Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

AF came today!!!! Completely caught me off guard, I didn't think it would come until late this week since I OV only 9 days ago. Do you think that might mean I really do have low progesterone or can you not count on the first AF being normal after MC since it all depends on when hcg's bottom out?
Absolutely cannot count on AF to be normal after m/c...mine was very screwy!! BUT...good news on AF coming, that means it's now time for baby making business soon!!!! YAY! Hope you have your OPKS and remember not to give up if it seems to take forever to get a positive....the cycle I concieved was my first cycle after AF came after my m/c and I ended up O'ng a week late.


Can't wait to hear good news :)
:hugs: thanks!!!! I am very excited! I'm actually going to call the dr's office tomorrow about clomid. We were discussing it for an option if I didn't get PG during the cycle I was in at the time (but I did) b.c he felt that perhaps I my eggs weren't maturing enough which could have been causing short luteal phases last time. I'm hoping he'll agree to it right away and not just say 'oh lets give it one more cycle'...
Ohhhh I hope the Clomid will help! I am new to the terms...never thought to see a dr. when it took a year to get prego with Lexi...I always thought Clomid was just for people who weren't ovulating on their own? That is interesting if it can help immature eggs. So would it accelerate the maturity of the eggs somehow or lengthen the phase allowing them to mature more before being implanted? Sorry if I seem completely clueless!!
I think it helps trick your body to either make LH hormones or FSH hormones. I don't remember now which I guess would make the egg mature more. And if the egg is mature more, the egg itself will help stimulate the body to have a longer luteal phase but don't quote me on that one.

Something very strange though is happening......Yesterday a few hours before bed I had a decent amount of red on the tissue when I went to the bathroom, mild cramps and low back pain. Right before bed, nothing on the tissue but still low back pain and the mild cramps. This morning nothing, and my temp went back up a degree....I don't know what to think but I'm a bit scared!
Nothing to be scared of hun...our bodies just go screwy after a m/c.

I can tell you what happened in my case. I had my D&C (was 7.5 weeks then). Had bleeding after for like 2-3 days. Then nothing. Two weeks later I had a flow like a period...asked my dr. she said it was just residual blood though I was convinced it was my period. It lasted on/off about 5 days. But, it wasn't my period because then 2-3 weeks later I had a proper period (total 5 weeks from my D&C). Do you think this could be the same thing? JUst some breakthrough bleeding? When was the D&C again ( dates are all mumbled together!).
I ended up not having a D&C b.c I naturally MC that night. I passed clots for 5 days, maybe a little residual lite bleeding for another day or two. A week and a half later I OV (we did dtd 2days before that). Now 10dpo my temp dropped a bit and stayed there, 11dpo I got that blood when I wiped but nothing other than a tiny bit of tissue when I wipe and it isn't bright red. Started cramping yesterday and still going strong today and on top of that the one degree temp rise. :shrug:'s so hard to say. Usually they say your first period after a m/c is heavier than normal and the cramping is stronger than normal. So maybe your period is on it's way, but didn't acutally start yesterday. I'm sorry's so hard figuring out for sure what the heck is going on with our bodies after m/c. Plus since you had a natural, I am not sure how that works with a timeline. Hopefully it either was AF or it will be happening soon. Also, with my m/c I had cramping after the D&C all the way through to like 7 weeks prego. So, basically I cramped for 3 months!
Well....I still didn't get AF! Can you believe it! But I'm still temping and slowing (very slowing) my temp is coming down so probably over the weekend. And that will be just in time for my Monday apt with the gyn to discuss starting clomid!!!!! I'm very excited about this! I would have started it if I hadn't been PG the time we had a consult about my short cycles. He thinks this will allow my eggs to mature more which should help lengthen my luteal phase more and hoping to God, result in a for-keeps baby!

How are you feeling Nicole? Is Reedsgirl still a subscriber to this thread?
Yep I am here hun...just behind. I am sorry that Af is playing games with you but after a mc you can have some spotting and your period to be off...I hope you get a normal cycle soon so you can get clomid started hun. Can I recommend you take B6 as well? It helps with your lp as well.

M2L how are you??
Hey hun...

Sounds like things may work out perfectly for you to start Clomid right away...and hopefully that will give you a fast result and a step toward the forever baby :) I really hope and pray it happens quickly for you. I know in my case getting pg quickly after a m/c really helped me heal emotionally.

I'm doing alright, had yet another minor bleeding w/ clots episode on Sunday (at almost 15 weeks). Luckily my dr. was the on call so she brought me into her office and we used the doppler and found hb right away (thank goodness!!). So, she scheduled another u/s before my 20 week one to check the placenta. That scan will be at 17 weeks. If the tech is nice I am gonna beg for a quick between the legs shot ;) But, I just really hope this on/off spotting and bleeding stops one of these days for nerves can't handle it much longer :(
How scary M2L, sorry about the bleed again. Is your placenta low lying? Have they thought about baby aprin to help with any clots that may be causing bleeds? I was on baby aspirin til 12 weeks.
How scary M2L, sorry about the bleed again. Is your placenta low lying? Have they thought about baby aprin to help with any clots that may be causing bleeds? I was on baby aspirin til 12 weeks.

Yup...low lying placenta :( I am on pelvic rest and it seems to happen any time I do more than 'minimal' like the day before I bled recently I had taken my daughter to the I guess just that walking caused it. So difficult to do nothing really physical....I've already gained like 14 pounds!!! They haven't said anything about aspirin (I guess because it's not a clotting issue that is causing it, but rather the placenta rubbing? I dunno...that is how it was described to me.) So they are going to look at where it is at this next scan and then again at 20 weeks and then we will go from there.
But I wonder if there can still be clots in the placenta that are rupturing at movement?? I don't know that it could happen but I would think its possible. I just hope it all stops soon so you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy.
But I wonder if there can still be clots in the placenta that are rupturing at movement?? I don't know that it could happen but I would think its possible. I just hope it all stops soon so you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

I'll def. ask them at my next appt...thanks!!!
Its just a thought and it may be impossible for that to happen but I think with pregnancy anything is possible. Hope your next appt brings good news
Yep still for the most part. I am getting a break from it tonight, but had it earlier today.
Hey ladies! I've got good new!!!! So AF started early, this past Thursday in fact so I called my ob/gyn about starting on the clomid right away and the nurse said the dr wanted me to wait another cycle, so I told the nurse there is no clinical evidence of it being necessary to wait after a first tri MC and asked what was his reasoning. All I got was, "he just wants to".....just wants to, well that's not good enough for me! So I called up another office, got an apt for Friday and this dr was awesome! He completely agreed with me and wrote me a prescription for clomid AND progesterone suppositories for after I O in case my problem might actually be low progesterone and will keep me on it until wk 10 if I get PG!!!! Which if you remember the last guy stopped it at wk 8 which is when the baby stopped growing, so I'm so happy for this new dr! Today was my second day of clomid (and already my last day of AF...a bit short but maybe the clomid did that? :shrug: This is completely premature, but if this works out for this cycle, the week of Christmas would be 8wks, so I'm going to ask that my first US be then in hopes for a good strong HB as the best Christmas present in the world!!!!!!
Oh my gosh Huni that is the best news!! I am so excited for you. What cycle days are you taking them?

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