Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Okay Chicky, we're in the same time zone, what is a PG woman still doing up at this hour! :sleep:
Hello Ladies, Hi Nicole, I'm the infamous carole. LOL...I did not know there was a secret group here of chatters...LOL. I feel like I have been asked to be a member of the pink ladies. Do we get cool coats or something?

So how many ladies chat on this thread, I have only went back a few pages? I will have to catch up on the gossip as I will have tons of time on my hands with hubby gone.
Nicole, my husband left for Africa today to see his family til the end of the month, I am a needy co-dependant and miss him like mad already.

So what do we chat about on this thread?
LOL, I just left you a message on FB! It's seriously just Sandra, Nicole, you and me! There were some stranglers in and out at the beginning of the thread and we all welcomed them but they never stayed long. I guess I ruined it when I MC, totally changed the ambiance of the thread. Now it's an update thread so we're not always on here, just when there's new news.
Whatever about u ruining it....I just got your message on fb. How is the kitchen reno going? Ready to kick hubby out the door yet?
So u started your prog already? How is that going?
I'm ready to kick hubby's butt now b.c we haven't started it yet! Except for the demo part that I told you about, there has been nothing else done b.c we finally just today got the permit so the contractors won't start their part of it until next week now!!!!!! :grr:

I started the progesterone yesterday. This dr is nicer about it, orally in the morning and vaginally at night so I get that maximum absorption at night and no mess in the mornings at work! I'm a bit apprehensive about taking it orally b.c Sandra was getting those bad headaches after awhile but maybe it won't be so bad since I'm switching back and forth.

I have to say, I hate, HATE, the 2WW! Did we PG? Did we not? The waiting to O, not so bad, three or four of those 12 days are menstrual anyhow! But not the 2WW post O....nothing to help phase the time...
Oh girl, I have to call it quits for the night, my night full of watching TV on the couch has worn me out!
I know how the 2ww is .....stressful. Well girl, God is good and u know it. He will bless u and Jeff with a healthy pg.

As for the house reno's, your a strong girl for putting up with the chaos. LOL..Nite nite
SOOOO nice to 'meet' you Carole :) Welcome to our secret chat I personally have noticed a lot of clique-ness to the threads, so I mainly update on here and keep in touch with these wonderful girls.

Sorry about your hubby :( Thank goodness it's only for a month...I know how the neediness can be ;)

Tiger, what's this about a kitchen remodel????
'Secret thread' :haha: I like that!

Yeaaaah, we have this small 1100sqft house, actually bought it just before my first date with Jeff and it was all I could afford by myself. Then on top of that I bought it at the market's peak before it crashed so now it's not worth what I owe on it! :dohh: Jeff had a condo but we're in the process of rent to owning that out. It's actually a little bigger than the house square footage wise but I have a garage and a back yard and we have motorcycles and dogs. Soooo, we actually did have this house on the market for 10 months but everyone said the same thing, the kitchen was too small, or they didn't like the neighborhood and the kitchen was too small. Since we can't sell it and two people can't be in the kitchen at the same time, we're building a new 12x11ft off the old kitchen which will be the new kitchen and the old 10x8 kitchen will become our new dining area since we really don't have one.

The demo part Jeff did was taking out all the upper cabinets, and all the lower cabinets (including the stove!) except for the sink and dishwasher.....and it's been like that for two weeks now! :growlmad:
When we were staging the house to sell, we set up the smallest bedroom as a baby's room that my sister had kept for me so all my kitchen cabinet contents are in the baby's room! Any time I need a dish, I have to leave the kitchen area, cross the living room and get it from there! Now I knew that this would have to be done but I sure didn't want to do it any longer than necessary but my husband's go to attitude can be a little illogical at times.
Good morning ladies.....
Nice to meet u N. We are very close in due dates I see....pretty cool. (my history) Iam a TR girl like Reeds so it's a huge blessing that we are pg. I have had two scant bleeds this pg, only lasting an hour or so as well as being told I have a subchorionic hemorrhage that was seen at 12 w but not at 8w. They said it was small should re-absorb by 20w, I never had the heavy bleed that is common with a sch. I have been oddly enough feeling my baby since 11weeks, it's my fourth and I have been told I have a major retroverted uterus. (that would be why I feel baby so soon, with my boys I felt them all at 14w)
I was going to have a gender scan next fri but with hubby gone we re-booked it til Dec 1. Other than all that my pg has been great, Oh ya..i was aslo told I had high BP, then it was super low, now it's normal. I also did an early GD test and it came back higher than normal so they want me to do a longer one. I was gestational with my last so I am not surprised. I was able to control it with diet and exercise. (I'm also having a scheduled c-sec first week in April)
Do u know the sex? I hope u have had a great pg and continue to. u feeling these days? Work should be done soon eh.

lilies...u still have to post some pics of the before look of your reno. What cycle day are u at now?
tiger: that sounds sooo excited..I really love demo and home rehabing. Our house was new when we bought it (5 years ago)...but we still love changing this or that. We actually thought about getting into flipping since I have a real estate license and John is very handy....then the market went to hell. Now our house isn't worth anything and we'll probably never gotta make the best of our space. So I def. know where you are coming from. Ours is about 1400 sq feet...but kids take up a lot of space, and then our dogs are huge (65 pound and about 80 pounds) space is it's a very open plan which I love but makes it kinda hard when you don't have as many walls to "put stuff". Please post some before/after pics...I just love them!!

Carole: So amazing to me for you and Sandi to be prego after TR's. It's amazing what they can do!!! The bleeds are scary I know...glad you are doing better! I've had spotting since 11 weeks and two minor bleeding episodes with clots. Turns out I have a low lying placenta. So, no sex...exercise ( I did much of that before!!)..or anything for a while. We just had a u/s on Thursday to recheck the placenta and we tried to find out the sex...but the tech couldn't tell for sure. At first she thought girl..then she said something was suspect looking boyish. Who knows?! I was thinking boy all along, but now I think girl...I mean surely they would have seen somehting between the legs right!? LOL! We have a gender rescan on the 24th. Sucks you have to wait till Dec....but it's def. something hubby should be there for!!! Is this your first together? How old are your other kiddos?
It is our first together, my boys are 5, 10 and 12.....I must be nuts. LOL
My husband has no kids so this is so exciting for him. I am 37...FRESHLY last month and he will be 37 next month, I am cougar. LOL...we are a bi-racial couple so the baby will be milato. (if not he is taking me to the Maury show...LOL)
51% of me wants a boy but would be thrilled as heck for a baby girl.
Those bleeds are scary eh....but I had major GUSHES with two of my boys, twice with one. And babies were fine.....Dr even said i was mc with one of them. Our bodies are crazy and nothing is when are u off the sex ban? LOL...I would die, my hormones are RAGING
Hey there ladies!! I love our secret thread! And Carole joined!! WOOHOOO...not much to report with me today. Sleepy and still not seeing a end at work. Yesterday was awful and I had to fire the assistant cause she a no show to open the store yesterday and it didn't get opened to 9am so she got fired! ANd I had to work and now I see no end in sight for I am trying to tell myself its extra money for christmas and the baby but I really do not know how much longer I can handle it.
That's crazy girl....I understand the money thing but is it worth it? Tough call.... are your nipples these day? Mine are on fire, they stopped around 10 weeks and the last two they started again....and they seem oily. LOL, yes I bath daily.
Nipples are fine...boobs don't even hurt anymore. BUt I think the rest of my body aches make up for it. LOL

My men got us some deer today..yummy!
I saw that on Fb....I have never had wild meat. I am so weak in the stomach about meat on the best of days...LOL.
Almost every morning I gag so hard. Yesterday I bought some feta for making homemade veggie pizza'a with my sister coming today and I took a nibble. I was gagging so hard. Today in bed I thought about it again and started to gag. LOL....maybe it's in my head but it's bad these days.
Oh no you poor thing, I am only getting nauseated when I wait to long to eat. I am off to to you soon
ROFL about you being a cougar and the biracial baby stuff. I used to LOVE the "who is my daddy" maury show...hirarious! And can I add that biracial babies just so gorgeous!!!!

I know what you mean in a way...I secretly want another girl...not sure if it's just because I already have the stuff, and 'know' i see it being easier down the road as far as hand me downs...but NOT easier during puberty! I think everyone is going to be disappointed (not me!) if it's a girl though. This is our last...hubby's getting the snip snip. They were both planed and it's all we have the room or money for.

Sex ban seems to be My next 'placenta' scan isn't until 28 weeks...and we will know more then. It's been since 11 weeks. Hubby is going nuts. Not sure why...we were both military and he made a 8 month cruise without any just fine...but I guess it's that I am here physically and can't put out. And girls, I am starting to go nuts too. I've never been THAT into sex (I am a weirdo..I know..but I can take it or leave it) but now that someone is telling me NO......I want it!!!

Reeds: I thought you were supposed to have quit work already? What's the timeline like? The extra money will be nice for Christmas, but on the other hand not worth all the stress. And I don't remember, when you do quit is it for good, to be a SAHM, or just until the baby is born?

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