Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

It was awful...I felt so bad for doing it but I had no where to go and it was there. He was a trooper and cleaned me up and all the messes. I was of course was crying my eyes out. I just guess I am really ready to feel normal. LOL I never had any prblems putting on weight with the others, even with Dylan and I was just as sick with him but I think maybe cause I was not over weight already.

But anyway its a rainy dreary day here and I really need some motivation to get some house cleaning done but I just don't want to move off the couch. I tried to go back to sleep after I took the kids to sleep but I have too much on my mind. I kinda feel like I really messes up by not toughing it out and keep working til after Christmas...but I was so tired of feeling like I was being taking advantage of. BUt now what if I can't afford gifts for my kids. UGH pregnancy makes me so darn emotional.
I am sure you'll be able to afford gifts hun :) You have hubby and his income...not like you are a single mom who just quit her job. It wasn't sellfish, it was what was best for you and all your babies :) When people are financially able to stay home w/ thier kids, I think it's great!....even if it means money isn't "flowing" as quickly and freely as before. I dunno...just my opinion.

Can't help with the motivation area house is a mess! I have no desire to clean...I bet my hubby can't wait for the nesting to kick in...ROFL!
Thanks Nicole I needed to hear that. You are so right!! Its just something I guess I still need to wrap my around. LOL

Yeah I think Tj is ready for the nesting phase too. I have the desire to start but its like all the projects I want to start I need help with and well he is not the most mrivated person either so...I get told I will help tomorrow. LOL I am going to beg my daughter to help tonight with my bedroom cause I really really want to put the baby bed up tonight.
Hey Reeds....sorry about the puking, fun times eh. are u today?

Lilies...same for goes the battle?

AFM....was at the hospital all morning, poor nurse had a heck of a time getting blood from me. Since it was the two hour test, I had to have blood taken before, at one hour and at the end. I was poked 8 times. LOL....lucky needles don''t bother me.
I LOST 5 LBS.....YAY...cutting back on hot cocoa and sugar has helped.
She wants me to fill this Rx for pills to make me less nauseated. Unsure if I will go that far but we will see.
It's snowing like MAD here and cold...yuk, Nicole, want to trade
Hey Reeds....sorry about the puking, fun times eh. are u today?

Lilies...same for goes the battle?

AFM....was at the hospital all morning, poor nurse had a heck of a time getting blood from me. Since it was the two hour test, I had to have blood taken before, at one hour and at the end. I was poked 8 times. LOL....lucky needles don''t bother me.
I LOST 5 LBS.....YAY...cutting back on hot cocoa and sugar has helped.
She wants me to fill this Rx for pills to make me less nauseated. Unsure if I will go that far but we will see.
It's snowing like MAD here and cold...yuk, Nicole, want to trade

Aw that sucks...I was wondering how the test went. I take it they were able to complete the test though? When will you get the results? LOL...I'm the same way...needles don't phase me in the least.

Ummm...can you send some of the weight loss my way?? I'm miserable over how much I've gained already. I'm on a diet now as well...which sucks because I have a lap band and got the fluid out for the pregnancy...and can't eat now either :(

Sure, we'll trade!!! I love the cold...and snow...but then again I don't live in it or ever see it for that matter, so of course I like it!
Oh, and don't be stubborn, fill the damn script and get to feeling better woman! Not worth suffering through that :(
Hey...when did u get the lap band? I had my stomach stapled in 1997...old school method. it helped at first then I got pg with my first and gained it back....never been as heavy as that but getting close....still 50lb away. I have put on alot of weight in the last year so need to be careful and drop some.

I will know the results tomorrow.

I had some ichiban soup (top raman to u yankee's) and was almost ready to chuck....I have never felt so crappy as I do this last few weeks.
I got the Zofran pills and I can't say that they really help with the nausea...they do manage to give me a lovely headache. :( I took a lovely nap today. But still not motivated to clean house. LOL Carole when will have the results?
I will have the results tomorrow....Dr told me to call her. The Rx she gave me is for Diclectin.

She said it would make me tired and sleepy
I got the lap band in Sept 09.... just 7 months after I had Lexi. It was great, I lose 65 pounds (so far...still have a ways to go). So hard emotionally to see such fast weight gain, after having surgery and losing the weight :(
Congrats....thats alot. In your wedding pics u look so small. Did u gain weight after u got married?
LOL...never been small...always 'plus size'.

But when we tried to get prego w/ Lexi and went off the pill I gained like 60 pounds that year. I went to a lot of dr's and they said it was a hormonal inballance basically nothing they could do. Then I gained like 23 pounds during the pregnancy and only some came off. So, after that I just decided enough was enough. I've always had to diet my whole life just to be plus size. So I got the surgery and it was amazing. Though I have had a lot of issues with it...mainly being that I throw up a lot when the fluid is in b/c we can't get the 'right level'.

But, I can't wait to have my LO and get fluid put back in and get back to normal!

Hubby already agreed that after this baby (our last)...I can get a tummy tuck...since I have a lot of loose skin from gaining so fast...then losing so fast. YAY! I'll have them lift my boobs while they are at it ;)

What about you?? What was the stomach stapling like???
Evening ladies, I'm afraid I'm going to post then bail on ya.

Reeds, that is the second horrible puke story you've shared (and happens to be funny too!). So sorry though that you're so sick! That's crazy!

After two kids, I'm absolutely getting a tummy tuck and my boobs lifted, no implants, just want them off the floor when I'm done breast feeding! I thought about the lab band but hubby said it was $10,000 and insurance won't cover it unless you're morbidly obese. Still though, I'm not having much success on my own but I'm not sure if the band would help with my chocolate fetish.

So the walls and roof are up on the addition and there's a whole in my old kitchen wall! All the pictures are on Jeff's phone b.c he thinks it takes better pictures than my camera (which he could be right) so come the weekend I'll have him transfer them over and figure a way to post them.

I know you guys are praying for me and I really appreciate it (and I'm praying for all of you!) but I'm going to be miss pessimistic and say I just don't think it happened. By 10dpo last time, my boobs were starting to get bigger, and even on the progesterone they're not! :shrug:

Carole, I really hope your GD test comes back normal! In fact, with you cutting down on the sugar (they say that doesn't matter but how can it not!) I bet it will be normal!

Okay, have a good night's sleep, keep those babies safe and no more puking!
LOL..I'm not getting implants either, mine are huge already....just don't want them hanging down to my belly...haha! Honestly I didn't think I'd get approved for the band b/c I was borderline to being an 'acceptable candidate' but I guess my dr's know how to word things. We also have excellent insurance, it surprisingly was approved in 3 days! I think you look great though, from the pics on FB ;)

So exciting about the kitchen!!!! Please post pics to FB when/if you can!

And please don't give up hope so soon sweetie. When I got pg this time around I had no symptoms (hence being in this symptomless thread). And after seeing all those negative tests that I took every day I started to doubt it until that VVV faint on 12 dpo. So don't give up just yet. :hugs:
morning ladies....

How are you all doing? I agree with Nicole, Lilies...don't give up stil she shows and I know with all my PG's its always different with symptoms.

As for the tummy tuck girls...think twice. I had one done 1 1/2 yrs ago, granted I am bigger than u two, my stomach and back are fatter than my legs. They cut off a 8lb flap of flesh as I lost almost 100 lbs. Since then I have gained about 40lbs back..YUK, point being, if your tummy area is where u gain weight first, even after a tummy tuck u will gain it back there first. I was looking like sponge bob square pants. No lower tummy but thick under the boobs to belly button. Ya, i am glad the "roll" is gone but I am a 16-18-20 in jeans (depending on brand) and a 3x on top??? A missed up combo.

So this weekend iam kidfree....I am going to be so lonely. I should just rent a bunch of chick flicks and cry at home.
-Terms of endearment
any other suggestions....

As for the was horribly painful as they had to retract all my ribs, I'm cut from under boobs to belly button, I still can't eat big meals but I can snack. WOuls not recommend...I dont even think they do them anymore as its not very affective
Wow girl! You've had some major surgeries!

I strongly recommend the Joy Luck Club, very chickie-tear-jerking movie.

I am so busy at work but I'm seeing light at the end tunnel the tunnel! Unfortunately after work I have to take my dobie to the vet. I think he busted a couple of blood vessels in his ears! He has floppy ears, never were cropped, and last night he kept shaking his head and stretching his ears. I even cleaned them out but for a dog they weren't that bad. I noticed last night his ears felt 'thick' and Jeff thought I was crazy, but this morning you can definitely feel the pool of blood (if that is indeed what happened) under the skin. Poor pup!
morning ladies....

How are you all doing? I agree with Nicole, Lilies...don't give up stil she shows and I know with all my PG's its always different with symptoms.

As for the tummy tuck girls...think twice. I had one done 1 1/2 yrs ago, granted I am bigger than u two, my stomach and back are fatter than my legs. They cut off a 8lb flap of flesh as I lost almost 100 lbs. Since then I have gained about 40lbs back..YUK, point being, if your tummy area is where u gain weight first, even after a tummy tuck u will gain it back there first. I was looking like sponge bob square pants. No lower tummy but thick under the boobs to belly button. Ya, i am glad the "roll" is gone but I am a 16-18-20 in jeans (depending on brand) and a 3x on top??? A missed up combo.

So this weekend iam kidfree....I am going to be so lonely. I should just rent a bunch of chick flicks and cry at home.
-Terms of endearment
any other suggestions....

As for the was horribly painful as they had to retract all my ribs, I'm cut from under boobs to belly button, I still can't eat big meals but I can snack. WOuls not recommend...I dont even think they do them anymore as its not very affective

Oh wow! You are the first person I have known to have a tummy tuck. Was it incredibly painful? I mean I am sure recovery hurts but just wondering. I tend to gain weight everywhere. Before my major weight issues I was one of those people with a somewhat flat tummy and thicker legs/hips. Hopefully the tummy tuck would work? Now you have me scared, but I think I'll just do it (if we can afford it!!!). I am sure it costs a pretty penny, haven't gone to any consults or anything though. So now when you gain weight, you don't gain in the lower tummy just the upper?? Weird! Prior to surgery I was in a 18/20 bottoms and xl/xxl top...before I got prego I was down to a 14 bottoms and l/xl top...which I was slowly getting happy with...but not with the skin flap on my tummy, which is horribly between having lexi and gaining/losing.

YAY for a kiddo free weekend...just too bad hubbys not there :( BOO! Try and enjoy some 'you' time though!

And OMG that stapling sound horrible :( Yeah, I think now they only do gastric or lap band, but mostly lap bands b/c they are adjustable. So you still have the easily full feeling from it though?
Wow girl! You've had some major surgeries!

I strongly recommend the Joy Luck Club, very chickie-tear-jerking movie.

I am so busy at work but I'm seeing light at the end tunnel the tunnel! Unfortunately after work I have to take my dobie to the vet. I think he busted a couple of blood vessels in his ears! He has floppy ears, never were cropped, and last night he kept shaking his head and stretching his ears. I even cleaned them out but for a dog they weren't that bad. I noticed last night his ears felt 'thick' and Jeff thought I was crazy, but this morning you can definitely feel the pool of blood (if that is indeed what happened) under the skin. Poor pup!

OH no! Poor doggie :( I didn't know they can pop blood vessels in their ears :( I hope it's nothing major and the vets can take care of him easily! Keep me posted...
Hello everyone...I would love to have some adjustments done to my body after this baby but I will be staying all natural. LOL Mostly I would love to have the breast lift..they aren't bad now but I don't know what they will be like after I nurse this baby.

I still feel like crap today. UGH It can go away now!! LOL And I am soo so ready to find out what I am having. LOL

I am also kid free this weekend and well actually they will be at their dad's all week and I won't get them back to next friday. NOthing else to report from me....

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