Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

LILIES....WOW girl, thats wonderful to see a HB so soon. COngrats!!!!
Glad all is well w/ the little beany Tiger!! So excited for you :)
Wooohoo great news Tiger!!

Happy 30 weeks Nicole and LUcas!

Carole..I reported the TR person on the thread...I was really tired of her stirring the pot and I am gonna see about having the thread closed. Really immature stuff there.
its a gong show on me, and see threads that I have started, and chit
Dang Reeds, you had a regular stalker there! That girl is so obviously a pain in the ass!
LOL. I am not gonna stress about it.

I am just excited that I finally got to get out of the house today...Dylan and I had a mom and son night it was great and we enjoyed us some steak n shake. :)
I'm not doing much this weekend. We have Lexi's bday party tonight, just my mom and grandparents. I'm not big on having a huge party for little kids. Feels too much like you are asking everyone to bring presents and provide a 'birthday' for your kid. So for now we just do it small. But it should be nice. Got her a Dora cake, I'm sure she'll love that. We spent ALL night last night putting together her climber and trying to smooth out the damn sandbox...way more sand then we thought it would be. LOL!

Other than that...not much going on here. Our 'weekend' is actually wed/thurs. b/c those are Johns days off. I do have a shitload of picking up to do now that the closets are in....but my back hurts already :(
Oh, and I got Lucas's swing the other day via craigslist!! So excited! It makes it feel a little more real. Not sure if it's just b/c I am busy w/ work and Lexi but this time around I just don't 'feel' like I am pregnant. Like it doesn't really kick in or something....does that make sense? I mean don't get me wrong, over the last week things are starting to REALLY hurt....but mentally it just doesn't click, so buying baby stuff and seeing him in 3d has really started to help :)
Oh Nicole, I'm sorry your back hurts! Maybe John will rub it

I completely agree about small parties for little kids, yeah they have a great time but they really don't get what it's for. The play set sounds awesome! I bet she'll go crazy over it! So Lexi likes Dora too! Does she try to count in Spanish?

I get it about not feeling real, but I'm so happy that it is! I love those swings!
HAHA...I wish he'd rub my back. But i'd have to ask and lately he's always complaining about being tired so I don't bother. But even when he has in the past it doesn't help at all....I guess b/c it's a nerve thing? I dunno.

I am so excited about this playset/sandbox. Mainly b/c Lexi has been couped up and I know she needs to run around (for her and my sanity)....since John and I share a car we don't go anywhere when he's at work and she had outgrown her outside toys. Hopefully this will help. Allthough it REALLY sucks that it's supposed to rain all I guess she won't get to check it out till tomorrow (or whenever this front goes through).

And yes, she LOVES Dora, but she still doesn't talk much (trying not to worry about that...even though everyone I know makes comments on it) no counting yet for her :(

Ok, I am so excited about the damn swing, so I have to show a pic of it :)


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I love that swing!! We don't have room for a full size one in our house so Tj's mom bought a portable one...its really neat but I am not suppose to know about it until the baby shower but she is like Tj and can't keep a secret. LOL

I wouldn't worry about Lexi not talking much yet...all kids develope different and since she is the first and only child so far I think sometimes it takes them a bit longer. I know it did with Ashleigh but Hayley did everything early and I think it was because she wanted to do everything Ashleigh did. haha

We got about 6 or so inches of snow and its still coming...and I have to venture out cause I procastinated and didn't go to the store yesterday.
That is a beautiful swing! I love it! That's a shame about the rain. Has Lexi not noticed the play set yet outside? Are you keeping the blinds drawn!?

I agree with Sandi, it just takes longer when there's just one kid in the house. My niece didn't do comprehensive talking until 4, before that was just a word here and there and with a lot of babble in between.

LOL, that's funny about the baby shower gift! At least that's one less thing to buy and one of the more important in my opinion! Throw the kid in that and bam, they're out in 2 minutes! BTW, be careful driving out to the store and back! You are so not allowed to slip on any ice!

AFM, the mother in law is coming over for dinner tonight so I'm cleaning. Jeff bailed with his brother to hand out food to needy ppl and share the gospel which is cool, but man, it had to be the one weekend that his mother is coming and the house is so damn untidy! Not to mention, just last week she asks him if I got my period! Jeff lied and said yes. What an odd thing to ask b.c it's not like she even knows my cycle. And then today they were talking and she brought up the baby thing again. Again Jeff had to lie. Hopefully that will be the last of it. I know she won't ask again in front of him but he's got this habit of "going to the bathroom" for like 10 minutes after a while of his mom being here leaving me with her alone and I think she thinks Jeff doesn't share stuff with me or something b.c she'll ask me the same damn things she asked Jeff earlier. So annoying.
Nicole....yay for the swing, I love it. It looks expensive. I was a bargin hunter with my baby stuff, I got our swing for $100. I am so with u on the bday parties, I feel like I am beggin as well.
I hope lexi enjoys her sand box.

Lilies....that is so nice of your hubby to do that today, what a guy. As for his mom asking if u got your I am still smiling about your scan yesterday. on the snow, we have a small dump coming today as well, I am sick of it.

AFM....Kids are at their dads this weekend. I miss them as Iam not used to them being gone from me now. Joe and I slept in and talked in bed....been awhile since we got to do that. He was feeling babes kick alot, more than he has ever felt.
We are prob going to chill today, go to a movie and be lazy. (I HAVE to do laundry today ...oh well)

Have a great day ladies.
Carole: I didn't get as good a deal as I wanted. The swing new is about $120, but I got it for $75 like new :) Not too bad!

Well...we cancelled Lexi's bday. I'm completely bummed and feel like I am letting her down, but I know that at this age she doesn't know the difference. It's a rainy dreary day so she wouldn't get the presents from us, and then my mom just called that she is taking my dad to the ER because he is in too much pain (recently broke two ribs). So it all just ended up being a mess. And Lexi is still cranky from cutting two teeth and the congestion that comes with that. Rescheduled it for next Saturday, hopefully will be a better day!

And that is weird Tiger about hubbys mom. Is she just super nosy?
Thats too bad....what ya going to do with all the cake? LoL, and yes I am stil craving cake. My Landons bda is march 2 so we are getting him a big costoc cake,...yum.
I understand your logic and she will never to do whats best.

I am glad u got your swing....thats a better deal than u would have got in canada for a nice one like that
LOL...girl I was looking forward to some cake too!!!! hehe! I called walmart (who was making it) and cancelled it and replaced the order for next Saturday. They tried to guilt trip me and make me feel bad but screw them.

Yeah, I was pretty happy with the price of the swing. It's the one I've been wanting, and it never goes for sale used (on Craigslist) so when it did I scooped it up. Now I just need a bassinet and the glider/ottoman. Those are the two only real big things left. I search Criagslist every day hoping one comes available. Just hate to pay retail for something that only gets used for a little while.
Exactly....I love to get good deals. Some things are just like brand new and why waste the money on a new one.
Yum...never tried walmart cake.

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