Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Thanks hun :) How are you doing with everything?

Reeds: I was reading though the April thread and saw something real quick about you being admitted to the hospital. Fill me in...are you doing alright now? How scary!

Well guys I leave in an hour or so for my next appt. Feeling kinda iffy about it. I was feeling movement since 14 weeks and nothing the past 5 days (which I know is normal)...but my paranoia and fears are getting the best of me. I was excited to beg to find out the sex early, now I don't care and just want to see the hb. I'll fill ya in when I get home :)
I haven't been back to the April thread at all, it's just too painful I definitely need an update on Reedsgirl!!!!!!

Nicole, I really hope and pray that you're scan goes well! Please update as soon as possible okay.

I'm doing okay, just started the progesterone today, I'll be testing the 23rd unless AF gets me first.
I haven't been back to the April thread at all, it's just too painful I definitely need an update on Reedsgirl!!!!!!

Nicole, I really hope and pray that you're scan goes well! Please update as soon as possible okay.

I'm doing okay, just started the progesterone today, I'll be testing the 23rd unless AF gets me first.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed AF doesn't get you! Keep me posted!!!

My scan went great :) Baby was fine and moving all around. They did the full on 20 week external scan (I think) because she did all the measurements, checked the baby's kidneys/organs and did the blood flow thing with hte red and blue lights? She was super nice and tried for a while to tell the gender. At first she said "I think you better save your daughters clothes" I was shocked...but then later on she came back to the area (from behind) adn said wait a minute, that looks a little suspect of a boy. basically we don't know. She did say this early on the girly clitoris area can stick out a bit...
So, basically we have to go back on the 24th for a gender rescreen. Hopefullly we will know then! Allthough when she looked between the legs at one point I saw a fork looking area, which according to that nub theory is girl right? the waiting continues. least she tried to get the gender for me :)
Hey ladies. I have been pretty sick...started with body aches and the friday I got a headache and by sunday I was throwing up and very sick, ended up going to the ER and being admitted cause they couldn't get a good hr on the baby. So after a good night of fluid we got a good hr and I got to go home. But I still had a horrible headache ended up going to the dr. I was also very swollen had the star burst things going on in my head so we was worried about preclampsia but when I got there my blood pressure was too low. He gave me Imitrex for the headache and did blood work cause he thought I had a virus but it can be a few days before I get all the results back. But the baby seems to be fairing okay and the hr was goood ontuesday. Today I am feeling much better and not as sore and headache is all gone. I am feeling more movement from the lo today so I know s/he is doing ok.

M2L I can't hear about your appt! Are you getting a scan today?

Tiger how are feeling? Where are you in your cycle?
M2L we posted at the same time. LOL Sorry the tech couldn't get a good look at the gender. Do you have any guesses yourself?
Awww Reeds..I am so sorry about the mess you've been going through :( You've just had a rough time of it from the word go....
Sounds like they are really taking care of you though...thank goodness! I've been swollen like crazy too, my ankles and feet mainly...and I am not even on them at work like you are. Dr said it's normal esspecially in 2nd (etc.) pregnancies. I really thought this one was a boy from the beginning (plus those two gender But now who knows. It might have just been wishful thinking since this is our last and everyone wants it to be a boy.

Forgot to placenta hasn't moved at all (the reason for the scan today was to check it). Dr is going to recheck it at 28 weeks. It will probbably move, just hasn't as of who knows. The tech did say that with my placenta being so low (and I guess it's kinda faced towards the front) feeling movements would be harder. That relieved me since hte reason I was freaking out is that I haven't felt movement in 5 days or so. But of course after leaving the dr. I started feeling kicks again...always the way!
Yay for the kicks! Well there is still a chance for the boy...its still early and that is kinda why I am glad it will be past 20 weeks when I get my scan. I think I will be 21 weeks if I have it figured right and hopefully this lo will cooperate. I did get a good jab last night from him. I wish it would happen all the time. It is so nerve wracking when they are all moving and sleep for several days and make us panic. I so hope your placenta moves soon
Oh wow Reedsgirl, I'm so sorry you were so sick! It sounds like you had a nasty virus and got dehydrated. I'm glad you're feeling better and baby is okay! Flu season is probably the worse time health wise to be PG.

M2L, I'm so glad your baby is kicking! Hopefully the baby won't be shy next month for the scan. It would be nice to get some gender specific clothes and stuff for Christmas!

Man, I wish I could do a baby shower for you two! You two and Carole are the only ladies I really care about on BnB.

I think I'm 3dpo. I got a pos OPK on Sunday and Monday at 3:30 then took another at 6 or 7 on Monday night and it was neg. So, technically I could have O on Tuesday but Monday morning was when I was getting ovarian pain and cramping and it pretty stopped by the evening. And as usual, my temp took three days to rise up but I'm still sticking to 3dpo.
Aww sweetie! I think you are amazing as well. I am also friends with Carole she is awesome too! I am praying hard this is your month for a sticky bean. Are they going to keep you on progestrone longer this time? When will you be testing?
The dr actually said the same about the virus and he tested me for a parvo virus...I didn't know humans could get that. Have you ever heard of it but he said that it can be a continues virus for me during this pregnancy if I do have it.
I have never heard of that....did she say what that would mean as a continuous virus for the baby's health? I'm going to have to look that up.

If I counted right, the refills for the prescription should take me to 12wks! I'm so happy with this new Dr. As far as testing goes, the 21st would be the earliest I could test. I don't think implantation happened until 10dpo last time so I'm guessing the same thing will happen again.

Carole said you two were friends when we first started posting on the April thread. Now I mostly communicate with her on FB. Are either of you on FB?
Tiger: Hey next scan is in two weeks, not next month...don't push it out further...ROFL ;) Thanks hun...I hope LO cooperates too...though I am now leaning towards it being a girl....I mean, you'd think we would have saw SOMETHING hanging out...she was able to do femur measurements and the LO didn't have legs crossed or anything...cord was around that area, but I didn't see it all the time.

Reeds: How long till the tests come back. I have heard that humans can get's pretty serious...but way worse for a dog then a human (as far as I know). Interesting though.

Ok...whose Carole??

I'm on FB...add me! Heres my email address: [email protected]
I'm on FB much more than here....I've found it starting to get pretty clique-like on the forum.
forgot to say how glad I am that you have a good and understanding dr. this time! it makes all the difference!!!
Carole's username is needsafriend. She's from Canada. Posted a couple of questions on the April thread and was ignored (well I did answer her but noticed no one else did that was a regular on that thread) so we just started privating messaging and became friends.
Gotcha! I remember her. See that is how the second getting as well...really cliquey (or however you spell that!! lol). I don't go on too much anymore.
Okay, I looked up parvo and pregnancy and it says that the virus is so common that most ppl are immuned to it but if a PG women becomes infected it will increase fatigue and mucus discharge. There's no risk to the mother or baby and the only instances of MC that occurred with this was due to severe anemia. Reeds, are you on any iron supplements?
Hey Tiger...yep and thats how I feel. Real tired and achey with tons of mucas discharge. He hasn't put me on extra iron yet. I am hoping to have the results next week. I thank you for looking that up for me cause I just haven't had time. Can you guys please add me on FB..its under Sandra Reed. I don't post much about being sick cause my mom stalks me on there and she drives me crazy but my pregnancy is on there.

And I so agree with the clique thing..I don't post much on there I do more journals than anything. So I so wish that Carole had a journal or maybe we can get her to post on this thread. You would like her too M2L!! She is great like you ladies. :)

Asfm I am off to bed this has been a awful day and I had to work a 9 hour day which I haven't dont since I got pregnant. And I just need some rest. YOu girls have a great night and I will catch up tomorrow. Love to you both. xxx
Hope you get your results back really soon and there is something they can do to at least help with the energy level. Hard enough being prego, but to have a virus on top of that :(

Just sent you a friend request on fb. You guys should get Carole to join this thread or something, if you guys like her I am sure I would too! 2nd tri is just too much there is like 4 or 5 girls who run the whole forum. I am just grateful to have you two to wine about my problems :)

You better get some sleep woman! 9 hours will be brutal...I'm sorry :( How come such a long shift? And I thought you were quiting?

Tiger: you may have already answered this...but when will you start testing this month? Has the countdown to testing begun? :)
Yeah, we definitely need to get Carole on this thread! Nicole, I sent an invite to FB through Yahoo, did you get it? I never tried doing it that way before.

So that's what Reedsgirl is about! Your Mr. Reed's girl. :rofl: I can't believe I didn't pick up on that! On a serious note though, I hope you feel better! I can't believe work is making you work 9hr shifts with all that has been going on with your PG! Granted it's completely none of their business but come on! You've been sick!

I said I wouldn't test until the 23rd but come on! We all know that is a big fat lie! :hehe:
Awww.....I didn't get it :( And here I thought you just didn't wanna be my fb ;)

And yes..girl we ALL know that is a'll be testing early...just as we all always have :)

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