LOL, I can't believe how much catching up I had to do! I normally don't get on during the weekend b.c hubby feels that I'm ignoring him where as during work I'm on there practically every down minute I have!
Nichole! You have lily tats!!!! That's awesome! I couldn't tell what Sandie's tat is it a flower or a blue dancer? (I'm sure I'm way off!)
You know, every weekend I feel like I didn't do much yet I can't account for much of the time.....Did spend a crap load of money, some Christmas presents for my family and the rest were Christmas presents to church sponsored programs. I'm such a sucker at the holidays, I'll probably spend more on church related things and then come Christmas complain for a week how much my credit card bill is and how I don't have any money! Other than that, I've been a complete crank to DH today, not even really talking to each other right now. Oh well, we'll get over it.
Nichole, you're definitely not weird about not being that much into sex, I'm really not either. Even in the beginning of our relationship we were dtd probably about as often as ppl that have already been married 10yrs, and now it's even less! Though I blame now more on us both gaining weight and being lazy!
I hope you're feeling better Reeds! And Carole! WTH! Sick again! That really sucks, I'm sorry!
Sorry to be MIA all weekend, popping in for a quick hello and leaving again, but I've been so dang tired this weekend (my downward spiral of gaining weight). But I do need to get ready for bed. On a good note! The construction guys are coming tomorrow to start!!! On a bad note, I bought the wrong battery for my camera!
I'll try to remember to get another one tomorrow since I already forgot today.
Good night ladies!