Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

We just got back from eating, Jeff splurged anyways and we went to Ruby Tuesday. I ate way to much, it's actually making me nauseous but it was soooo good! I got shrimp parmesan! Boobs are still a bit sore too, but other than that I'm good!

So did you end up getting that bug too?
YUMMMM I love Shimp Parm! I'm jealous! I think we are gonna order some mexican for pickup after Lexi goes down (she's a Mainly I just want chips and salsa and cheese dip.

Glad you are feeling not too much nausea? Other than from eating too much? Hehe!

Yup, I got the bug too :( Coughing and congestion/head cold. Normally I never get sick even if he does...but I guess pregnancy lowers the immune system.
Sorry to hear your not feeling well Nicole.

Lilies and u are lucky ladies for getting spoiled. Joe is working out of town til tomorrow, I worked all weekend as my client just went home today at 2pm.(plus we had the kids) so I am sure this weekend we will go out for a bit and celebrate.....but same as u lilies..on a budget.
Happy Valentine Day's ladies.

Nicole sorry your sick hun. HOpe is passes quickly.

Carole sounds like a great plan for the weekend.

I went to St. Louis today to meet up with a friend and go see her scan. She is 33 weeks and her little man is about 4 and 1/2 confirmed my Gunner is a fatty. LOL. I also went to Olive Garden by myself and then went and bought me a maternity tshirt that says Rocking the bump. LOL Anyway thats about it.
Hehe...Gunner is going to be just perfect! Even if he is a chunky monkey...who can resist a chunky baby?! How big was he last time (I forgot!)?

Olive Garden sounds sooo good...I could live just on their salad and breadsticks.

You guys have a way of making me VERY hungry all the time. Crazy how food focused we can be during pregnancy ;)

Carole: how did the weekend go with the client?
At my last scan he was 4lbs 4oz...which was a week ago. Even her dr said he was a big baby. LOL
It went great, he is very polite, kind, likes the kids but as said, i was told by the Y that there is another lady whom he will be staying with this coming wknd. Hope she is grumpy and he has an aweful time. LOL....But on a positive note, I made $500 this weekend and have 2 other agencies I contacted today about respite or a client placement. I am not giving up on the YWCA yet but til I sign papers for that guy, I am looking.
I have a home visit this friday from a good agency so fingers crossed.

Joe is having major issues with his employer about parental leave. They are being total asses. He told them that if he does not get at least 2 weeks off when baby is born he is quiting. They talked to him today and they are trying to get it for him. Even though he is legally intitled to 6 months paid leave at 55% pay. ( I can't take mat leave as my money is tax free)

Reeds...was tha cami u went with? Thats still a good sized babes.
I don't know how u ladies are feeling but I am getting sore. I have been having alot of muscle pulls when I cough or move in bed like u do when your first pg. The other nite I was getting up for one of my many trips to pee at nite, and my left side pulled so bad I froze and couldnt move, I had tears in my eyes and was moaning in pain. It even woke Joe up, he helped me move side to side and do some stretching til I could was crazy painful. I am puffy, swollen and eating more. I took my boys sledding the other day and it was only a few blocks from home and I was just standing there, felt nauseated, and like i was going to pass out. Had to grab a sled and sit in the snow. I almost was crazy.

This next 6 weeks is going to be so long......but I shouldn't whine.
Yeah I went with Cami...her dr said that his size has him in the 47th percentile. Which I thought was good.
Wow ladies, you are going thru a lot with those boys right now! I guess this is when all "the fun" starts in prep for baby delivering.

I hope the next 6-8wks go quickly for everyone!

Reeds, sounds like you had a nice day yesterday!

I love Olive Garden too! We used to have one just down the road but now they moved near my work which is too much to go home and get Jeff and come back. There's always take out but you can't really enjoy the endless salad and bread sticks!

Nicole, how's that cold doing today?

Carole, FX'd that client chooses you!!!!
WOW...only 47%...I would have thought that was big. guess not

Still have a horrible cold..getting worse too :( Of course, I can only take certain meds...which sucks...even the meds I can take make me sleepy (they say non-drowsy...I must be turning into a lightweight) hard to take them with a roaming toddler. So I am crazy congested and now have this horrid hacking cough which of course makes me pee myself....nice huh?
Awww, Nicole that REALLY sucks! I'm sorry babe, hopefully tomorrow will be better....?
Nicole I am sorry your sick as well. Hope you get to feeling better soon. XX

Tiger how are you??

Hello Carole!!
I'm okay, my boobs are still a bit tender so I guess that's good. I can't wait for my Monday scan, if everything is okay, that will be further than last time!

So I decided to completely ignore another BnB woman. She hasn't done anything towards me but she posts on two other threads I follow and I'm so damn sick of reading her secular bullshit! Questioning God's existence b.c someone else MC, getting "spells" to ensure she'll get PG. That right there I'm so freak'in sick of reading about and the amount of ppl who do that crap is just pathetic! Okay, I'm done ranting.
LOL...Lilies u make me laugh. I took spells too to get pg. LOL, ya right.

I am ok other than am getting Nicole`s cold, but it`s more of a head cold.
How r u these days
I know, seriously! Those girls are better off investing in some lube and a butt pillow!

Unfortunately I'm heading off to bed already. I have a sinus headache (damn dry air at home and at work is really bothering me). We do have a small humidifier at home that I put on during the night but it's too small to leave on all day. Hopefully some warmer weather is around the corner.
Morning ladies....Hope all are well and Hope ur feelign better Nicole.

Going to Dr today to see what I gained, ugh. I have to go every two weeks now. Then after that weekly. Dumb me but I forgot they make u come so much towards the end. I am going to mention the dizzy spells to him and my swelling. Hope my BP is ok. U gals have a good one.TTYL
Hope your apt goes well and that you get some answers on the dizziness! Let us know what he/she says.
Hi ladies :)

Ok, well I am still sick and here is my latest fun. The bp & pulse was driving me nuts yesterday and when hubby got home from work I told him what the numbers were (the worst was when my bp was 95/59 and pulse was 147)...but then it was mellowing out and averaging around 100-110/65 or so and pulse was averaging 120-140. He took my temp and it was like 100. So he called my dr. and mentioned the pulse they told me to come into L&D to be monitored (even thought I'd been feeling Lucas that day). Got there they did a pee test (had ketones in my urine...whatever that means). Hooked me up to the monitors and a pulse thingy on my finger. Made me drink a ton of water and my pulse stayed high (around 120-130). But bp was good and my lil guy was moving more than EVER this pregnancy (think he didn't like the They finally let me go home and then called this morning saying that the dr. I saw last night and my dr. agree that I need to see a cardiologist, so they are putting in a referral for that. Not sure what they will do. My OB originally said that she thought itwas nothing and that I maybe just needed to hydrate more...but I guess she changed her mind and put in the referral anyways???

Ahhhhh so that is what I am working with. Sounds like the rest of you aren't feeling well either...I'm sorry!!
Nicole...that's scary low bp. WOW....hopefully they wont take too long to get u in the the specialist. UGH....these babes are already being handfuls. I wish u good health soon!!!

AFM...went to see my Dr. I was totally prepared to hear I have gained at least 5lbs, as I feel it and having been eating a ton. I was in shock when they told me I lost 3.5 lbs since 2 weeks ago. My BP was high for me 150/92. YIKES. Dr wants to see me next week as he is concerned and thinks this may be toxemia. Honestly...thats crazy. Oh well....nothing I can do. I am now pre-pg weight and big as a house??? Section date is April 4th if my health is good.

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