Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

That would drive me nuts...I am kinda a by the book worker to always cover my butt and the peeps I care for.
report all the screw ups she's doing....wont they can her then? Good luck on the call today to save some $$

I myself am dying here...I usually always have two clients and since we bought the house in aug I lost one. I have been holding out for the YWCA, whom I currently work with to start the ball rolling and get me another contract. They are taking their sweet time and I am going nuts. I found out that we will be looking by the end of the month but I want it sooner. For money reasons as well as getting into a grove with the new client before baby comes. Plus it takes time to find a good match to have someone live with u. Oh well.....need to have faith and patience.
I hope you get a soon and wonder client soon! I hate how when it seems you need extra money the most, something else always comes up, or in this case isn't coming up. But you're right, just need patience b.c God always provides.

So I called the other facility and they haven't received anything from the insurance company yet but the lady said if they don't cover anything, they'll repeal it, and if it gets denied then they'll a discounted rate. She doesn't handle that part so she couldn't tell me what the discounted rate could be.
I can't really explain why I am nervous about it. I just know that right now mainly what I find is winter and I am having a spring baby...I want spring clothes. LOL
I totally get that! Now would be a could time to 6-9mon winter clothes but what sucks about that is you really don't know how things are going to fit the baby. Like perhaps he'll really need 12mon clothes by then or something, or like one of my friends who carried to term but her baby was in pre-me clothes for awhile, she was a tiny baby.
Exactly Tiger and if he is anything like Dylan he will be big. So all in all it makes me anxious. lol
I've just bought clothes in random sizes that I like. If they end up not fitting exactly for the season..oh well ;) Like he can still wear a t-shirt in the winter w/ jackets (because of where we live). I am hoping Lucas gets lots of use outta his clothes like Lexi. She was a 'big' baby at 8lbs 3oz but has grown SLOWLY. Like now she will be 2 in a few weeks and is in 12-18 months clothes. LOL.
Oh and I sooo hope you get a new client soon Carole!! Fingers crossed! I know how it is. My money that I make is essentially our 'extra' money, but it's very different every month. I am SO greatful for it, since I can work from home. Last month was wonderful since I do real estate closing coordinating and it was hte end of the year, lots of closings :)
AFM....not doing well. Having tons of BH, I have the runs bad...sorry tmi. I have heartburn and I never get that. Lots of pressure in my back. May go to hospital tonite but dont want to waste my evening over being silly. I just dont know....I know these last few days I have been super achy and crampy.. baby has been moving oddly this afternoon as well. he is SUPER active and doing flippy/rolly movement instead of the regular gabs.
I've just bought clothes in random sizes that I like. If they end up not fitting exactly for the season..oh well ;) Like he can still wear a t-shirt in the winter w/ jackets (because of where we live). I am hoping Lucas gets lots of use outta his clothes like Lexi. She was a 'big' baby at 8lbs 3oz but has grown SLOWLY. Like now she will be 2 in a few weeks and is in 12-18 months clothes. LOL.

But you live in Florida and your weather is a little more stable there. Here is Missouri it was 52 yesterday and snowing today. Our spring weather is about the same. I don't know I gues when I get really ready I will do it. I mean I have bought things...just not planning on the future. LOL I am buying the necessity stuff.
Reeds.....with u actually having friends to have a shower, hell, u even get strangers buying u gifts..LOL, I am sur Gunne will be spoiled and u wont have to buy a ton.
excuse my craps typing these days. On joes laptop again a the third laptop cord I bought is broken. Have a new one coming in from NY off ebay. His keyboard sticks and some of the letters dont work unless u bang hard. They want 100$ for one here.....ugh
It's not being silly...if you feel off...go to the hospital woman!!! I mean, we all know our bodies way better then anyone else. Plus since you've been prego before, you know what to expect and what isn't right, you know? The highly active thing could just be something you ate, or maybe he's trying to get into a different position. I hope you feel better and if you go to the hospital keep us posted!

Yeah, that is why I said with our weather how it is. It's a good thing it makes it easy to get clothes. I just wish they would put out some spring/summer stuff to choose from. I mean, it's like 50 here and all they have is pants and sweatshits (although i did find a couple t-shirts in the clearance section of toys r us!!! yay!). Seriously?! People down here act like a blizard is coming sometimes...LOL!
Well ladies, I am having a miserable self-loathing kinda day thus far. I weighed myself this morning and I am currently up 35 pounds. This is getting absolutely rediculous. I bought an elliptical and started using it a few days ago (only a few minutes at a time, because for one I am super outta shape and for two it's hard to breathe lately)....and in the time I've been using it I've gained 2-3 pounds. I'm not sure what else to do. I've eaten better, I chase Lexi all day. I'm about to give up. I know it sounds like something silly to be worried about but I am. I just don't understand it. I look in the bumps section and some women in there are twice my size and have only gained a few pounds. I look on the threads and the most I have seen anyone bitch about gaining is 30 pounds. Not sure what the hell is going on :(

Vent over. Thanks for reading.
Aww....sorry u aren't feeling sexy these days. we have an elliptical and I would die if I got on it now. Before I was pg I could only do 3 intervals of 10 mins. I was breathing like I was going to have a heat attack. Maybe ur gaining fluid cause as God is my witness u don't look very big at all. Iam not just saying to make u feel better. Chin up...your pg. We can all bitch after we have these babies out.
Have a good day girl....
Sandi, are you still throwing up too? Are you able to keep hydrated?

I have some days that I do but for the most part its gone. If I wait to eat to long I am super nauseated. I drink tons and tons of water. I have one mt dew a day for the caffiene headaches...but otherwise all water.
Hello ladies...
Hope your spirits are better today Nicole. moved to the yellow flower. yay
Lilies...How are u feeling this weekend?

AFM....I had a nice chat with hubby last nite about sex and told him I am worried about our sex life and why it's so different these last few months. He said he doesn't find it sexy with me being pg, and it worries him that baby is there. He is afraid he will squish it or wonders if the baby will feel him or be bothered by what we are doing. I was so happy to hear that as this is his first experience with a pg person. I was thinking i was me and am glad to know it isn't. I am cool with that as I know he is so in love with baby and knowing that he still is sexually attracted to me it's just the pg thing. So I guess I will have to suck it up and take my 1-2 "cuddle times" a week.
Thats my rant for the day.
Nicole...when is your bedding coming in?
Carole, you crack me up! Almost 26wks Pg and fretting about only have sex 1-2/wk! :rofl: I'd be lucky to get just once a week b/n the times we try to get pg! :haha:

Nicole, I hear on the weight gain, I'm not Pg and have gained 30lbs since being Pg with you guys. :sad1: Last week I started using my treadmill again, 20min a day, trying to eat better and haven't even lost a single pound! I'm so disgusted with myself, I don't know how I let myself get like this. So I completely understand how you feel.

Sandi, I'm glad you're at least not throwing up as much but I'm sure that's minor compare to how uncomfortable you feel. Maybe your electrolytes are off, maybe a thing of gatorade or pedialyte will help with things?

AFM, feel fine, feel fat, feel like I can't wait to see what will happen in a week and a half.....We might get snow late tonight early tomorrow morning and if the school shut down I might not have to work so I'm keeping my FX'd!

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