Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Sorry your apt didn't go well Reedsgirl, that is definitely frustrating.

I'm not going to be on here for awhile. I started bleeding at work, went to see the ob, the baby stopped growing at 8wks. The earliest they could schedule a D&C is Thursday. I really hope that I naturally MC before then. I did take the rest of the week off. They want me to do genetic testing on the fetus but I need to see what that would costly honestly, this year has been such an expense. Jeff is really hurting, right now he's saying he can't go through this again, I need try again though, I can't give up hope just yet. We don't know God's plan, I can only pray for perseverance.
Sorry your apt didn't go well Reedsgirl, that is definitely frustrating.

I'm not going to be on here for awhile. I started bleeding at work, went to see the ob, the baby stopped growing at 8wks. The earliest they could schedule a D&C is Thursday. I really hope that I naturally MC before then. I did take the rest of the week off. They want me to do genetic testing on the fetus but I need to see what that would costly honestly, this year has been such an expense. Jeff is really hurting, right now he's saying he can't go through this again, I need try again though, I can't give up hope just yet. We don't know God's plan, I can only pray for perseverance.

I know you said you won't be on here (I understand) so I am not sure if you'll see this, but I am just so completely shocked. I'm in tears literally. I didn't see this coming, thought you were doing great. I am so very sorry sweetie. Please do the genetic tests and try again, I can tell it means something to you and don't give up. I am sure your hubby will agree, it's just hard at the time it happens. I am just at such a loss as to why this is happening to everyone. I thought you saw the hb again after 8 wks?
Please take it easy and take care of yourself. Always here if you want to talk or vent. :hug:
Thank you M2L :hugs: I really appreciate it. I'll be on and off to make sure you and Reedsgirl are doing well. I'll be praying for you both to have healthy April babies!
Dietrad I am so sorry hun. I am also in shock. Do u think they took u off the progestrone too soon? I am so so sorry. I wish I could be there for you now more than just on here. I will be praying for you and your dh.
We asked about the progesterone and he said that there's no evidence that progesterone would stop the inevitable.

I checked with my insurance and genetic testing is covered so we're going to do that. I did end up naturally MC last night.....I really hope this doesn't upset anyone but right now it's just hard to talk to my husband b.c he's so upset....:cry: my baby was so tiny....Jeff couldn't handle it, he refused to recognize that that was it....but I knew....I knew. These precious little lives are so delicate, it a miracle that so many are born so healthy. It's really hard to strong right now, I'm so glad Jeff went to work today, I need this time by myself. I wish you I could give you two a huge hug right now b.c I so desperately want you two to have healthy pregnancies and babies. I'm always going to be praying for you ladies!!!
Dietrad I am so sorry. I wis we lived closer so I could come hug you. You have been a great support to me and all us ladies. I know you have a strong faith in God and he will see you and dh through this time. Take some time to yourself and grieve your baby. Love to you.
We asked about the progesterone and he said that there's no evidence that progesterone would stop the inevitable.

I checked with my insurance and genetic testing is covered so we're going to do that. I did end up naturally MC last night.....I really hope this doesn't upset anyone but right now it's just hard to talk to my husband b.c he's so upset....:cry: my baby was so tiny....Jeff couldn't handle it, he refused to recognize that that was it....but I knew....I knew. These precious little lives are so delicate, it a miracle that so many are born so healthy. It's really hard to strong right now, I'm so glad Jeff went to work today, I need this time by myself. I wish you I could give you two a huge hug right now b.c I so desperately want you two to have healthy pregnancies and babies. I'm always going to be praying for you ladies!!!

Oh hun, I wish I could give YOU a huge hug. Nothing to worry about upsetting us really helps to talk about it. I can't imagine the pain of seeing the baby come out during a natural m/c. My body wouldn't m/c naturally, so had to have the D&C. That is great that your insurance covers genetic testing...def. get that done and then hopefully you can get some answers. Don't beat yourself up (or question) about the progesterone, I have heard the same thing, that if a m/c is going to happen, it's going to happen. WHat amazes me is all those times you saw the hb :cry: I thought for sure things would be fine this time around for you. Don't try to be strong, let yourself grieve. I am hoping that you can make it through this and get pg again with a successful pregnancy.....don't forget that as hard as it may be, the time after a m/c is when we are most fertile. Lots of love going your way and please continue to talk about it to us if it helps you :hugs:
Okay, why haven't you two posted anything lately?

The OB on Wednesday pulled out a lot of clots, said there was a small clot left but wasn't concerned about it, she felt it would pass on it's own. Finally Saturday it did. But what I didn't expect is today, I'm still having cramping....Have either of you experienced this before? I didn't my first MC, it was much easier compare to this one. I don't have another apt until next week.

DH and I have half thinking about just jumping right into it again. We did a lot of internet searching today and the only repeated reasons we found not to was for emotional healing and dating if you were to get PG. Well, I'm fine with all that. There's also the reason of building up the uterine lining by waiting but that seemed more geared to D&C's than natural MC's. Besides, there's no guarantee that we'll get PG the first time anyhow. What do you ladies think?
Hey Dietrad I say follow your heart! If you are feeling up to emotionally and physically your body will heal and it may some take some time but feeling positive and taking care of yourself will help. xxx

I had a lot of cramping after my mc the first time a few years ago...but I was also 5 months along and had to have a D&C.

As far a not posting I have nothing new to report. I have a dr appt tomorrow and was going to update then.
Dietrad: I DEF. say go for it right away!! You have fertility on your side at that point. After my m/c in June we tried right away but waited until I got a period (July 7th) to actively try (as in OPK's and all that) and got pg that cycle. So, it can happen fast! Waiting until you have a period helps with dating and that kinda thing so I think that part is good so you really know how far along you are. But regardless go for it! I am so happy to hear you guys are going to try again! I wish you ALL the luck for a quick pg!

Oh, and as far as the cramping, I had cramps from the date of my D&C (June 4th) nearly every day until I was 5-6 weeks pg (in the end of August). Not sure why? Dr.'s said my uterus was probably working overtime to get back to normal (even though I only m/c'd at 7 weeks) and then working to grow again.

AFM: I had some serious spotting (bright red) and mild cramps on Saturday and went to the ER (since my dr's is closed on the weekend). They did a quick u/s and saw hb :) I went back to my OB today for a follow up to the ER visit and she did another u/s and said the bleeding is because I have a low lying placenta (placenta previa). We'll check it again at the 20 wk u/s and if it hasn't changed we will go from there. And in the meantime it means NO sex and more spotting that I am not supposed to worry about. Great. LOL that is my update for now :)

Hope you guys are doing good and hope you are recovering alright Dietrad. Can't wait to hear your update tomorrow Reeds.
Reedsgirl, I wish and pray for a great report tomorrow! 13 weeks! How wonderful!

M2L, I'm so glad baby and you are okay! You must have been so scared on Saturday! Worse case scenario is you'll need a c-section when it comes time to deliver. I hope the rest of the of PG is a breeze, for you both!
For me, I started temping Monday. When I OV, we'll see how I'm feeling. If things are good, we'll go for it. If not so good, I'll wait for AF.
Reedsgirl, you lost a baby at 5 months!?!? What happened? Was it the umbilical cord?
Yes I did. In 1999. The baby stopped growing at 12weeks. There was no testing done so I am not sure...worst time of my life I believe and all there was to tell me anything was wrong was a gush of blood once...went to ER they said all was fine and at dr office next day we found out no hb and the baby had stopped developing then.

But on a brighter note my appt yesterday was awesome. I did get to post pics in my journal and in april thread but Tj needed to get his homework done so I didn have much time. When I get home today I will post here. Baby looked great...measuring 13+3 and hr of 150. Dr took me off all meds but prenatal. I was so happy with this new dr.

How are you ladies?
Aww hun I am so sorry about your loss back then. What a hard time to go through.

Such beautiful pics of this baby!!! I'm jealous, I just got a pic from the scan (that showed the placenta previa) and all I saw was a huge head! More of an aerial shot. LOL. But your pics are great!!! So happy for you that things are going well and that you found a dr. you like....that can make all the difference.

I'm doing alright. Nausea is kicking my butt. All day long and can't get sick. I even tried making myself throw up, just to ease the nausea, and nada. I'm pretty annoyed that everyone says it goes away going into second tri and here mine is beginning then! It started about 2 weeks ago, and at first I thought it was from going on the Zoloft, but since I have been on/off those kinda meds for nearly 10 years I know that the initial tummy upsets don't last that long for me and aren't all day long. So basically this sucks. Dr's gave me zofran but my insurance only covers 12 pills a month. Blah :(
Dietrad: How are you doing hun? I hope you are managing alright. Any further thoughts on starting again right away?
Thosr are lovely pics Reedsgirl! I'm very happy for you! Everything seems to be going well now! I pray it continues!

I'm sorry about having to wait long before you knew about that one baby. :sad1:
Just b.c of that, I'm getting that Doppler next time!

M2L, was you scan last week vaginal?

I started temping Monday. Besides my prenatals and colic acid, I added baby aspirin and B6 to the daily vitamin routine. I hope that I don't OV sooner than Tuesday, I know I won't be able to handle sex before then but I'm emotionally ready.
Awww so glad you are ready hun! I hope and pray that this time is THE time and it works out wonderfully :)

Yup, the scan was vaginal, the one at the ER wasn't, but my dr. said doing it vaginally would give a better pic as to what was wrong. She also said that I have a really hard uterus to get pics out of in that it's double flipped? Whatever the hell that means. She also said I have the weirdest cervix she's seen, and she had to measure it differently....I guess it's tilted too. So, nice to know my body is weird!!! LOL! Here's the pic, it's crappy, but it's my baby :thumbup:


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LOL! I have never heard of a double flipped uterus! It's still a good pic and baby looks great!
Yeah I know right?! I can't remember what she said something about it being retroverted (or was it inverted?) and backflipped? So basically it's double flipped? I dunno!!! That stuff is all so crazy to me!

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