Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Got my appt w/ the cardiologist we'll see how that goes.

Carole...that bp is super high! What about pre-eclampsia? Is your urine clear? What are they going to do next week? Crazy about continuing to lose weight too.
I don't have protein in my urine, they test it each apt. Toxemia is the begining of pre-clampsia from what I read.
I feel alright for the most part. Super shocked about my lie, I have been eating like mad. IE...two bfasts, I ate about 7 of those valentine cupcakes, I know, bad.

I am glad they are seeing u so quick tomorrow....let me know how it goes please.
I will for sure!

Are they doing more tests at your next appt? That sounds super scary!! And I thought your section was scheduled for the 1st?
they are going to test my urine and BP...I am assuming I may have to go on BP meds. They are all booked april 1 so its the 4th. I kinda was expecting that...oh well. If I get that client I will work it out.

I hope ur firm on telling the Dr's they need to get to the bottom of this asap...thats odd bp and a high pulse.
When will you hear more about the client?

Yeah, I will try and be's something I suck at...usually I don't want to look like an idiot, so I am always just like 'oh-ok' about everything. But at least they monitored me for over an hour and saw that my pulse stayed around 120-125 most the time, occassionally going higher/slightly lower. But, of course when I went in my bp itself was normal!! ugghhh!
One's BP is too low, the other too oh man! Are you both drinking enough water, plain water?

I'll pray that your up coming appointments go well and there's nothing serious happening or developing.
Lilies...does water with sugar count.LOL...I do drink alot of 100% orange juice, water, carbonated water with lime and I am a bad mom, I do drink a diet coke a day.

Nicole....u need to be firm, Oh I wish I was there with ya, i would have them doing a full physical one u and babes..LOL. I am sometimes alittle pushy when it comes to health issues. Dr's can sometimes write shit off pretty easy but u know your body and u know your not feeling well. Stick to yoru guns!
I told my Dr about the bad dizzy spell I had on the weekend when I took the boys sledding as well as the dizziness when I sometimes get up fromthe couch quicky. (I know that is sometimes pg related so I wasnt too worried btu I know the sledding one was way out of wack)

How are u today lilies? How are those symptoms? Do u get another scan soon? Dr was going to fill out the form to have another scan but once he saw that I did not have protien in my urnine and I told him baby is smoking active...he decided to wait.
I am getting tired of all these apts but I know its for the best.

As for the client....will wait to hear next week after he goes to the other ladies house. I have a home visit/inpection on friday with a new agency for respite only. Hoping it goes well.....I was kinda shocked at the pay for respite, it's actually pretty good. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!
Carole, that is bad about the juices and the coke! At least do water with a fresh lemon! I hope everything works out with the client and that "inspection" goes well.

I don't doubt you're sick of apts! I'm already determined not to go back to the regular ob right away just to hold off getting into that routine. I noticed my medical bill that my 5min "consult" after my first US was $124! For 5min! And then I had another after the second US that was less than 5min and he just reiterated what we talked about the week before. Now I haven't seen the bill yet from the insurance company for it but if I got charged another "consult" I'm telling them there's no way we're doing that again after this third US! Give me a freak'in break! I'm half debating about canceling my Monday US just b.c my supervisor today said that the higher ups are forcing cuts, and since I don't see enough ppl each day, I might be cut down to working only 4 days a week. That's a $10,000/yr pay cut! She's going to try to help me out by having me do office work on that fifth day and see if that will fly since the nurses are overwhelmed but it doesn't make me feel like I have the greatest job security.

One women who is also a nuclear medicine tech at another office they totally laid off, no warning, she came into work, told her they had to let her go b.c of lack of revenue and she couldn't even finish the day more or less the week, she was laid off right then and there! So cut throat. She was with this company for 7yrs too, great woman, a couple of health issues but she sure the hell didn't deserve that. This economy is really starting to rear it's ugly head and I'm really starting to get nervous.
That is crazy about her being laid off...not even 2 weeks pay. U have to give that in canada if u passed ur 3 month prob period.
As for your scan....I would cancel it, thats crazy $$. I feel for u in the USA having such crappy medical.

I know I am bad about the soda and juice.....but I do use it in moderation for the most part. And as said it`s 100% I convincing myself it`s not too bad for me or what. LOL

I still have that head cold and it looks like Joe is gettin it. He NEVER gets sick....But I feel better today and have mroe colour, I was white as a ghost yesterday.
I have a banana loaf in the oven and banana chip cookies on the go as well.
I had about 8 rotten ones in the freezer to use up. Family loves anything banana.

Survivor tonite!!! YAY
Oh the beginning these babies worried about lack of symptoms and now they are kicking our butts. LOL

Seriously though Nicole I am so glad that they got you in right away. Since I have been taking the iron and flinstone vitamins and been drinkng a little less water I have been feeling better with the spells. I hope they find a quick way to level you out as well.

Carole when did they take you off your BP meds?? You were on it in the beginning werent you?

Tiger tell them I said you are the best and your keeping your job with fulltime hours. I hope you get to keep your scan on monday.

I thought I would share my 32 week bump with you..don't mind the double chin and I closed my eyes. LOL


Love the pics...I actually saw them in your journal but I am so lazy i don`t really respond to journals these days.

The had taken my BP when I was about 8-9 weeks and it was a one time high reading so they panicked and sent me to a bp clinic and put me on the meds. I had to wait 2 weeks to see the clinic and when I went my bp was smoking 68 over 52. So they took me off it and have monitored me ever since. Every 2 weeks....I have had textbook bp til today. ODD EH.....oh well. I am not going to panic, Dr is watching it and we will go from there. I am in more shock about lossing weight.
Carole that is odd. Baby is taking all mommy eats! :) I can't seem to gain weight no matter how hard I try. I weigh everyday here at home and think I ate so much yesterday I will have gained weight but noped...Its odd how are bodies are so different than when we was younger.
Carole my Dylan just seen your avator and said who is that mom...I said my friend Carole she lives in Canada and he goes she is beautiful but why is she mad?? Silly boy. I said she is not mad she is being serious. He said why be serious life is funny. What a kid. :)
LOL...thats too funny. Your Dylan is my new sweetheart.
I was punched in the face/mouth by an abusive cleint in a group home when I first moved to the city and had to have some lip tissue removed and stitches. Now my smile is odd to me so I rarely smile in pic.

Well...I just went to pick my son up from curling and fell on some ice. My ass
Sandi those pics are great!! You look wonderful!

Carole..ouchies on the punch :( I'm sorry that happened!

Tiger...that is scary about your work hours and rediculous about the insurance. I never pay for office visits or u/s's or anything. I think I have a $250 deductible for the hospital stay, but that is it. I'm sorry you are having to go through all that.
Reeds, loving the pics and that bump shirt! You do look great!

Carole, that does stink about getting hit, I couldn't image how painful that must have been.

So yesterday morning I had mild nausea and it tappered away and this morning my boobs just stopped being sore so of course I'm panicking! Do you ladies remember when your breasts stopped being sore?
If I remember correctly my boobs hurt a while with this one...into the 9th-10th week or so? But, when I was prego w/ Lexi they never hurt AT ALL until the end of her pregnancy. I was actually shocked that they were so sore this time around. No panicking missy :)
I just had my coworker do an external scan and you can see the HB hard at work! Can even start to see little arms!
So glad to hear it hun! I am glad you are able to get that kinda reasurrance at work!

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