Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

I've only just talked to her on that message I told you guys about. She seems really down...but that is to be expected. I wish there was something we could do or say, but as we all know, nothing really helps in times like this :(
Hello fellow team blue eh. Joe is thrilled beyond belief. My family is shocked and happy.we have decided to head to the US to go shopping tomorrow instead of friday. All went well with the scan....babe is healthy and my bled is gone. My measuring 20w2d just like at 12 weeks. I am so thrilled and blessed.....I said another prayer for lilies as she is going through this rough time...So....I will catch up with u ladies on sunday. Have a great one.....
I will....I am in shock about us all having boys...too funny eh. My boys are alittle bummed out but they are still happy.
Very wild we are all having boys! I can't believe it. And don't worry, the kids will come around ;)
Watch my luck I'll have my next scan and my 'boy' will turn into a 'girl'...that is the kinda luck I!
Hello there a new secret thread or something? Where is all the gossip?

We just got back last nite around 9pm, had a great time. Roads were alittle shitty on the way there once in montana and we had to go through a huge summit and it was poor visability so we lost about 1 1/2 hrs. We went home a different way. Was given a hard time at the border as we bought more than we were allowed. Had to pay $80 as "he was being nice" and could have charged us $300. LOL.....we bought tons of great stuff for baby Sarr. Lots of stuff at TJ Maxx, Puma, Roca, Nike, CK, DKNY...for a steal of a deal. Stuff like that is smoking $$ in Canada. Bought crib, mattress, swing, playard at walmart. Crib bedding set, extra sheets etc at Ross and stroller/car seat at target. We went shopping from 9am-6pm. It was a long day but hubby had a great time and so did I. He wanted to look at all the clothes with me and we picked everything out together. It was fun and a huge bonding time for us and baby. .lol.
All is bought now but I forgot breast pads....
How is everyone here doing? Hope all is great and u ladies are getting ready for christmas. Got all my presents for my boys too so just have to finish wrapping them up and my baking.
I meant to ask the reason you went on a shopping trip to the states b/c things are more expensive in Canada or is there just not the same selection? I was wondering about that. Sounds like you guys got a TON of stuff! I am kinda jealous that Joe was all excited about picking stuff out....John doesn't care about that...just has me pick everything. He doesn't really put a say into any baby stuff :(

But I am so glad you guys had fun...I would love a whole day of baby shopping!! Maybe with our tax ;) We really don't need much, but it's exciting to think about buying it all!!!! Ok, so when are you giving Joe his camera so we can see pics?!

I'm SOOOOO ready and excited for xmas! We are celebrating on the pretty much just two weeks! I can't wait to see Lexi's face with her presents!
I was kinda shocked that Joe was so into it. There were times I would say to me in the baby section and he would say, no wait, we will go together. He wanted to totally be a part of it which surprised me. My ex husband was like John, he didn't care.

Things are way cheaper in the USA, exchange was great for us and we prob saved about a thousand. We spent $1400 as we needed everything and I have all his clothes til about 12 months. (except for any summer clothes he will need this coming summer as there was nothing there for summer)
Joe got the camera fixed and I will take some pics tonite when he leaves for work. we didn't go fancy on the crib, it was one of the cheaper ones at walmart, all i cared about was that it was a 4 stage one.
Stroller and car seat combo was mid range....swing was mid as well as it had to be a plug in one as I don't like battery ones.
I bought bottles, soothers, everything for bath....I am so glad it's all done.

What did u get lexi for christmas?
WOW...I didn't know things are that cheaper more bitching from me!! LOL! You guys did great with the money to get all that for $1400! I get kinda bummed taht John doesn't have an opinion, but maybe partially b/c I am a control freak? I dunno...he's a very hands on dad...just doesn't care about the purchases...etc.

We sold all Lexis stuff, so I'll have to get a new swing and such...and I will absolutely get a plug in option one! Her swing just ran on batteries and she had colic and the damn batteries would die all the sudden...not cool!

For xmas, her big present is a play kitchen :) Then she's getting some little people toys (she loves those) and these things called pop on pals...and some puzzles/books..etc. My parents got her a tricycle. Should be a great day! What did you get your kids? I am sure they are harder to buy for since they are older...I am at the great stage, where there is soooo mcuh crap to choose from for Lexi.
Lexi sounds like she will be spoiled. I bought my young one a huge play dough set, all the boys got a portable dvd player as their main gift. (funky design one) got his that play set that it fake wood to build things? A nerf machine and clothes. The older boys got dvd players 2010 guniess books/ripleys believe it or not book (they get the new ones every year) The 10 yr old wanted an iron maiden oldest got a beetles shirt and then tons of clothes. They are getting more stylish these days and want brand name stuff so thats what they got.
Joe just brought in the tree so we are going to set it up and after he heads to work tonite the kids and I will decorate it. yay....I am excited as we bought the tree from the people we bought house from sold us their tree as the ceilings in this house are extra tall and it would not fit in their new house. I was happy with that as my tree was a cheapie and thin. lol
Yup..she's totally spoiled...and I'm ok with that. I bet the boys will be so happy on you get them for the holiday or before/after?

Ughhh..our tree looks like crap. We bought it at walmart..instead of going and cutting one (which we'll do from now on). We didn't know you have to cut the bottom it already started turning Not really bad, but enough to notice if you look up close. and we have a water softener and didn't think about that when we put it in water, that it can't go in salt We're a mess. You can tell this is our first time really going all out w/ xmas. John was so pissed he wanted to just throw it out and get a new one, but I don't care..i think it's funny...and it was our first tree so who cares? We're going to decorate it tonight..and it has a huge baby gate around it b/c of Lexi and the puppy!
LOL....I used to always get real trees then they died and looked like shit so I said screw it and bought a cheapie for walmart. I got ours up and and will decorate it with the boys tonite. The ex and I share christmas day...I get the first week of the holiday, we share christmas eve and I get them til about 2pm on the day, then he gets them for the week after christmas. I think things will change as he is movin about 6 hours out of edmonton in may. But the judge told me that he will have to drive here to get them as it is his choice he is moving. He has been saying he is moving for many years now as cost of living is high in edmonton compared to southren ab where he wants to live as he has a best friend there.
My boys are pretty good about leaving the tree alone butthey do like to handle the gifts alot. LOL....we have never done the santa thing in this house...I know, bad mom. Everyone always gives me a hard time but I grew up that way and I am ok. lol....I hope my 5yr old shuts his mouth at
That actually sounds like it works out great for sharing the holiday. Too bad he's moving, but that is his choice like you said so he should have the transport responsibility.

LOL...we'll do Santa, but mainly so I can have somethign to threaten her bad behavior with as she gets older. HAHA! We did Santa growing up, but I don't think it hurts someone to not do it, just a choice.

And after this I am thinking to hell with the real tree, but I'll give it one more chance next year :)
The rest my sisters and bro do it, just something we never really chatted with our kids about. We don't say he is real or not real, they don't really ask, They know he is a fat man that is in the malls at christmas, even had their pics taken with him. But they do know that mom, dad and Joe buy the gifts.
I added a new ticker....not as nice as I wanted but i could'nt find a nice one.
Hey ladies..

Carole sounds like you made a haul when you went shopping must be anice feeling to be all done!!

Nicole I am jealous of that real tree...we always use to have one til last year and Tj is allergic so we now have a fake one.
wow ladies...u are all so quiet. What's up for today? I am just heading out to take the rats to school then off to baby clinic to get weighted and check BP. Don't think there will be weight loss this
Nicole....just saw your post about feeling baby lots. YAY...
Nothing going on's finally getting a bit cold (for us!! LOL!) and we got our tree done last night. Just ready for xmas...and then Lexi's 2nd bday...hopefully these two things will help time go by faster since I am just ready to meet Lucas!

Be sure to post how your appt went...are you trying to lose weight each time?! Remember woman, you are prego! hehe!

I am def. not feeling him lots...not like you and Sandi, but for the past few days (or week?) I have felt at least a kick or two a day. It's such a relief to feel movement every day.....I am sure it will only get stronger and soon maybe I'll be feeling crazy movements like you guys :)
Actually the last few days baby has been mellow. I feel him during the day but just small amounts of movements. More at nite while chilling watching tv. Oh well....we have to trust baby is all good and know that they are going through growth spurts. I am not too worried but I do love it when I feel him.
Ya, I am trying to drop some poundage....I could so loose some. I am not dieting just making smarter choices and trying to cut out refined sugar and that lardy, buttery theatre popcorn I call my lover. LOL....I have been avoiding the movies due to my addicition.
Not looking forward to freezing going to the Dr's today. I have to park about 1 city block away at a parking lot as hospital parking is ALWAYS full. It's chilly today....I need a team of dogs to drag my ass there on a sleigh....haha.
My ex was an ass yesterday....I picked up my boys last nite and they told me how he was cursing me and baby all day yesterday. He said he is mad that his pennies of child support that the governement garnishes from his pay as he is too much of a loser to be a man and pay it on his own going to be paying for my baby and all the things I bought him. LOL....what a winner eh. I called him and freaked on him telling him to keep his evil thoughts to himself and he is a hypocrite as he is this" strong christian that goes to church" and should not be so evil and nasty and then hung up on his ass....jerk!!
What a jerk! I'm pretty sure his wages are garnished to help provide for HIS children and that you and Joe are perfectly capable buying the new babies things yourselves. Sounds like he is just jealous. Does he have anyone in his life? I hate when people tell their kids thier crap they feel over their don't need to hear that nonsense!

Oh man, hope you don't freeze to death! It's in the 40's today, and for us that is cool...I am sure you'd welcome the 40's right now! LOL!

I hear ya, I could lose some weight too, but this baby is hungry ALL THE's rediculous...I eat and am hungry 10 minutes later. So sick of it :(

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