Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

I know right! They're such a dictatorship! So they used technology against me...I'm going to use it against them! :bike:
Hehe......well I got it!!!! I've never in my cellphone life paid so much for a phone but it's so worth it! I'm actually typing this from new phone in bed!!!!! :cloud9:
LOL so funny!!!

Reeds: Good luck tomorrow....I am sure it will go great, and can't wait to hear from you!!!
Ok, so I am paranoid. Friday night DH and I dtd and afterwards when I got up to pee a little tiny bit of blood came out too. Then Sat morning woke up, went to the bathroom and a tiny bit of blood again, then the same thing just now. It is a VERY small amount and mixed with CM but of course still freaking me out. I have been having dull cramping for a week or so, but it's so very minor that I figured it was just the stretching.

Surely it was just dtd that did this right? Honestly we haven't had sex much at all since finding out (since I was worried about this exact thing!). I know many women spot afterwards, but for days? I mean it's only a tiny bit and first thing in the morning. Should I call it in to the dr. or wait till my appt. I don't really think it's anything, but of course my paranoia is getting the best of me. What do you guys think?
If you're still seeing blood, I would call, make sure it's not an infection, but since it's not a lot of bleeding, I would think that is fine. Definitely let us know what happens!

Hope you and baby are doing well too Reedgirl!
Hey ladies! I am feeling well today but I have a confession...I didn't take my progestrone yesterday. I think my body is on overload with it. I am kinda worried but I am almost 12 weeks surely the placenta has taken over by now and I should be fine. I can't get rid of the headache when I am on the I woke up headache free. I see the dr tomorrow and I will tell him that I stopped taking it and hope for the best I know I am taking a chance but I believe with all my heart that its all in God's hands anyway and I am feeling good about this baby growing and staying with us.

M2L I would call the dr and see what they say surely they have a in call dr that can help you. I would be nervous too and thats the reason Tj hasn't seen any action.

Dietrad you still loving your phone??
Reedsgirl, I wouldn't worry about the progesterone. My Dr said the placenta takes over at 8wks so you were on it for over two wks more, practically 3!
I still love my phone, at work now on BnB! But the touch screen is really sensitive and I'm still getting use to it.

M2L, any more bleeding? Did you call the Dr or are you today?
Reeds: Just want to say good luck today at your appt!!!

Dietrad: Glad you like your phone :) And that you can use it at work!! LOL!
No more bleeding today. It was so very very little the other days and mixed with CM so I am just going to assume it was from having sex. He may not get any more for a while....because it freaked me out!!!! hehe! If it happens to come back I will call them, but don't want to work myself into a complete panic just because it was so little and happened after dtd.
Good morning ladies! I did take a progestrone pill last night...a little paranoid still so I may take one every other day til they are gone. But since I have been taking less I feel so much better. Had anyone experienced a increase on cm again? I have a abundance of it again!

M2L so glad to spotting stop. I have dtd in a few weeks and I feel bad for Tj but I am just not ready and since the scare last week with not doing anything I just can't chance it. Is was kinda funny last night we was talking about it and he just realized I have had the big O since I found out I was pregnant...he was like how are you surviving??? LOL Men.

Dietrad so glad your a lime...when is your next real scan and dr appt?
My next real apt is the 4th, my next real scan won't be until mid November. I'm going to ask my coworker to scan me again this Friday. Hoping for a better picture now that it's been two weeks since the last attempt.

Well, writing about poor DH finally got some for the first time since finding out we were PG this past weekend! He's been very brave and patient! Unfortunately for me it hasn't been the same with all these hormones :shrug:

Reedsgirl and M2L, so glad that you both are feeling better!
I hear you!! This last time dtd (that I believe led to spotting) was only the second time my hubbys gotten any. I feel bad, but he will just have to deal...LOL! Too stressful for me to be worrying about it. As the pregnancy progresses and I feel more ok with everything I will put out more :haha:

Yay for having your coworker scan you again, hope it goes better this time!! And big yay for having an appt. on the 4th, I would imagine they will use the doppler (the did even earlier than that with Lexi) and that will make you feel great to hear the heartbeat. I'm so pissed I have to wait until the 20th! I just hope everything is still ok in real m/c signs and mmc's are pretty rare right?

Tried to convince the hubby to let me buy a doppler, he said I could but that he didn't really want me to b/c I am a "emotional wreck" and will go crazy the second I don't hear anything....he's I didn't buy one :( did your appt. go?! Dying to hear good news!!!
Dr. appt was a total was just like a routine appt they didn't do anything but check my wee and bp. And gave me awork release. I am pretty frustrated by it, he wouldn't even discusee not taking the prometruim anymore according to him I still need it. UGH so tomorrow I am going to call around second opionion.
Oh wow, I am so sorry. I would be pissed!! You'd think after what you went through and just going to the ER for it they would AT LEAST do a u/s to monitor things!!! Sounds like your dr. just doesn't want to listen to you or help :( I hope you are able to find another that is more willing to be there for you. Keep us posted.

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