking (though the pic I posted was actually pretty clear and you can see arms/legs...etc.). So the doppler is the good part! Just to confirm all is ok! I thought about buying one, but did a lot of research and it's bad to use often, which I am sure I would want to do becuase I am paranoid. So, better for me to just not buy it and hope all is still well ;) When do you get another u/s?
Hey ladies. I found out I will be on the preogestrone til I am about 14 weeks but I am not sure why. I have discovered they are giving me horrible headaches, within a hour of taking them my head is pounding and I am dizzy...this does not work out well for days I work like today. :(
Reedsgirl, really? I wonder if it's b.c you are on the oral pill.....? I'm surprised that you have to be on them so long, I would think once the 2nd tri started, you'd be good to go. Are you going to ask about the headaches? See about switching to a cream or (not my favorite but it is headache free) the suppositories.

M2L, I actually don't have a date set for my second US, but it will be around 18-20wks.

Had a very light day at work today, so my coworker who also MC did some internet surfing and found BnB, and found my name. Now I haven't shared with her that I'm PG since she's not yet and I know how bad I felt when she had a false pos HPT, and I have a couple of selfish reasons too. Since I had already left work, she called me to tell me she found the site, saw me on it but swears she didn't read any of my blogs and if I wanted to, she'll stay off it.......very admirable of her, and I know this is all public but half the reason I'm on here is b.c no one else I know is and I have to admit, if it were the other way around, I would snoop. She didn't act like she saw an actual posting with my tickers on it but how many of us can really ignore such a temptation? I guess it wouldn't matter, but I posted things that I don't want her especially to read......and it's damn near impossible to find posts that are even a week old b.c I don't keep all my subscribed threads. hmmmm....I guess it is what it is.
Reeds- so sorry about your headaches :( Will they consider changing brands or strengths??
Dietra- how awkward that must be about your coworker. I love the fact that no one around here is on BnB, just because I like being able to share EVERYTHING with you ladies.
Mommy- how you doing today??
Oh- guess what- we still have a heartbeat and it's gotten stronger- 164!!!!
YAY Amos!!!! I'm so glad to read that baby is doing well!

Yeah, I know, very awkward, I didn't even know what to say at first when she told me! I just hope she's a better person than me and keeps her promise to stay off this blog site, reads terrible but yeah, I share everything with you ladies too! It's just stuff that people who aren't my husband or immediate family don't need to know, heck, some stuff I write, I don't even share with my sister!
YIPPEEE!! So happy Amos, I knew that lil one your cookin was a fighter!! Hope you are able to be positive about the pregnancy now :)

Dietrad: OMG how awkward! How did she 'find' you I am wondering? I mean did she search for you?! I would feel really weird about it, I know what you mean, I find it hard to believe she won't read anything. It would be hard to not look!

And I am the same way, I share things with you guys that I only tell my hubby (some things I just don't even tell him, as I am sure he gets tired of hearing my paranoia!).
I know this may sound mean, but is there a way on here to 'block' her so she can't read your posts (you know, like on facebook?).

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