Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Ive just realised that I was looking at how far you were when you first posted this thread!
No they havent done anything yet!!!!!
I am on thyroxine and my doctor reduced the amount around the time I must have concieved as she said my levels were high after having my routine blood test. so I am worried, they said they would do my blood tests at 10 weeks?? I had them done right at the start before??
Wow 10 weeks?? Have you had a history of mc's? I had mine done at 10dpo, 13dpo and a couple more times til my 6 weeks scan. I will pray that all is going to be all right for you and your bean
Hey girls...I'm about to go to bed but have a quick ? for you :)

Are you guys getting b.h. contractions yet? Just tonight I've been having this crazy tightening...not sure what it is (if it is even bh's or not?). I don't remember having them w/ Lexi enough to really remember what they feel like. Basicallly I am sitting here on my laptop and my lower stomach keeps tightening. It doesn't hurt...just weird. I know people say your tummy gets hard when they happen, but not like I can really tell that sitting down w/ the squishy-ness (LOL!). I can feel the tightening inside and it's all low (like belly button down). I don't remember if w/ braxton's your lower tummy tightens or the whole tummy?

I'm not trying to drag on...just wanted to make sure I described it well. Hopefully I'm not alone. Not sure if it's anything to worry about this early on or if it's something else completely?? What do you guys think?
I get BH with all my pg's...have had a few after sex. Your uterus will tighten and release for about 20-30 secs.No worries...just your body getting preped for baby. to love it.
As for tummy tuck, i was cut from side to side...literly.It was not painful at all as they only cut the extra flesh off. Like a big cut....they don't cut the muscle liek they do in a c-sec. it's easy peasy. I did get an infection afterwards which was not fun. I had to have home care come to my home daily to irrigate my incision and drain it. Then a month later I had to have it all re-opened again and cleaned out. that was alittle tough on me but then it healed up nice.
I do think it was me that caused the infection and fluid build up. They put these two drains in that looked like cd players...called hemo vacs. I fibbed my city Dr into taking them out two days early for convience as he was not the Dr who did the operation and had no clue. I should have left them in to drain til it was empty....all that for vanities sake. LOL.....
Hey Nicole I haven't had any BH yet. But I don't do much these days to have any kind of action going on in the south. LOL I have just been worried about the change in my bump...I am telling you all its getting smaller. I will have to post a pic later so you ladies can compare for me...
Thanks ladies :) I haven't done ANYthing down there to cause any action either (not since 10 or 11 weeks). I was just surprised to be getting them already...and was kinda freaking out because the tightening would last about 20 seconds (like you said Carole)...then go away and come back a few minutes later...on/off for about an hour. But, as long as it's normal...I'm ok with it :) a pic Reeds, and put your old one up for comparrison. I am telling bump is changing too...I'll put a pic up tomorrow or Tuesday. From the front I have gotten wider...but from the side, the bump doesn't look as bumpish as it did a few weeks ago...just looks fat really.
Can I get some advice?? I am really having some issues with dh and I know its all me but I am currently not attracted to him at all. I don't want any affection from him...and to be honest where I have failed to gain the weight during this pregnancy he is packing it on and that really bothers me. I am may sound really petty here but I am not attracted to heavey men. I have tried to talk to him but he says I am nagging and basically being a bitch. It is also affecting his military career and he has not been promoted to Srgt because of it...he is on the top of the list but cause he now can't pass the PT test he can't be promoted. He is having a problem with his knee which is a injury from Iraq but I really think he would have less problems with it if he would drop some weight. Needless to say its pretty quite around here cause we barely talk. He tries but I just don't have anything to say and I feel like we are really drifting apart and I have no desire to fix it. I don't want to be alone or be without him I just want him to be the way he use to be...and then we really got into it cause I thought was naming the baby Gunner Elijah is we had a boy last night he told me it was Gunner Elisha...which I think the middle name sounds like a girl. Sorry for the immature rant girls but I really need to talk about this and see where it leads me....
Here is 15+6


Here is 19+5


Well gee maybe there is a a good way. lol
I think maybe I look fatter not rounder...but it is bigger. I guess I am just crazy and silly
Oh hun, I think some of that is completely normal and comes from the prego hormones. I went through that w/ John w/ both pregnancies. Didn't want him to touch me or anything. It went away after birth. Sounds like a lot of your concerns with his weight come down more to his/your future than just know? That is not bitchy or anything, it's truthful. Maybe a lot of it is just hormonal? are crazy..that bump has gotten bigger!!! Not drastically, but you can tell a difference, esspecially using the tattoo as a :) Looks great!
After I put the pics up and I seem them compared it is growing...

I don't know about Tj and I...I just feel really distant from him. I thought this pregnancy would really pull us closer. I wasn't this way with my others.Maybe its just all the changes I have went through lately I am just depressed.
Well....I go out for an hour and miss the drama...LOL.
reeds...sorry hun, your bigger.'s all good. As for the man fatness thing, I am very over weight myself and I hate fat men. LOL....go figure. My man is 250 but he is muscle and thick as hell. 6'1 too. He has gotten a small tummy since we been together and it doesn't bother me but if he got "fat" it would. See...i do all the cooking so if he gains it's usually cause of me. lol.

Nicole...your BH sound very normal. I was walking upstairs to get ready to take my client out shopping and I got a BH. about timing.
Snapshot of me 10.pngCall me creative...cell phone pic then taken with web cam on laptop. LOL...fuzzy but u see the gut.
YAY Carole love that bump!! I am so sorry I couldn't ever get yours to email from my phone. I still try to this day. LOL

I have issues with fat men. My 1st dh was fat and I hated it...Jesse who was my ex before Tj was very fit and healthy and we worked out together. But he was also abusive and a cheater. Tj is a great guy but I hate the fact that so many things get left undone and now the weight gain. I can't even begin to count th broken promises and I am to the point I don't believe anything he says he is going to do until its done and most of the time he has his brother come do it. My baby's bed is still in the box in the middle of my kitchen. :(
WOOO HOOO a bump pic from it!! Now I guess I have to post mine soon...even though it ain't pretty! LOL!

I am done w/ bnb names (unless you wanna keep it), Reeds, do you go by Sandra or Sandi?

How long have you and TJ been together? Are the things you are feeling new to the tiem you've been prego or have you had these thoughts before? Maybe you have issues with him, but they are just amplified being pregnant now? I know John can be lazy too...gotta push and nag him to get things done...I just thought that is how men can be? LOL!
My ex always needed a fire lit under his ass....I hated it. Big plans but no motivation.
It's friend who I went for wings with the other nite cheats on her hubby all the time. She is bigger than me and her hubby is a good 400lbs...they can't have proper sex and it kills her. Thats no excuse for cheating but I think it would be horrible to not be able to make love the way u want to. Sex is important to me....and I think if you can't have it properly that would be a huge problem for me. My weight has nto really cause any probs with sex other than I loose stamina more (if i am the one in charge...wink wink) since I have put a few back on....but it's cardio. LOL...

Joe sometimes forgets to do something I have asked but jumps as soon a I mention it again. But I hate to nag him as he works so hard were as my ex was a lazy ass with work. It's tough....maybe you should make up a hunny-to-do list for him.
it's Hard to find everything u want in a mate....if there was one thing I could tweek about my man would be alittle more I know he love me. I have to work on dropping some weight and taking better care of myself as I was looking like a bum for a few months. Now Iam loosing a few, doing my hair and make up like I used to, wearing jeans again. Not being so

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