Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

answered that on the other thread

Well...I am getting ready to head out with hubby, he is getting a tattoo today. YAY.
Okay Nicole, where's our 3D pic of Lucas!!!!!

And Carole, you gotta post a pic of hubby's tat!

Reeds, how you feeling?

AFM, last week I threw up an apple, yesterday frozen mixed fruit, and today another apple. I don't think this kid likes fruit!
Remember when my coworker found me on BnB and swore up and down that she didn't read any of my stuff and she would never do that to me, well look what I found today!

Sorry I got cut off by my finger. anyways. NO ONE can keep a secret at a doctors office...and if you are on a ttc website, ttc blog or just looking at baby gear people will find out and think you are pregnant. That is how I found out my coworker was preggo. I was searching on baby and bump and wow there she way blogging away on the preggo forum. and that turned out nasty when she found out she was preggo. but if you don't want anyone to know you are preggo don't put your photo with your real name on a public site! that is my spill he he he

I understand BnB is public but she approached me about finding me on BnB, it wasn't like I corned her yet she totally lied to me! And she wonders why I don't like her!
Wow she is a pain in the arse!! How are you today?

Nicole hope your having a great day with Lexi and having fun with the scan!! :)
What a bitch...lilies, I would call her on that. As for the tat pic, he wont let me. he HATES posting any pics of him online at all. He was even alittle pissy I posted an ultrasound pic of baby. I told him he has no choice on that one. LOL....
Wow....Tiger that is horrible of her. Hope you stear clear of this girl as much as possible at work! She sounds nosy as all hell to me!

Carole...what exactly is his deal about pics of him?? And the baby!? I don't get it...

My day was ok. U/S didn't go as planned so we get to go back Tuesday. Lucas wasn't really awake much and the lady kept having to tap my belly which did nothing. Then I started getting sick. Like boiling hot...nauseous and so dizzy I actually fell over in the bathroom. It happened twice and then I gave up. I was just happy they are letting us come back.
Nicole...thats scary, did u fall cause u were dizzy? Glad u get to go back.

Once u put a pic online you loose all rights to it. ANYONE can take it, copy it or whatever. He does not like social networking at all. (we meet on a online dating site too..LOL he had NO pics on his profile)
He has NO problem with sharing photos of himself, us or baby but sent privately. His brother in Paris feels the same way. And refusses to join fb yet his wife wears the pants in the family and still posts pics of there kids on FB
I have no problem with it and my mom and dad actually are very pleased that he wants it that way. They feel the same way he does. I guess it creeps them out that ANYONE can take your pics or childs pics and take them, use them for whatever they want.

No biggy to me, I will just send them privately. I will be adding one to my TR thread of the baby as that is the only way my lady friends will see him as we are not all on FB together.
That makes sense, the internet is a scary place!!! As long as I get to see pics of that beautiful baby you are cooking, all is ok :) LOL!
Nicole, why were you getting so sick? Wasn't anyone at the clinic concerned about you? Did they check you out before you left?

Unfortunately I can't stay away from this girl, we work "together" and there's no way around it. I can't confront her either b.c she has no idea I found her out on this other blog site and I plan to spy as my sweet revenge!

So tomorrow is my turn....I pray everything is okay but so far I am having more symptoms than the second time!

Ya know, I do understand Joe's view of the web but that's why I keep everything private, only approved friends can view my stuff.
You know....I am not sure why I get like that. Honestly it feels like a blood sugar issue...but it's been checked and I am fine. Like once at home it happened and I couldn't function, chugged a glass of ovaltine and laid on the couch (awake, lexi was here) and I was better in like 20 minutes. No one really checked me out or anything as it wasn't at the hospital...just a private place that only does the 4d's. But when it happens it's so horrible. I was sweating and the world was spinning something fierce. I do know that my gma was w/ us and like any other old person kept complaining about how cold it it wasn't. So the lady turned the air down/off or whatever, not sure if that contributed.

Sorry you can't get away from this girl. It sounds like she is jealous of you...I mean why else be in your business like that?!

Oh goodness...what time is your appt tomorrow? I expect a full report ASAP ;)
SO excited for your scan tomorrow lilies, and yay for symptoms.

Nicole...thats scary and I agree, it does sound like GD symptoms. I had a BP apt this am, then a meeting that was 2 hours, drank a chai tea and hadn't eaten yet as I cant eat as soon as I get up. So I didnt eat til almost 1. Was weak and dizzy, ate, vomited like mad then laid down for 2 hours. LOL....I should have packed a banana or something, |I though the coffee shop would have more than puffed wheat squares, biscotti and nutty banana bread. I like puffed wheat but wasnt appealing today. Oh well. U take care of yourself, thats scary. AND YES.....u gals will get to see babes as soon as I get home. If u give me your private email Joe can send a pic with his iphone that day.
NIcole sorry that your scan didn't go as plan. I hope you get to feeling better. XX

Tiger so excited for tomorrow.

Carole I get dh's point but boo for us. LOL
U will get a texted pic as I have your cell number. LOL....
My scan is at's going to be a long day! Ya know, from the last PG to the time I finished my second round of clomid, I packed on 20lbs! And after O in January I started getting up a little earlier to walk on the treadmill, just 20min but that's more than what I was doing, really trying to eat better and didn't lose a dang pound! And I think m abdominal muscles have already relaxed so now I can barely bend over my fat roll! How pathetic is that! The Baby is only the size of a sweet pea! So I'm determined to try not to gain any weight throughout the PG but I have to admit I don't have a good track record!

How's everyone feeling? Are the boys in a more comfortable position?
Hey Tiger...I hope this day goes by quickly and you get to see your beautiful little bean. :)
I am the email, so your now on the baby pic list. LOL.
I am so excited for u and the scan, hoping today flys by for u
Okay, just one little bean, HB 117, measuring 6wks 5 days, so a couple of days ahead of schedule for now. I'll stay with the fertility clinic until 10wks, and I have another apt next Friday br he didn't say if I would have another US but I'm sure I will.

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