Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??


Not to be nosy (ok....I am!!)...but I didn't know you had a problem O'ng? Or is this just the method that starts with fertility treatment? As far as Jeff keeping up...he doesn't have a choice, just put it on him...LOL ;)

I hear you on the shots. I donated my eggs to a fertility clinic twice when I was younger and had to do the tummy shots a few times a day for a couple weeks. At first I was freaked out. I mean needles don't bother me at all...but it's just weird to do it to yourself!! Is it something you have to keep doing or a one time shot? Sorry I am so nosy! Just curious as to the process :)

Fingers crossed for you this month totally deserve it!
You are my girls! Be noisy all you want! I hear on the needles! Doesn't bother me at all when I have to get blood work done but man, to do something on yourself is completely different! I'm sure you got use to it but a few times a day for a couple of weeks! :wacko:

This one was just a one time shot to push things along. The dr that scanned me yesterday isn't the one I usually see, but he explained to me that if my blood work looked good and I was preceding as normal, I wouldn't have to do the shot which made sense to me then the nurse of the dr that I normally see called up and said I should do the shot. I didn't think about asking at the time (so wish I did now) about what exactly came about with my blood work, if I really do have a problem, if I'm producing some hormones but it's quit not enough, or if my blood work was fine and my dr just wants to really make sure......I'll ask next time I call with either a bfp or the start of my next cycle.

Was Carole online at all yesterday?

How's everyone feeling? How's the baby movement?
Tiger praying this is your cycle! Have you talked about what steps will be taken when you get your BFP?

I am not sure if Carole was on yesterday...

Gunner was really active for a bit but now he is lazy. LOL I guess he is growing. EEKK
I guess Gunner wore himself out from earlier! :sleep:

How about you Nicole, any more movements now that baby is getting bigger?

I hope Carole is okay.....I hope it's just work busy that's keeping her offline.

No idea about what will happen after a bfp, I'm sure I'll have to see the specialist a couple of times before I get sent back to the regular ob. But to be completely honest, I wouldn't go back right away. They can't stop an MC from happening, and I need to financially recover from all of this before they start demanding that I come in every so often and rack up more bills. For instance, that genetic testing was really expensive, but I was only $200 from meeting my out of pocket expensive so I didn't care, after that $200 everything is 100% covered. So that blood work that I assume was the genetic testing went to an in-network facility and was $1805.00!!!! Crazy right since the average bill I saw online that you get charged is about $800. Then today, I get a statement from my insurance company saying that more blood work was sent to another facility, an out of network facility and that one I have to pay out of pocket for! That bill is $448!!!!! I don't understand how a medical office could send out blood to yet another place, that place being out of network, and not even tell me about it! What sucks even more, no matter how much I express my dissatisfaction in all this, I'm still stuck with this outrageous bill!
I wish I could say I feel better after my rant, but I really don't. But thanks for reading....
Wow that is crazy! Can you call your dr office and find out why they would do that? I sure don't get how they think or operate sometimes. So I guess they will be testing your HCG, progestrone and lots of scans.

Actually Gunner has been lazy for a few days. I try not to fret cause I do feel movement but I thought by now he would be rolling and tossing making my belly roll which he was doing.
OMG to all those bills Tiger!! I mean, of course it's for a good cause, but sometimes insurance can be such a joke!! Sounds good that they gave the go-ahead for the shot sicne that means the results came back good ;) Ok, so what is our timeline like, when can we hope to hear about you testing and getting that positive?? :)

Lucas is pretty quiet for the most part. He has crazy days and then days when I only feel a kick or two all day. The other night he was kicking up under my boob, so I thought he moved head down, but now he's kicking super low again. Who knows what is going on in there!! LOL! Can't wait to get the 4d done, lately I feel the need to verify he is actually a boy....haha!
The other night he was kicking up under my boob
:rofl: Apparently the weight of your breast was bothering him! LOL

When is your 4d scan?

I'm definitely going to call the office today and find out exactly what they all tested me for b.c I thought the one bill to the in-network guys were high and the fact that more was sent out to another facility really bothers me. My main concern is that they tested me for crap I was already tested for earlier this year even though I said I had the results and would fax it to the clinic the next day. If that's the case, I'll me pissed!

I'm counting today as 1dpo for safe measures, make sure I don't test too soon. So Jan. 16th I'll use my cheapy dollar store test so if it's neg then, I won't feel bad about testing 11dpo. Jeff wants me to wait until I start getting symptoms like the swollen boobs but that should be about the time to have those symptoms. It's the waiting game now!
Haha...probably so!!!

My 4d scan is actually on Lexi's bday (February 3rd). We tried for the day before but they were booked, and John's days off are wed/thurs. My mom works too much and can't come over for her bday during the week anyways, so we'll have her little party on Saturday. I am SOOO beyond excited. So much better to see in 4d, to see if they are ok and if all is how it should be.

Definently call them, it seems rediculous about all those bills. And if they retested you I'd be BEYOND pissed!!!

O man, hoping for good news from you on the 16th then! I seriously cannot wait until you get your BFP that sticks!

Let us know what they say about those bills.
WOW....last time I looked no one had anything to say and wasn't posting.
Lilies....I am so pleased your having all this medical attention but holy shit it's so much money. Can u save receipts and use it as a income tax deduction? I am so pleased ur i the TWW and I will say a prayer for u to have a sticky jellybean. Sarr is moving like a mad man. He is super reactive to my boys voices and they love to torrment him which makes me have tons of BH. I have been having some pretty good ones lately. I am really crampy and my thighs and groin are killing me. Just can't get comfortable at nite. My son has a body pillow in his closet and I think I am going to steal it tonite and see if it helps.
I go for my last GD test on monday which will be interesting.....other than that I am a little cranky with Joe but he is working so much and he has been short with me a few times so screw it. I am keeping my phone distance.

Nicole...I am excited to see Lucas's 3d scan pics....

Reeds....How is that virus going? Do they test u for it often to see if it's passed? is my big ass bump pic..ugh, this was yesterday am.

Carole...are you having the groin pressure already?! I didn't get it w/ Lexi until 30-something weeks. I was having lots of BH's as well...but none for a while now. Sorry you are so uncomfy :( That is no fun. I am totally loving the fact that for the most part I don't 'feel' the pregnancy pains yet. Just the sciatica.

I have my GD test on Thursday and am actually worried about it. I feel like I am gonna fail. Or maybe I just want something to explain the drastic weight gain I am experiencing?

I can't wait till the 3d either!! 4 more weeks!
Hey Carole they do not test anymore for it. I know I still have it...still in pain and he says it can take months to go away. Oh well. I had horrible lower back pain and really bad BH last night actually had me in tears. ANd I am no wimp. LOL
Oh man...I am sorry Sandi! Sucks you both are in such pain....I feel so bad :(
So ladies...I just spent 100$ on stuff for baby. It's that damn paul frank that gets me. $32 was shipping and duty to canada...oh well. It's such nice stuff. It was from
My back is killing me from shopping for 2 hours. I wish I was rich, I would have ordered so much more, but I already have so much I guess Iwas just being greedy.

What u chickies up to?
Good morning. I am really nervous about what to buy so I haven't bought much. I am trying to wait for more spring stuff to come out. I had more BH last night. Gunner is laying on my back again.

HOpe everyone has a great day.
Why are you nervous about what to buy?

It's so much more relaxing (shoping wise) to know that not EVERYTHING has to be bought before Lucas is even born. I was so silly when I was prego with Lexi. Everyone told me not to buy as much and that I had plenty of time for some things....but I did what I wanted to do. Not so this time. Feels much better...more 'calm'.

Nothing to report as far as movement. Lucas is very quiet. I am not sure if it's due to having an anterior placenta (which I wouldn't think would make a difference at this point)....or just that he is lazy. Lexi was WAY more active in the womb. Kinda nervewracking, but I am learning to deal with his lack of kicks. And other than getting out of breath very quickly, being more tired, and my sciatica driving me nuts, I don't really 'feel' pregnant. Still sleeping and comfortably and all that good stuff. Kinda nice that my last pregnancy is an easy one (thus far). :)
Enjoy being comfortable while u can. I have a old fractured tail bone and usually around 30 weeks it kills me in odd positions, so not looking forward to that.
I do have to say i slept like a princess last was awesome. My baby was only alittle active and let me snooze. Maybe it was all the retail online shopping that made me so tired.
I agree with is calming.We know cause we have children what we need and don't buy away. I don't think I have over bought yet.....Is it warm there first part of april reeds? We are still nippy til May/juneish...I bought him a newborn zip up;s so cute. U guys should check out that site...alot of big boy clothes for little men. And I have an 11% off coupon code
Carole, loving the baby bump! They say a boy carries low right? If I remembered that right you're definitely having a boy no doubts!

Sandi, I'm so sorry you're so uncomfortable, I really hope it's not going to be another couple months before the virus is gone.

Nicole, I completely agree, I never got the just wait thing to get baby stuff. Nothing like waiting until you really feel like a go walking around a store and go shopping, but I completely understand Sandi how you want to wait for the Spring stuff to come out.

AFM, I did call the office and they did accidentally repeat some blood work but that stuff will be covered. The $448 bill was sent to this out of network place b.c the Dr's prefer it and feel they're more accurate....okay, still should have asked me first. It was to test to check my ovary reserve and rule out poly cystic fribrosis but in all honesty, they started me on clomid and decided they would US my ovaries to make sure the eggs were mature, wouldn't the amount of eggs that matured be a good indicator what my reserve was looking like, and on top of that, with all the US I did have and the X-ray with contrast of my uterus make it pretty damn obvious that I did have cysts? So of course I still have to pay for it and the clinic gave me the out of network number to negotiate a lower price but unless they're going to cut it in half, it still a lot of damn money. Yeah, we are filing ALL our medical bills with taxes, I just hope there isn't a cut off on how much we can claim b.c I alone probably have $3,600.00 to file and nothing to show for it, so freak'in depressing.

On a funnier note, Jeff FINALLY pulled through to dtd for the third day in a row! It was really stressful for him to have that kind of pressure on him. I probably didn't help by saying earlier that if it doesn't happen this month, I want to take a couple of months off. I have gained so much damn weight! I started getting back on the treadmill and eating better but still have lost anything.

Anyways, I did ovidrel shot Tuesday @ 6pm, it takes 24-36 hrs to work which would have ended at 6am yesterday but today I'm getting some major twinges in my pelvis where I have to ease my way down to sit and get back up again, it seems illogical that 24hrs the time the shot should have worked that I could be O. Started suddenly after I got to work and is still lingering. Way too late for me to be O naturally, that would have been Tuesday. Any thoughts?
Hi Lilies...I would be super PO-ed that they are still charging u for double blood work. Thats BS. I would def call that line to see about lowering the costs.
My Dh was alittle under pressure sometimes as well....expecially when we had a small window of time to dtd, if my boys were home, his work etc. Let's just say I had to be creative.....oh well.
How is work going? I hear ya on the weight loss thing....I need to get my butt in gear, i weighted at the Dr on Tuesday and it said in a 1 1/2 months I gained 5 lbs. I usually only weight at the pg womans clinic to stay on the same scale. So I go there on tuesday for m GD test...I know I have gained, I feel it. Plus I am eating out alot.
I hear ya on the creactive part!

It's really not fair that losing weight takes 4 times the effort than putting it on!

After lunch I'm definitely going to call to get the discounted rate. I took off work these past three days to not get stressed during O and it was great! I so wish I could be a stay at home wife or only work part time but that is only going to happen if we win the Lotto! My coworker pissed me off good on Monday, I'm pretty sure I wrote about it on an earlier post. Took me a couple of hours to truly calm down, that's how bad it was! And today she again tried to do something that was against policy (we're only allowed two attempts to start a patient's IV then you get someone else) I walked in just as she was about to do her third attempt, told her she knew better and had her leave the room. Man I wish she would transfer. They won't fire her so no luck there, she would have to repeatedly put a patient in harms way for that to happen.

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