Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Yay for heat!

I wish my hubby would stop PMSing, he's still at it. I don't know WTH his problem is.
I think they all just hate us when we are pregnant!!! THey don't have a clue!
How did ur apt go nicole....I just was not able to log on. What a day...
Long day here too.

Appt. went well. Lucas is head down and weighs 2lbs 12ounces. So he's a little ahead but not much. His head is bigger (go figure) as is his feet. I told my dr. my fears of pushing out a huge dome again and she said we can get another growth scan further on (I'm guessing around 36 weeks) and if he looks big she will agree to induce at 39 weeks. I don't know if I really want to be induced though. I guess we will see....but for now he is doing well and not too far ahead so I am happy with that. And I only gained 2 pounds the last two weeks....I would rather gain nothing, but that is a big improvement over the previous appts!!

Took Lexi to the playground at the mall afterwards, then hit up the Gymboree sale for a few things for her and Lucas since who the hell knows if my sister in law is sending the clothes she said she would. I have decided not to count on her and just get deals when I find them.

How was everyone elses' day?
I had a hell of a day. My husbands friends wife came over(we are casual friends as well) and we cooked african food. She over salted it three times and i like salty stuff. I asked her not too....Now we can barely eat it and I spent $40 on food to make it. ANd her 2 year old was a nightmare...she trashed my house beyond belief, broke my shelf, pulled out the wii cords, threw my remotes, poured water on my rug....and her mom never said no to her once or dont do that.. I had to run after her for 5 hours. I am sore and tired. UGH...bad idea to have her over, and a waste of good food. WILL NOT be doing it again.

Glad ur scan went well, i would love to know if my man was head down and his weight. I am now wanting another scan. LOL....I think u need to do what ever it is that will make the birth easier on u. Babies are full term at 38 weeks.
Congrats on the sale at the mall.
I love shopping...looks like I may be working soon so I can waste money again. YAY
Aw man sorry you had a rough day :( I must say, Lexi is destructive as hell too, but usually shy around strangers so she doesn't make a mess except But her mom should have been running after her, NOT YOU!!! You better take it easy tomorrow and rest up to make up for it!

Yeah, you are right, I will wait and see...I'm sellfish, just want a easy birth ( easy as it can be). I think you need another scan too!!! We need to know more about the little guy! And I love shopping too....possibly TOO MUCH!
Carole, what a rough day you had yesterday! I'm been pissed if I spent $40 on food and then someone else ruined it! And her kid! WTH! I would have made her sit in the corner regardless of what her mother thought.

Nicole, my only concern for you is your placenta previa. What if you do get induced early just to find out you can't have a vaginal birth b.c of that, then you have to get a cesarean anyways and was induced for nothing.....has the doctor said anything about the placenta moving?

Last night I went to dinner with some coworkers that I used to work in before I transferred offices and it was a great time! I really had fun! And on top of that, Jeff washed my dog for me and was in a better mood! So I had a good night!

Sandi, how did your Uncle's visitation go? How are you doing overall?
Glad you had a good night Tiger!!

Oh, and the placenta previa had moved at my 20 week scan, so no worries there anymore :)
Yeah, I was very relieved w/ that news!! Plus it meant all the drama of the bleeds I was having ended. But, it also meant I had no reason to sit on my ass anymore...LOL!

Only a week till your u/s! I can't wait to hear your news :)
Awww I bet. Esspecially knowing there could be more than one in there!!!
I don't remember, did I write about my concerns about a molar PG? I can't keep it out of my head as a possibility. I guess it's really no sense in worrying, it is what it is. All I can do is pray for strength to not stress over it!
Please don't worry hun....easier said than done I know (esspecially w/ all you have gone through), but just try to remain positive. I am hoping and praying you go there on Friday and get fantastic news!!! :)
HI ladies. I am finally home and settled from the funeral. I am still pretty much in shock that he is gone. He is not the Uncle I expected to go first. But he did look really peaceful. I also got to see many family members I haven't seen in a long time so it was good to see them. I know I had Gunner stressed because he has hardly moved at all the past few days but now that I am home relaxing he is moving all over.

Tiger did you have another level test?? Or are we just waiting for the twin scan??

Nicole I am so glad the scan went we get to see him?

Carole sounds like a crazy night...I hope you have rested up.
Sandy....sorry for your loss and glad u are able to spend time with family.

lilies....How are u feeling? I am really excited for u to have your scan friday. u feeling, I can't believe u can still sleep on your belly.

Hope u ladies are enjoying ur weekend.
I know...I can't believe it either. The days are coming where I can't though. This morning I woke in a lot of pain...been feeling crappy all day. Horrible pressure and mild cramping. Not the pressure between the legs (like when they start to drop)...but the pressure is on the front super low. I'm guessing he's just in a weird position as he hasn't moved too much either.
I am really uncomfortable too and thinking Gunner is in a odd position...I will not be suprised if he is transverse or breech I am not getting kicks lately just rolls and jabs. And I feel them on both weird.
Hmmm...that is weird! Well I know Lucas is head down....but I still only feel movement super I guess he just punches? But my placenta moved up and is still anterior (guess it stays that way) maybe that is blocking kicks? I hope it stays that way....Lexi used to get her food stuck in between my ribs...that was horrible!!

Haven't they said what position he is at the scans?

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