Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Hello ladies. Amos xxxx

dietrad I have had several emotionals days...cry over nothing and get angry over the smallest things.

M2L your vacay sounds great!! I am so ready for one. But then I will getting one soon I put my notice in at work and my last day is Oct 30 and then I get to stay at with my kiddos! I am so excited!
How exciting!!! So you are going to be a stay at home mom starting then? I stay home with Lexi and love it!! Only have another two years though (GI Bill helps pay bills now).
Mommy- I was still on all my meds. :(
I am going to go MIA from this thread for a while. It is still too painful to read sometimes. I hope you ladies don't mind- it has nothing to do with you. I wish you all a happy healthy remainder of your pregnancies. Love you guys....
:hugs: I absolutely understand. I just hope you are ok and are able to heal quickly. My thoughts and love are with you hun and do hope you will keep in touch when you are ready. :hugs:
Completely understand Amos. I pray God will bless you in many ways!

M2L, yeah, still emotional, I'm either crabby or sad....really pathetic but I haven't felt 'happy' the past two days...:sad1:
I hear you on the emotional side. I cry at stupid stuff and worse of all I get soooo frustrated lately :( Esspecially with Lexi who has appeared to over the past 2 weeks hit the terrible twos!
I'm so glad I'm not alone! Right now my DH seems to be suffering the most from my emotions!
Amos we will be thinking of you and praying for you.

Girls I am getting ready to head to the er. I have had a severa back ache for the past few days and it has moved to the front...and I am so worried and I am in a lot of pain and tylenol is not helping at all.
Amos we will be thinking of you and praying for you.

Girls I am getting ready to head to the er. I have had a severa back ache for the past few days and it has moved to the front...and I am so worried and I am in a lot of pain and tylenol is not helping at all.

Oh no! I know how scared you must be. I hope it's nothing, maybe a pulled muscle. For me personally after having Lexi I had back problems and even at 10 weeks pg it's acting up and gets really painful if I've been doing a lot or am on my feet for any extended period of time. Have you done anything stressful (physically) at work recently? I hope it's just something like that. Please keep us posted. :hugs:
I am just gonna copy from my journal..

Sorry it has taken me so long to post again ladies. Its been a long night...I am not sure where to start but I am on bedrest til I go see my dr. My body is having contractions and they think its trying to pass Baby B which we found out on thursday there was no hb but he didn't think it would cause me any problems. They did a u/s and found Baby A bouncing around with a hb of 170 which is good and I am so happy about that. There also was no sac for baby B anymore so that could explain the spotting but I didn't pass any clots or anything so I am left feeling confused and worried. I was also dehydrated which also didn't help the situation. But at this point all I can do is pray is my body calms down and my baby stays strong. Thank you for all the support ladies. I don't know what I would do without you all.
Oh goodness...I am so sorry you are going through all that!!! Sounds like the lil one is doing beautifully though and that it's perhaps just complications from your body attempting to finish the m/c? Sorry to say it like's just the only thing I can think of. Take it easy and listen to the dr's about the bedrest (I can't imagine how hard that must be) and let the hubby cater to you!!
Thanks M2L but from what the er dr basically said...its just time and we can only hope for the best.
Hey Dietrad I am actually feeling pretty good today. I spoke with the dr this morning and I see him monday.
So glad you're feeling better! Are they going to do another US on Monday?
He didnt' say but I am hoping and I want some darn pics this time!! LOL I am actually pain free today and just feel really tired...I am a little concerned as my bump seems to be getting smaller but I have lost 6 lbs since I have been sick and maybe is the loss of the second twin??

Dietrad how you are hun?

M2L how about you?
So glad you are feeling better!!! Maybe your body just needed that rest :) Hope you get great news on Monday and can have some relief and happiness in the rest of the pregnancy :)

I'm alright I guess. Pretty much symptomless, although at times I swear I can feel the smallest of movements already. This pregnancy has me so emotionally screwed up. I called my dr. to get put back on my antidepressants (I stopped when we began TTC). I know a lot of people have opinions about that....but it is what it is. My anxiety and OCD is just taking over. So boo to being back on them, but hopefully I can be happy again and enjoy all this since it will be my last pregnancy. Ok, vent done, thanks for listening :)
M2L I am back to being symptom less as well for the most part. I am so sorry the your depression has been bothering you...tbh that is part of the reason I had to get out of the house. ANd now I am worried about quiting my job...I am not gonna want to leave and become a hermit again. Man depressiong is so scary...and I have bipolar as well but so well this pregnancy hasn't affected me much as far as that goes. Praying the dr helps you with some realief.
Thanks hun! I am glad someone understands! It is so hard to deal with on a day to day basis, let alone adding pregnancy concerns and hormones to it.
THey are putting me on zoloft (which I haven't been on in like 10 years) because it's one of the safer ones during pregnancy. I was on prozac with Lexi and she came out fine, so I hope everything will be ok!

Can't wait to hear what the dr. says at your appt. on Monday. :)
Sorry you ladies are having a rough time, I do understand, I was on zoloft for a little while but it actually made me not care about anything and I was in school at the time which wasn't good so I had to come off it. This past week I've been symptomless too, which of course was making me paranoid and sad. So maybe if we're all going through this, perhaps we're not so symptomless....:shrug:

Reedsgirl, if you've been not feeling as well and not eating as much, I would say the appearance of a smaller bump is definitely just from the weight loss.

So worked blocked BnB!!!! :grr: So tomorrow, I'm going to get an android phone and just use the internet on that to stick it to the man! :finger:

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