Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Nope, I haven't bought anything yet! I want to of course, maybe I'll buy an outfit or two when we find out the sex. But, with Christmas coming up and Lexi's bday February 3rd and doing stuff to the house, money's kinda not there.
I hear's tight for everyone I think this time of year.
I am lucky i got my boys their main gift in the summer. I was in the US and got them portable coloured DVD players each for travels. I am getting them some clothes, one wants a Ed hardy shirt and the other has an Iron Maiden shirt on order...LOL. Got them some goosebumps dvds and a few more clothes and thats it. I am not going all crazy like I usually do. Their dad bought a replacement cord for his 3-d machine and they were tickled pink. But I spend hundreds and they are asking for more. LOL...go figure. They are different expectations for him and me. Kinda sad.
BTW...did Reed's ever get my pic to u?
BTW...what do u do from home part time as a job?
I am a support home operator, I usually have two young men with developmental disabilities living with us (I ony have one right now). I help support them. They are usually pretty independant and have kinda a seperate living space. It works for us....Hubby is a class 1 truck driver
I hear's tight for everyone I think this time of year.
I am lucky i got my boys their main gift in the summer. I was in the US and got them portable coloured DVD players each for travels. I am getting them some clothes, one wants a Ed hardy shirt and the other has an Iron Maiden shirt on order...LOL. Got them some goosebumps dvds and a few more clothes and thats it. I am not going all crazy like I usually do. Their dad bought a replacement cord for his 3-d machine and they were tickled pink. But I spend hundreds and they are asking for more. LOL...go figure. They are different expectations for him and me. Kinda sad.
BTW...did Reed's ever get my pic to u?

Nope...she's fired...never got me the pic!!! hehe :)

Oh man I go nuts during holidays. I spend way too much on Lexi and don't care about it at all!!! I'm trying to do better...trying to realize she doesn't need everything in the world. But, I find crazy good deals....use Craigslist a lot and a ton of her stuff is I don't feel too bad.

Aww....that is sad though, that your kiddos expect more from you :(
BTW...what do u do from home part time as a job?
I am a support home operator, I usually have two young men with developmental disabilities living with us (I ony have one right now). I help support them. They are usually pretty independant and have kinda a seperate living space. It works for us....Hubby is a class 1 truck driver

Is your hubby gone for days at a time doing that?

I do transaction coordinating (basically just file maintaining) for closings that my mom has coming up. She's a real estate broker and owns her own office. It's not the same amount every month....because I get paid per closing which of course isn't the same every month. But the extra money helps and makes me feel like I am contributing :)

That is awesome what you do!!!! I didn't know you could do that from your home...kinda like a living assistant, but they live at your house? Is it the same amount per month? Do you like it?

I am 4 classes away from my Bachelors in Psychology. Not sure what I'll do with it, but I know I'll be going back to work one day. The goal is to stay home until both kids start school...but not sure if that will happen. I'll just take what I can get and enjoy the time I have. Though honestly I must say lately I would like to go to work....Lexi has hit the terrible two's something fierce...and it's hard at times to be wtih her all day alone (until John gets home...he's a correctional officer)....does that make me sound horrible????
LOL, I can't believe how much catching up I had to do! I normally don't get on during the weekend b.c hubby feels that I'm ignoring him where as during work I'm on there practically every down minute I have!

Nichole! You have lily tats!!!! That's awesome! I couldn't tell what Sandie's tat is it a flower or a blue dancer? (I'm sure I'm way off!)

You know, every weekend I feel like I didn't do much yet I can't account for much of the time.....Did spend a crap load of money, some Christmas presents for my family and the rest were Christmas presents to church sponsored programs. I'm such a sucker at the holidays, I'll probably spend more on church related things and then come Christmas complain for a week how much my credit card bill is and how I don't have any money! Other than that, I've been a complete crank to DH today, not even really talking to each other right now. Oh well, we'll get over it.

Nichole, you're definitely not weird about not being that much into sex, I'm really not either. Even in the beginning of our relationship we were dtd probably about as often as ppl that have already been married 10yrs, and now it's even less! Though I blame now more on us both gaining weight and being lazy! :haha:

I hope you're feeling better Reeds! And Carole! WTH! Sick again! That really sucks, I'm sorry!

Sorry to be MIA all weekend, popping in for a quick hello and leaving again, but I've been so dang tired this weekend (my downward spiral of gaining weight). But I do need to get ready for bed. On a good note! The construction guys are coming tomorrow to start!!! On a bad note, I bought the wrong battery for my camera! :dohh: I'll try to remember to get another one tomorrow since I already forgot today.

Good night ladies!
LOL, I can't believe how much catching up I had to do! I normally don't get on during the weekend b.c hubby feels that I'm ignoring him where as during work I'm on there practically every down minute I have!

Nichole! You have lily tats!!!! That's awesome! I couldn't tell what Sandie's tat is it a flower or a blue dancer? (I'm sure I'm way off!)

You know, every weekend I feel like I didn't do much yet I can't account for much of the time.....Did spend a crap load of money, some Christmas presents for my family and the rest were Christmas presents to church sponsored programs. I'm such a sucker at the holidays, I'll probably spend more on church related things and then come Christmas complain for a week how much my credit card bill is and how I don't have any money! Other than that, I've been a complete crank to DH today, not even really talking to each other right now. Oh well, we'll get over it.

Nichole, you're definitely not weird about not being that much into sex, I'm really not either. Even in the beginning of our relationship we were dtd probably about as often as ppl that have already been married 10yrs, and now it's even less! Though I blame now more on us both gaining weight and being lazy! :haha:

I hope you're feeling better Reeds! And Carole! WTH! Sick again! That really sucks, I'm sorry!

Sorry to be MIA all weekend, popping in for a quick hello and leaving again, but I've been so dang tired this weekend (my downward spiral of gaining weight). But I do need to get ready for bed. On a good note! The construction guys are coming tomorrow to start!!! On a bad note, I bought the wrong battery for my camera! :dohh: I'll try to remember to get another one tomorrow since I already forgot today.

Good night ladies!

Yup...stargazers...LOVE them! They were the primary flower in my wedding bouquet (spelling??!) as well :)

So glad I am not alone in the 'non sex craving' area. I never have been. Nowadays my main issues in the bedroom probably come from being insecure about my weight. But, not looking like that is gonna change for a while...hehe. At least it sounds like your hubby is ok about it. Mine would be happy to get some once a day...that hasn't happened in years.

WOO HOO to the construction starting! But, totally not acceptable for you to get the wrong battery for the camera :haha:. You better get a new one soon missy...I wanna see pics ;)
Lillies....nice to see u. Sorry ur tired and cranky towards DH. That`s just life sometimes, have him go on a vaca and u will miss him like mad. LOL...Poopy about the wrong battery. YAY for the carpenters coming tomorrow....As for being sick again so soon, u know how I suffered a few weeks back...SAME THING NOW, it`s crazy, no one else is sick but me.

You girls and your lack of friskiness is funny, my poor hubby thinks he is violated most of the time. I am sure as I get more prego it may slow down.

I find with joe working and being on the road for 1 nite twice a week freshens things us abit, mind u were are on the phone all the time anyways. Things will change when he starts his office job as manager with the company soon.
He has called me 4 times today....awww, he misses me. He is having a great time and hie family loves the gifts i sent. (I save up all my gifts with purchase from lancome, estee lauder etc) as well as sending bath and body works to them, they love it.

Nicole....CONGRATS ON YOUR 1000 POST!!!!! Good for u for being so close to having a bachelors. I totally understand u wanting to work out of the home and have the space and companionship. I moved to Edmonton in April of 2006, managed a group home for 5 months and then started this job wokring from home. I KNOW 0 People in the city....I have a friend I grew up with that lives in a near by city and an acquaintance that I fired when I was her boss at my last job. I have Joe and my kids.....that`s it. I miss interaction with people as I am a pretty friendly chick. But the dollar dollar is really good with my job, it`s tax free and I get to be, I do what I do. LOL...I do work 5.5 hours a week out of the home with a man whom is slightly `slow`. He is my hot date once a week and we chillax at the mall. ( I think people think we are a couple....LOL)

Where is reeds....
UGGGHH ladies, I feel blah today.
I was so hungry and ordered an egg/bacon mcmuffin and McD, waited like 10 mins for a special order to have it yolk free..(gag) and brought it home after taking my rugrats to bit and woof. Raw, rubbery meat. Well at least I got a large tea to warm me up.
Where are all u ladies?? Could u actually have a life, I am jealous. I just got a call from the agency I work with and looks like I will not get a new placement til Feb which SUCKS....I miss the $$$ and having a busier day with work.
So I am going to bite the bullet and go for my GD 2 hour test tomorrow. The one hour test was hard enough but two hours sitting in a cold, dirty lab...YUK. I am so gaggy I have to have some water mixed with h2o every am, I am not going to do well with this but need to suck it up and do it for baby. I know I will be gest again....

Well, I am going ot stalk some journals and poas galleries and then make some bran/cran muffins. Hope all two of u ladies have a good one.
Hi ladies.. darn I have been fired! I can't get that darn pic to send to my email. Normally I have no prblems but its not working...just how my luck has been lately.

I have had a crap day and feeling very overwhelmed right now so I am off to nap but I hope all of you will have a great day and I will be back n later tonight.

Oh and Tiger my tat is of a mermaid sitting on a hook..will see if I have a better pic of it somewhere. Its actually very pretty and one of my fav'
Carole, how'd the GD test go? Were you able to get through it without gagging?

Sandie, a mermaid!? That's cool, I definitely want to see a close up of that!

Well, 8dpo now and out of desperation I think I'm imaging my nipples feeling different. My BB's don't look any bigger so I'm sure the nipple thing is nothing or is just a side effect of the progesterone b.c I didn't have symptoms until 12dpo last time. I'm going to post a link that shows what our house looks like now and tomorrow I'll get hubby to link the new pics since I don't know how to do that.

Nicole, how far along were you when the Dr did the pap smear? Did he/she ever mention the possibility that a pap could cause an early MC?
Carole, how'd the GD test go? Were you able to get through it without gagging?

Sandie, a mermaid!? That's cool, I definitely want to see a close up of that!

Well, 8dpo now and out of desperation I think I'm imaging my nipples feeling different. My BB's don't look any bigger so I'm sure the nipple thing is nothing or is just a side effect of the progesterone b.c I didn't have symptoms until 12dpo last time. I'm going to post a link that shows what our house looks like now and tomorrow I'll get hubby to link the new pics since I don't know how to do that.

Nicole, how far along were you when the Dr did the pap smear? Did he/she ever mention the possibility that a pap could cause an early MC?

8dpo huh?! WOO HOO...I bet you can't wait to be outta the's the worst! I have everything crossed for you. I am clueless about take it before you get a bfp? What happens if you take it and you're not prego (not that I want that for you...I'm just curious, since I don't know anything about it).

I don't remember when she tried to do it, my first real I guess 8 weeks? I ended up not getting it done though. My dr. said it wouldn't cause a m/c, but since I was so worried about it, we just would wait until after the baby came and do a smear then. She just did a visual exam, no scraping. Said it was no big deal to wait since I was so scared. Why?
Is your house for sale now? I love it, very nice!!! And your living room looks HUGE!
WOW....your home is nice. Once you make a larger kitchen it will be perfect. It's nice and clean just the way I like them. When we were house hunting i was shocked at how some people can live. I can barely handle having some dirty dishes in my sink.
Good luck on the TWW.....sore Bb sounds great. FX for u hun!!!

AFM....apt did not go well today. I fasted, no water or juice this am, gagging all the way to the clinic. They could not get me in for an hour, not even to give me the bloody drink as they takes bloods later. So I would not be done in time to get my little man from kgarden. So, I went to McD for a muffin, tea and ice water. Ate it while waiting for fruit and veggie store to open as I needed fresh dill for my greek food supper I'm making tonite. I threw up everywhere like a child. My winter coat, suv, clothes etc. Not good. I called my Dr who is looking after me regarding my BP. She is going to do it at the hosp on thurs and have me done in time to get my boy.

Nicole & are u ladies doing today?
Aww Carole, that sounds horrible. I'm sorry :( Sounds like my pregnancy with Lexi...I am SOOOO glad to not have to deal with ANY of that this time around. I don't know when I have to have the test done. I don't remember from last time. But, I do know that my insurance won't let any labs get done at my hospital...I have to go to on off site facility that takes forever. Every time I have to get labs done I go in the morning and don't get seen until around lunch. Even fasting ones. The last time I went things were better and the staff was different so hopefully the incompetant got fired!! hehe! It is horrible to wait. I was so worried about the GD test, but for me it wasn't that bad (taste wise)...just chugged and called it a day. Puked afterwards of course. That is good that your dr. is being nice about it! Did you already have an appt. scheduled for Thursday?

I'm doing alright today....feeling really blah lately. Carole would be discusted to come to my house right now :( Toys everywhere, dishes in the sink...I have some major cleaning to do and no motivation to do it! TOday is my Friday as hubbys days off are wed/thurs....we'll be working on finishing our porch tomorrow!!! Excited about that, ready to keep the windows open all day and save on the energy bill while we can!
Nicole....I would not be disgusted...LOL, there un tidy and dirty. Mine is somewhat crazy right now too...i am behind in laundry. I am thinking of getting rid of my nice fron load machines as they are stinky!!! I hate that...I use vinegar and keep the door open but it's driving me nuts so I am avoiding laundry like a hoarder...

In canada we have an amazing health care system. I was reffered by my OB to a pg womans health clinic when they said I had high BP. then it turned out I didn't and had low BP due to the med they put me on. So, she is the one that requested the test for the GD and it came back alittle high. So she wants me to go for another two hour one now. She is a great nurse practitioner. So very nice and is going to do it for me at the hosp which isnt the norm....I called her this am as she gave me a hospital pager number to call her anytime, she totally goes above and beyond what she needs to for a big city Dr.
Do u live in a small town or city? Why u feeling blah?
Hi ladies...Carole I still can't get that darn pic to load...I thinkyou sent it just for me. LOL Try to send me a different on if you can and when you have time.

Tiger I am praying for your BFP!! I agree your house if great!! :)

Nicole how is you today??

Asfm still kinda reeling from yesterday...had all kinds of crazy dreams last night one that the baby had pushed his foot out on my belly and it was llike we could touch and feel the real foot..weird dream. LOL
Nicole....I would not be disgusted...LOL, there un tidy and dirty. Mine is somewhat crazy right now too...i am behind in laundry. I am thinking of getting rid of my nice fron load machines as they are stinky!!! I hate that...I use vinegar and keep the door open but it's driving me nuts so I am avoiding laundry like a hoarder...

In canada we have an amazing health care system. I was reffered by my OB to a pg womans health clinic when they said I had high BP. then it turned out I didn't and had low BP due to the med they put me on. So, she is the one that requested the test for the GD and it came back alittle high. So she wants me to go for another two hour one now. She is a great nurse practitioner. So very nice and is going to do it for me at the hosp which isnt the norm....I called her this am as she gave me a hospital pager number to call her anytime, she totally goes above and beyond what she needs to for a big city Dr.
Do u live in a small town or city? Why u feeling blah?

LOL...I was just messing with you. But really my house is pretty dirty right now. I try so hard to keep up with it and it's not like it's a big house...but it just gets overhwelming. A big part is that we have two dogs (65 pounds and 80 pounds) who are constantly tracking dirt in b/c we can't get grass to grow off our back porch. Now we are having a cement slab poured over it to make a patio and elimate that crap!!! You washing machine always stinks too...not sure what is up with that. I have the new front loading (but my washer is top loading...) set...but it almost smells like the water its using to wash with is stinky?!

That does sound like you have excellent care! My OB is amazing as well...she's been great with all my paranoia after hte m/c. No rule bending w/ insurance here though. But it's ok.

LOL yes...very small town (but we have a walmart! LOL!). My hospital is in "town" hour away. Not sure why I am blah...I just have issues!! :haha:
Creepy dreams Reeds!!

Luckily I never remember my dreams...probably a good thing!

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