Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms?? crack me up with the 'cardio' talk!! hehe! I guess that would be hard...not being able to have sex the way you want, but def. no reason to cheat! Does her hubby know that she does? I know some people are cool wtih that as long as thier spouse comes home.

Ummm yeah, John isn't romantic AT ALL. I gave up on that years ago. I mean of course he was in the beginning, but I guess now he's comfortable and doesn't feel the need. I hear you though..I've been TRYING to work on my appearance. Trying being the key word. W/ staying home w/ Lexi since she was born I am in the habit of just staying in ratty house clothes all the time (not to go out) and my hair is always in a ponytail. Real attractive I am sure :( I've been trying to look better when we leave the house, I feel like it takes so much more energy then it use to though!
I hear ya....yesterday and today I have been a yoga pant stretchy mat top girl. No make up /hair in a bun. skype for me today. LOL. I used to dress up nice in jeans all the time, dress coats nice fitted tops when Joe and i met but this last year I have gained about 35 lbs and my jeans are tight...I dont fit my tops. (I always gain in my belly/back/arms and chin...rarely my legs) So it's hard but nice hearing the compliments again.
joe has never been romantic really...he came home about 1 1/2 yrs ago with a single rose for me....i cried it meant so much. He has never bought flowers ever for a girl except for me.He has since bought me a dozen three times. He says..."black men are different from white men....when show are love by choosing u to be with" ...LOL. It works. he had me at hello.
i am way more physically attracted to him then my first hubby...yes, I have always had a thing for dark men, he is big and looks bigger than me. I love his muscles. My ex was only an inch taller than me, 170 lbs, cute face but his lazy, "the government is out to get you" all things are evil attitude drove me nuts. was a shot gun wedding as I was pg and my parents didn't really give me an option so I tried to make the best of it for ten years. blah...LOL.
WOOO HOOO a bump pic from it!! Now I guess I have to post mine soon...even though it ain't pretty! LOL!

I am done w/ bnb names (unless you wanna keep it), Reeds, do you go by Sandra or Sandi?

How long have you and TJ been together? Are the things you are feeling new to the tiem you've been prego or have you had these thoughts before? Maybe you have issues with him, but they are just amplified being pregnant now? I know John can be lazy too...gotta push and nag him to get things done...I just thought that is how men can be? LOL!

Sandi please. We have been together 3 years...basically though the first year was spent with him in Iraq. We got to know each other through emails and letters and talks on the phone when he could. We got married right after he came home. He is a great guy and my hero but I hate how unmotivated he is. I mean he makes me feel like if its important to him it gets done but if its something I ask I have to keep asking over and over. I asked him to bring me wood in from the pile before he left for work...did he NO and its hard for me to get it cause he didn't cut it the right size for our stove and I have to dig and find pieces that awork so unfair to me. I had issues before I got pregnant I won't deny that and yes it seems so much worse now and he gets so mad at me cause I don't feel good. I just don't really know what to do..I feel really lost and alone. Silly.
Well my bathroom is clean and now working on the kitchen but I needed a BNB break! I am so glad my girls are on. Just missing Tiger..
Now I'm mad at him...he should be gettin that wood and starting a fire. Your pg....bugger. My man tells me to be careful walking up the stairs. LOL..since we are bitching. What is with the other thread and all the picture story telling. I don't mind the odd smiley face but WTF (wiskey-tango-foxtrot for those with senstive Your whole message is pictures?
I have to admit I dont post much on that thread anymore. I don't know why...I just am not comfortable there like I use to be. But yeah there are alot of picture messages...maybe they think we wn't get the message without them!! LOL
I love this thread...and you ladies. I am so lucky to have you all. And Carole I am so glad you joined us!! xxx
Just me compaining...I still like going on there as feel I have a connection with some of the old timers on there. And yes they want to know your blue or pink news....

yummm.,,,I had nothing for food yesterday as I was puky but am eating those little bite sized taco bowls filled with hot peppers, tomatos, onions back with cheese and a good spoon full of hot salsa in them...HOT but yummy. Hope I dont get sick...
I find I am on here more than the other now...thanks for the invite.
I know what you mean about the bond with older ones...I still stalk the thread daily to check on them but I don't post much. Since I don't know the newer ones as well I don't want to offend any of them.

I made some yummy goulash. I have this thing for pasta with this pg. It gives me killer heartburn but I can't help it. :) I have felt pretty good so far today. Just trying to stay motivated on the house goal is the bathroom and kitchen. I have the bathroom and kitchen halfway but I also want to clean and reorganize my cabinets. I have to admit it is hard to sweep and mop with a crib in the box in the middle of it though. LOL
On a phsyical hubbys height is the ONLY thing I have problems with. He's actually shorter then me! I hate that. But...nothing I can change there and he's so good for me in every other guess I gotta put up with looking like an amazon woman next to him (also skinnier than me...but hell who isn't!).

So Sandi, does your hubby just simply forget what you ask him to do, or does he jsut not care/ignore it? John forgets ALOT of annoying, since I usually have a great memory (pre-pregnancy of course). I think being with someone in the military, and the deployments make things hard as well. You get used to them being gone, then they come back and things are different, or the person you were used to just communicating via phone calls and emails isn't the same as the person you end up living with. If you are looking to work it out, maybe seeing a counselor would help?? Just to have a mediator there to talk things through?

BTW pat yourself on the've accomplished way more than I have today. I think my system is taking a while to get used to the meds....been nauseous for 3 days now :(

I hardly go on the main thread that much either. I try and ask questions there and no one responds, but they are so quick to kiss the 'thread leaders' asses over every bitch and moan....LOL!
What a turd, when will he be home to finish putting it together for u?
I hear ya....I wish the newbies well and bfp soon but they seem too youngish for my old ass.

Lilies....ignore the hubby and come online with us today. She is such a dedicated wife. Mine u when my hubby gets home there will be limited bnb access for me to catch up on some "cardio" wink wink
LOL...I want to be a "leader of a thread". sounds powerful.
Do u know how many times I have hit the re-fresh button on my dryer in the last 2 days. Like 4
Well that a tough one Nicole. He says he forgets but I have a hard time with believing that all the time. Cause like I said he can remember things important but when it comes to things I ask...well most of the time it dooesn't get done. He is a lot different since he came home...he had severe TBI and PTSD among a few other things. He sees a councelor but refuses to take the meds they prescribe so it doens't help. I get fed up with that as is suppose to get better if he doesn't listen. Sorry for all the ranting today ladies. I am just soo fed up. He does nothing at all to help me. I can't even get him to freaking turn on the oven so I could make cinnamon rlls this morning he "forgot" within 5 min of me asking. UGH Football was more important!
Carole you crack me up!! Tj would love to have some cardio time but I have nothing to do with it...maybe its his approach...I have to admit I don't think hm humping my hand and saying ya wanna do it is a big turn on...LOL
aww sandi....dry humping is a classic turn on. LOL...My man is a fine dresser and always smells sooo good, it don't take much for me. Plus he is soft...most bk men are very hairless. Do you have a wood oven
carole you crack me up!! Tj would love to have some cardio time but i have nothing to do with it...maybe its his approach...i have to admit i don't think hm humping my hand and saying ya wanna do it is a big turn

omg!! Lol!
Never be sorry for ranting, I feel bad that you are going through all that on top of feeling like crap most days :( I hope it's just the prego hormones in overdrive, and you guys work it out (if you want to of course!).
Yeah I want to work it out. I just wish he would listen to me...

Carole yes I have wood heat. Its the only source of heat we have and I haven't built a fire yet today...but thankfully I have been staying busy cleaning so its not cold here yet. But I will have t build one soon the wind is really picking up and its nasty cold out. We just have new windows and siding done in June and I can see a huge difference already. :)
Okay, I'm here briefly and got all caught up on the weekend posts. The electrician was here yesterday and got what needed to be done for the first electrical inspection, hubby was doing the plumbing today and it's finally done but not without some ranting and swearing and a hole through the side from drilling! Yeah, it's been fun but I can't claim the fame of being a supportive wife, I spent half the time on the couch napping b.c I haven't been sleeping well.

Unfortunately it's not due to early PG symptoms, my temperature is dropping :sad: Another freak'in round of clomid....I was really hoping not to do that.

Okay, Reeds....I don't know what to say except, Tj would probably be more motivated if he took his meds, if he was more motivated, the crib and other various things would get done, if the things you needed done was done, you'd be less frustrated with your husband and more willing to be intimate. Some how, like what Nicole said, maybe with a mediator (which probably is the hardest thing for another counselor to agree to) but this needs to be said and talked out for sure. His 'depression' is bringing you down, and it's not going to get better unless he's willing to do something about it and worse of all, he probably doesn't want to admit he has issues he's ignoring. Yeah, hormones are definitely not helping the situation but it's not going to get better after birth b.c then you have the joy of other hormones and night feedings, and all the fun stuff that wears a woman down! It's just reads that Tj is a bit lost right now, and in the middle of that, I'd hate to see a marriage get lost too. XX

Carole, I so admire the sexual relation you and John have! As much as it would be nice to have sex just not when I'm O, I can't seem to find the motivation or energy to initiate anything!

Nicole, I definitely wouldn't worry about the contractions hun, I've read they can start this early! Completely normal!

So Jeff posted some construction pics on FB and tagged me to them so you should be able to view them. I have a picture of Nick too just as I picked him up from the vet on Friday. He has to wear the cone of shame for 2wks! There's stitches in his ears that's suppose to help drain the hemotomas and they'll come out at that 2wks mark.

I'm going to help hubby clean up, then I promised him dinner and a massage for all this hard work today. I'll try to get on again tonight before I go to bed!

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