Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Thanks Reeds! I'm so excited about this! CD3-7 is when I'm going to be on the clomid. I know clomid can change the day you O so I'm not sure when I should start doing OPK's. I have 9 tests so I'm think maybe start CD10 and use them until CD17???? Any suggestions?
Hey ladies! I've got good new!!!! So AF started early, this past Thursday in fact so I called my ob/gyn about starting on the clomid right away and the nurse said the dr wanted me to wait another cycle, so I told the nurse there is no clinical evidence of it being necessary to wait after a first tri MC and asked what was his reasoning. All I got was, "he just wants to".....just wants to, well that's not good enough for me! So I called up another office, got an apt for Friday and this dr was awesome! He completely agreed with me and wrote me a prescription for clomid AND progesterone suppositories for after I O in case my problem might actually be low progesterone and will keep me on it until wk 10 if I get PG!!!! Which if you remember the last guy stopped it at wk 8 which is when the baby stopped growing, so I'm so happy for this new dr! Today was my second day of clomid (and already my last day of AF...a bit short but maybe the clomid did that? :shrug: This is completely premature, but if this works out for this cycle, the week of Christmas would be 8wks, so I'm going to ask that my first US be then in hopes for a good strong HB as the best Christmas present in the world!!!!!!

Yay for good news and BIG yay for an awesome dr. willing to help!!! I am happy for you...hope it works out right away..keep us posted.
I am pretty sure its wait 3 days til after your last pill cause it can also give you a false positive on your OPK...and it can make you O later than normal so hang in there if you don't O around the time you normally do!! Good luck I am praying for you!!

M2L how is your lo?
I am pretty sure its wait 3 days til after your last pill cause it can also give you a false positive on your OPK...and it can make you O later than normal so hang in there if you don't O around the time you normally do!! Good luck I am praying for you!!

M2L how is your lo?

We're doing alright :) Not sure if I told you guys this already, but I have a scan next Thursday (the 11th)....I'll be 17+2. It's to check my placenta (since I keep having little bleeds) and it will be internal. BUT...if the tech doesn't scare me too much I am going to beg for a between the legs shot! They already told me it's not my 20 wk. anomoly scan, but it doesn't hurt to ask for a peak right? It would be awesome to find out then, I'm doubtful it will happen, but it would be cool!
Reedsgirl, that's for the advice! I didn't this about the clomid giving false positive but it completely makes sense!

Nicole, good luck on your scan! I've been think and praying for both of you ladies! Hopefully the tech won't be a stick in the mud if they do have a decent shot of the genitalia, that would be cool to know early!
I have a dr appt today! So hoping I get to hear the hb today...I always get so anxious when its dr appt time! LOL

Hope all you ladies have a great day!
Ohhh I am sure you will Reeds....fill us in when you get back. :)
Hey ladies. Dr appt went well. Baby's hb is 149...getting a lot of people saying its a boy! LOL My gut says boy to but we will not find out til Nov so far away! haha OH and I have only gained 1 lb

I hope you ladies had a great day....
Hey ladies. Dr appt went well. Baby's hb is 149...getting a lot of people saying its a boy! LOL My gut says boy to but we will not find out til Nov so far away! haha OH and I have only gained 1 lb

I hope you ladies had a great day....

Yay for a good dr. appt!! Yup....hb sounds boy..guess I was wrong. Go figure! I am glad you have a date for the gender scan, gives you a def. date to look forward to :)

OMG...I am so freaking jealous....I've gained 14 this pregnancy so far!!!! So horrible...feel like a cow :( Guess that is what happens when I have no ms.
LOL M2L I have had enough ms for both of us...its even kicking my butt tonight. I am so hungry but I am so nauseated so nothing sounds good. I have mixed opionions on the hr. I am really thinking boy at this point but thats just my instinct and I hope its right.
LOL M2L I have had enough ms for both of us...its even kicking my butt tonight. I am so hungry but I am so nauseated so nothing sounds good. I have mixed opionions on the hr. I am really thinking boy at this point but thats just my instinct and I hope its right.

I am so sorry...but totally understand...that is how I was with Lexi (still managed to gain 23 pounds with her though)...but I was a mess so sick every was I totally understand and sympathize :(

I have a gut feeling of boy for me too and hope it's right (mainly for everyone elses sake)...since it will be our last everyone wants a boy...I don't really care either :)
That is really how I feel just be healthy little one is all I pray. I could have been team yellow the whole time but TJ didn't agree.

Well I am off to bed. Have a busy day tomorrow. Good night
So glad the apt went well!!! Though that is a bit of a tease that they couldn't take a look for you unless baby was being all shy of course. I pray for healthy babies for you both as well but it would be nice to have one of each! Reeds, do you have a little girl? I'm probably wrong or thinking of someone else but do you have two boys already?

I know that you don't feel lucky about only gaining 1lb b.c you're so sick but even I'm jealous. Stupid left over Halloween candy in the house so I haven't lost a darn lb of what I gained before! I swear, that candy either needs to go to Jeff's work or in the trash!

So I took my last clomid today! I don't know if this is just me or the clomid but I've felt very tired the past two days and kind of sad, no real reason, just am and being tired doesn't help. Sunday I'll start using OPK's so I hope this feeling will ease up by then.
I have 2 girls and a boy. My girls are 15 & 14 my son is 7. They didn't do a scan just listened with the doppler.

I think clomid is the devil. LOL. Made me very moody and emotional so its just not you. Juat hang in there and FX it brings your sticky BFP!!
Well, I did my first OPK yesterday at CD11 and it was pos! Now I'm wishing I tested on Saturday too but if I get a neg today I guess that was it! My temp never dropped though, it rose some today from where it was at but didn't do the pre-O drop....:shrug: Well, we did dtd twice yesterday and we'll go for it again today so FX'd! Today is also DH birthday! Wouldn't that be the best gift!
LOL! I wish there were two eggies but I seriously doubt it, my cramping didn't feel severe enough to pop out two and the cramping I did have this morning has eased up.
Reedsgirl, is there any reason not to take progesterone orally with vitamins?

M2L, I love the new avatar!!!!! Lexi is so cute!

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