Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms?? to love past relationships eh.
I love re-arranging furniture. I just did Landon's room last week.
I am going to try to do a room a day til I am satisfied with how the house it...but I won't be able to spend mcuh money on any of it. but oh well...

Our deer meat is ready and it will be 95 dollars way more than what we thought but we will have a bunch of meat. LOL
Reeds...u have made my day. I am so glad your going to be stocked for the winter months with juicy deer meat.
I am so fussy, I have never had fresh milk, farm eggs nothing. I have to have the chemicals and perservatives in it from the store.

Well chickies....I have a headache from coughing, and i am going to watch DWTS TTYL, Have a great nite and reeds, enjoy retirement.
LOL Carole I so thought you would love that! Had to share. Good night I am off to bed soon...all this retirement makes me sleepy
I've always been fairly good about cleaning before all this PG stuff and now, not even PG and I'm being so lazy. I have to force myself to do the bathrooms and I only ever dust but once a month...sometimes....

Nicole, I forgot to answer the pap swear question last night. I'm scheduled to have one done next week, and when I as in about the clomid, I asked about getting it done before I O just in case and he said it would be fine. But then I was thinking about it lately, and the pap is sticking a stick up there and getting a scraping of the endometrial cells, the same cells a fertilized egg would nestle in! So it makes me wonder, how he can be so sure it will be okay?

Reeds, I'm so glad you're done with work! I hope you get plenty of naps and don't strain anything while moving the furniture! Dr's orders! :haha: BTW, LOVE the mermaid tat!

Carole, is your cough a dry cough or are you coughing up stuff? If it's dry, a humidifier always helps me at night. Are cough drops allowed when you're PG? I don't even know but I don't see why not except for them being loaded with sugar. I'm SOOO bad, when I'm sick I'll actually sleep with one! Yeah, it's a bit crazy but I always manage to get it stuck to the roof of my mouth and I've never had a problem (famous last words, right? :winkwink:)
Morning ladies...

Lilies, I actually usually sleep with one as well but decided not to this time. Thats too funny. Its a very productive cough, so thats better than a dry one. As for the pap...I never thought of it being an unhealthy thing for woman ttc or early pg....hmm...makes me wonder.

I am just chilling before I go to work this am. Joe just called, they have killed the lambs..YUK. There is a big Muslim celebration today. It's chilly here today -9, we have a skiff of snow on the ground. The alarm clock went off this am, and it's an Ihome set to music and it's kinda loud....well baby started moving when it heard it. LOL...I love it sooo much already. This next 20 weeks is going to be long...thankful I get to cheat and get baby 2 weeks early.
Reeds, how is being a stay at home mommy? is your little princess today?
Hey ladies. I am good today. I turned in all my work stuff. And sent my xboss a email telling her exactly how I felt. I feel so much better!:)

I have had 2 paps while pregnant with this baby...the first one by my first dr that I was seeing then when I transferred drs they did another cause they were having problems getting my files. I didn't know that could affect my pregnancy...mmm
SO I got some interesting news today. Dr called and I have a profound vitamin D deficiency. So ....3000iui daily now and it will take 6 months to build it back up. did your dates get moved up? Was it by the ultrasound?
My baby is measuring bigger and putting my up 3 days? ODD.....I was going by my LMP not ultrasounds.
Wow about the vitamin deficiency :( At least they noticed it!

At my 17+2 U/S they wrote the babys size was 17+6....but I think it's normal. With Lexi she always measured a little big and I went into labor the day after my due date.

Are you (or the dr.) changing your due date now?
Not that I know of.....I am just wondering as after my 12w scan they said I was further along...hey, if they can take this baby a few days early I am game.

I am happy today as baby has been pretty mellow and just give me the odd movement for the last few days and today it is going it. (could be the Lindt chocolates I sharfed back as to have my fill before my test tomorrow..LOL)

I am so missing my man, I am kidfree tonite so it makes it worse. Iam going for chicken wings with my gf tonite so that should help the nite go by.
What u up to? How u feeling?
LOL...I am all for baby coming early as well!!!!

I'm still so jealous as I just don't feel movements. Not really anyways...just a kick or two twice a week or so. It's so sad...because of it I just don't "feel pregnant" apart from the fact I am getting fatter by the day.

Good luck wtih the test tomorrow!!! So glad you get to do it at your dr.'s and not wait so long after fasting :)

Have a great time tonight...hopefully it keeps your mind off missing your man a bit, adn just think...not too much longer till he's home ;)

I'm up to NOTHING...LOL...I have no life :( It's ok though...just working on some closings we have coming up to give me some extra xmas money!!!
Okay Carole, were you able to actually keep those chicken wings down?
Could the Vit. D deficiency affect the baby's growth at all?

Reeds, so glad work is officially behind you now...(and totally jealous!!!) I would LOVE to be just part-time. Can't really said 'stay at home mom' yet but one day I so wish I could!

About the pap, I really don't know if there is an issue. The scraping is done at the opening of the cervix so it shouldn't 'harm' the baby in any way, but then there's sooo many blogs about women who MC days after having a pap. But then again, it's valid to say with 25% of all PG ending in MC it could be a coincidence esp. since it's just days later b.c it usually takes a week to two weeks before the body realized the fetus died. Then again, the stress and cramping you get with a pap can't be helpful....:wacko: I guess if I'm not PG, it won't matter next week but if I am, I'm not really sure what I'm comfortable with. FYI, I was at my sister's yesterday (her and her husband closed up shop after the one) but she had a left over PG I decided, well, it's like a free test! So I tested this afternoon and it was negative. :shrug: But I am only 9dpo.
Tiger you crack me up...I started testing at you are stronger than me...hehe! I never got my positive until 12dpo (in the evening at that). Still crossing all fingers.

My OB said that there is nothing saying that it can cause a m/c...but being as I was so worried after JUST having one...she completely understood me going against it. She's been wonderful about my paranoia. It just scared me the thought of a cervical scraping...but again she said it would NOT cause a m/c.
And I think you are right Tiger, about a lot of things being coincidents (spelling?!) when it comes to m/c's...unfortunately they happen more than we like to think.
Lilies...I am so hoping for your BFP!! That pap thing scares me, when I was "peeing" my pants a few weeks ago, or so they say. They did a pap and scraped the cells. I was worried and asked if it was harmful...he said no. I wouldn't take the chance if I had to have way. They are just doing it at the beginning of your pg for std's right?

I have not gone for wings yet. we are meetin up in about 1/2 hour at a local hubby would die...
As for having a not friend just got back from mexico so I am going to catch up on all her trashy behaviour when hubby wasnt looking...she is a wild cat. It's like a soap opera with her life. (guess mine is boring, but I like it that way)
Yeah, it's really sad that it has to be that way and I had no idea until of course it happened to me. But in all honestly, it's such a delicate process it's amazing there are so many babies born without any complications!

So does Lexi understand that you have a baby in your belly?
Girls! I have you all beat in the boring life category! This addition is the highlight of the year! (also a huge pain in the toosh!) But yeah, I prefer it that way too.

Well, the pap is scheduled b.c it's been a year now since my last one and I'm sure this dr would want to b.c I'm a new patient. I'm sure they do clamidia(?) test with a pap but it's mostly to test cervical cancer.

Carole, your friend sounds like you'll have a good girls night out tonight! :winkwink:
Absolutely is a delicate amazes me as well!!!! And I agree...I never thought about the 'bad stuff' until it happened to me, never thought it would and when it did --- BAM --- it shook my world.

Enough sad talk though...I know you'll be showing us 2 pink lines VERY soon and this one will be a sticky...I just know it!

Lexi doesn't have a clue. If you ask her where the baby is she will lift my shirt and laugh...but she's too young to really understand. I am trying to enjoy my time with her while it's "just her"...but it's really hard since she is miserable to be around lately!!! Terrible 2's is an understatement.

That is what they wanted to do my pap for...esspecially since i've had precancerous cells and a leep in the past. But, it will just have to wait...I am too much of a neurotic for all

Yup...and I as well LOVE the boring life ;)
Good morning you chatty ladies. ;) I wasn't on cause I was too busy being sick from dinner...I did chat on FB a bit but it sends the messages to my phone. I ended up sick all over the bedrooom floor and ran to the bathroom just for Tj to be sitting on it, needless to say the rest was all over his feet.:( I tried hard to keep it down but it is so forceful with this pregnancy. And now this morning I am fretting cause now I have lost weight again and my belly is soft instead of firm like it has been being. I did feel the baby moving as I fell asleep last night but if I don't feel anything today I will be freaked and calling the dr. I am here to say NO MORE spice food for me. LOL

Sorry for the detailed info first thing in the morning. haha

Tiger darn that bfn, its still really early though so hang in there. We are here praying for you
Awww :( I am so sorry you are having a rough time Reeds. IF it makes you feel any better...I had a lot of stages of losing weight and not gaining w/ Lexi due to the severe sickness. Please don't worry too this stage they don't weigh much themselves. I didn't really start gaining w/ her until I was 6 months along, then my third trimester packed it on (I gained about 23 pounds with her).

I think MS makes a HUGE difference in weight gain and everything, considering I have none this time and have gained about 18 freaking pound already. Yup...I admitted it...discusted as I am. I have started a 'pregancy acceptable' diet. So pissed off that even during pregnancy I can't enjoy food...just like the rest of my life.

Def. take comfort in feeling movement :) I am sure LO is fine!!

Poor TJ btw. If I anyone throws up around John he is gagging and comes close to puking himself....lightweight! LOL!

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