Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Tiger that is great!! Try to stay calm, I know its hard with all you have been through. Praying for you.

Nicole how you feeling today?
Lilies...thats wonderful news, as for the bb's, mine stopped around 8-9 weeks then started up after 20, now they are fine. r u? is that little man?
Going to just copy and paste what I wrote you Carole as I am exhausted and worn out!

I just got home from my appt. I feel old now :( They did all their heart tests which I guess came back ok with no major issues. But, they did see the high pulse and all that...just no real reason for it. The dr. did say that my OB should have sent me there weeks ago when I first mentioned the issues. He also said I should have had a thyroid test and a test to check for anemia (both of which can come on w/ issues in late pregnancy I guess??). End of the story he prescribed me some pills that are supposed to lower my heart rate...I think they are beta blockers or something??? Said I have to continue them through delivery b/c if you stop your body freaks and heart rate goes higher than before. Honestly I feel old now...but also glad that SOMEONE agreed something was wrong...I know you know that feeling! Hopefully the pills help b/c it's getting to the point where it's happening on/off all day lately and I feel like I am struggling to breathe.
I am not sure if I am in the right section or not but I just needed to see what other people thought...

My last period was on Feb 2nd. I was actually 4 days late for my period and my period only lasted 4 1/2 days - It actually didn't seem like a period because I didn't bleed heavy for 2 days like I usually do.. Anyway.. I have noticed for 3 days that my breast are VERY TENDER. They are hard on the top of both of my breast. There is no knot or anything.. It's just hard. My nipples are a bit darker then usual I have been experiencing a lot of headaches, tiredness, dizzieness and have thought I was going to throw up a few times. I have also put on at least a pound or 2 and my stomach is hard.. Not hard as a rock but it's pooching out and is a bit stiff.... are these signs of pregnancy???

Just to infrom I am not trying to get pregnant.. but if it happens Id be very happy!!! I am already a proud mother of 2 children but both of my pregnancy were extremly different!!

I am new to this - so if I posted this in the wrong section, I apologize!
Green, if the first day of your last period was February 2nd, that would only put you cycle day 17. It's more likely your symptoms are during to a strong ovulation.

Nicole, I'm glad this doctor did something for you! And I bet you anything once you deliver you can come off the beta blockers so stop feeling old girl! Also, I can't believe you weren't tested sooner for thyroid problems and anemia! Heck yeah that can be a complication of PG esp in the third tri!

So our daschound is sick! Noticed she wasn't her usual self and when it was dinner time she wouldn't eat and that's HUGE for a daschound! Looked in her cage and just noticed the bottom was covered in vomit, covered! So today she's at the vets but they are pretty sure it's just a stomach virus. :( Poor puppy!
my poor puppy Dozer got hit last night. I am so sad and dread telling my Dylan. This puppy rarely left our porch so I was very shocked to come home and found him in the road. I cried ti Tj got home last night cause I just couldn't bring myself to get him out of the road I was scared to touch him.
OMG Sandi that is horrible :( I hope he didn't suffer...not that knowing that would help much anyways. Was he an outside dog?

Tiger: I am sorry about your little doggie too :( Hope she's better very soon! Are they able to give her meds to help her feel better?
All of our dogs are outside. We live in the country...nearest neighbor is about 1/2 mile away but we are the first house on the road but the main road is a ways up. ANd we live in a private there is not suppose to be much traffic but the neighbors have these wild teenage boys and they are always partying so I am sure it was one of those kids or my jerk face neighbor that lives past them who is really rude to everyone. Just so frustrating. The thing that really irks me is my 2 dogs that are always in the road haven't been hit I mean my white dog Avery lays in the road she is so silly and they drive right around her so why hit him??
So here are the joys going on in my house. I am feeling cough will not go away and my throat is on constant fire...along with all the other persistant cold symptoms. Just when I feel better I do a thing or two around here and then feel worse. Now I am doing NOTHING until I get better. And this morning Lexi woke up worse than before (she's been sick as long as me) and her temp was 103. Took her to the pediatrician, they did a swab and she has the flu :( Said I probably do too. Thankfully John took today and tomorrow off work to take care of us. It's a mess around here! And the bank balance just keeps going lower b/c he sure as hell doesn't cook...ROFL. Can't wait to feel better. John talked to my dr. again and they are having me come in for a u/s in a month to check Lucas' size since I've now been sick for a week. Kinda sillly for them to wait that long if you ask me, but I think they were planning a growth scan at 36 weeks anyways. But I just feel bad for my hard to see them sick and honestly, she's only ever had mild teething sickness...never been sick before!
Sandi, I'm so so sorry about your puppy! That's awful! There's no reason on a residential road (in the country or in the suburbs) for ppl to be driving like that that they would hit an animal! That stuff really pisses me off how irresponsible ppl can be in their cars! Huge hugs!!!

Nicole, I'm sorry you and Lexi are so sick, that's really stinks! I hope today is the worst of it and you two start feeling better tomorrow! Just keep you and Lexi hydrated! That's why ppl die of the flu, they get too dehydrated. Do you have some pedialyte or gatorade?
yeah...we've both been drinking gatorade. Hopefully it goes away's horrible!

On the bright side I've been on those heart pills for nearly one day and I've taken my bp a few times and the pulse is MUCH better :)
ok still no symptoms but have my betas back. Did any of you have betas taken?

18dpo 1671
20dpo 3447 sorry you and your midget (LOL) feel like crap. I still have my nagging cold as well. Had so much chest congestion this am, I was dry heaving to get the phleym up.....what a way to start the day. I hear ya on the ordering in. We have been picking up meals like mad lately...well, i have. Joe isn;t a fan of take out at all and I love it. I found this amazing little vietnamese place that makes a rockin curry chicken. (I leave the meat as its not my thing these days)
But papa murpheys is like cooking at
We are doing an appy supper tonite...veg eggrolls, garlic toast, chicken casaer pizza, coconut shrimp and taquitos.Can u say LAZY!!!
Yes....I had betas, so did reeds and lilies, unsure about lexi's mom?. Those are great numbers. Congrats....what kind of symptoms u having?
Great news about the heart pills making a difference. YA....something is looking up for u. Odd that they would do a growth scan so close to your monkey being born???
ok still no symptoms but have my betas back. Did any of you have betas taken?

18dpo 1671
20dpo 3447

Hey Wanta I had betas here are my numbers

August 2(10dpo): 33

August 5(13dpo):222



YOurs are looking great!!

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