Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

How was your shower Sandi?

I'm actually sitting online trying to decide what to buy on the final baby items. We decided to postpone redoing our bathroom and instead use that money to finish paying some very minor debt and get the rest of the babys that is what I am doing. I just wish I wasn't so very indecisive while I am pregnant. I can't seem to make a decision at all! I mean c'mon we are talking a play mat (etc.) it shouldn't be that hard to pick one!! LOL!

Hope you all are well :)
Hey Nicole the shower went great. We just got finished going through it all. We got a bunch of diapers and wipes. So many sleepers and outfits. Toys. A rocker/bouncer seat combo. Cloth diapers. blankets, receiving blankets.
Also a $150 from the church and some gift card. There was about 30 people there
Here is a pic of before we started sorting.

What a spoiled little man already YAY.... mom just text me asking me if they could buy babes his highchair as that and a bumbo chair is all we need. I was like ya, that would be awesome. I didnt mention this but I washed all babes stuff til 3 months of age last week. It's all ziploc bagged and ready to go. Just need to pack my hospital bag. Are u ladies done packing the bag yet?
That is great Carole!! Yay for mom giving stuff!!

HAHA...I haven't washed any clothes yet. I haven't packed (or thought about) a hospital bag. Actually when I had Lexi I never packed one...just had John bring stuff after she was born. I'll TRY to be more organized this time :)
Joe is clueless about what I would need. If I left it to him, he would bring me up my fat girl thong panties, some tampons and my ripped old robe. LOL
I need to pack myself. I have a nice terry robe from pennys but it's hot, new pj pants and top, new boy brief panties and slippers. ( I am going to take my old slippers as i will just throw them out after, dont want hospital floor bugs at home) Everything else I will throw in last min. He can bring me mags etc. i am getting so excited.
Oh ya...I need to buy pads. I don't have any.UGH....3 weeks of bleeding is not what I call fun. I was mad after my first section as I was bleeding. I asked the Dr why, I never had my baby vaginally? He said they do suck out some blood with the section but like to leave most of it in to let it pass the "natural" way.
Thanks ladies. No I haven't packed anything. I do have everything washed from what I had bought but now I have to start over....but no complaints on my end. I will probably pack my bag in the next few weeks. I am not feeling a hurry yet. LOL
You ladies are brave, I'm so paranoid I haven't had any feta or deli meat even though the feta is pasteurized and you can cook the deli meat. I even bought nitrate free hotdogs b.c of.some thread I read last time. Those things are not easy to find either.

Reeds, all your gifts look awesome! Reads like you had a really great baby shower!

Nicole, you're so funny about the play mat thing! Is there a theme you want to try to stick with?

Carole, dang! You are really organized! That's impressive. I wouldn't have thought about slippers to just throw out but you're right, hospital floors are nasty.

So I'm on day two of the seminar.....(yawn). Yesterday was such a long day, 8am to 6:30pm. We had 10min breaks here and there and an hour lunch but man oh man, after lunch my tolerance for sitting here was shot! Today it's 8am-1pm.
Sorry you have to sit through boring seminars...and on your weekend :( BOO!

I finally bought a playmat (and everything else there was left to buy for Lucas) last night. There wasn't really a theme I was working's just hard when you search for one and there are over 50 Too many varieties of EVERYTHING baby!
So what are you guys up to today? John went back to work since I am slowly doing better so today it's just me and Lexi. Of course I have NO voice...and she's two so this should be interesting. I have a ton of cleaning to do since that is not John's forte and nothing has been done in like a
Well yay for being able to get the rest of the stuff you needed for Lucas! Is Lexi feeling better too? That kind of stinks that John wasn't able to do a little around the house to help out. Don't over work yourself! Even if it takes to next weekend to get caught up on the work, it can wait.
I am relieved to have it all bought and done! Lexi's a bit better...her fever wavers...if it hits 101.5 she gets mopey and miserable...we are doing the tylenol/motrin thing and it's helping. Just has to work itself out of our bodies for good now! It does kinda suck that not much got done, but I understand. Lexi was soooo clingy and I was a mess so he was waiting on the two of us ALL day/night. I bet he's glad to be back at work!! LOL! But you are right, I am taking it easy and taking a nap when Lexi does. I am not 100% a little bit at a time will have to do.
Oh, I LOVE this glider/ottoman I found on CL! Wanna see?? John's prolly going to get it tomorrow night since he has class anyways. It doesn't exactly match (color wise) our decor but I don't's super nice and you can tell how thick the cushions are plus the price!!!
WOW....nice rocker Nicole. What a deal!!! I have a lazy boy recliner in our room and it will have to do for feedings at nite, other than that I am a couch feeder. LOL.
Sorry to hear ur midget is still feverish at times. I found Motrin to work way better for fevers than Tylenol. Do they still sell gripe water these days? Been so long since I had to buy baby stuff for colic.
I am glad your feeling somewhat more like your regular sexy
What is a play mat? Send me a photo if ya can???

Lilies....I have had minimal meats as I am not a huge meat eater but I do say a bologna, cheese and lettuce sand rocks some days. Since I had been going to the BP clinic since 8 weeks, I have had the (insert tone here) PLEASURE..of meeting with a dietian whom talks about seafoods, tuna, etc. She said just to keep things in moderation and buy from stores. LOL....I hate chatting with her. I am not a dumby and she talks down to me.
I feel for u on the seminar...ugh, oh well, u do what ya gotta do.

AFM....I have a day course at the YWCA Tuesday for behaviour management and modification....I have taken it in the past in BC, so a refresher is due. Plus it's a new instructor and times have changed. (free training...I am usually there)
I am feeling somewhat better but now have a very productive chest cough. At least its not a dry hack. Poor baby starts kicking when I have my coughing fit.

The last two nites he has been pretty quiet....normally I get woke up by him. Kinda makes me paranoid.
Joe and I are alone again today...we had all day yesterday together as well. It's been nice. I haven't been out much except to get my peppermint necklace yesterday. I am craving brunch so bad but doubt the man will take me for it.....he's not into brunch much. But I will ask.
Other than that.....will chill, watch netflixs, maybe finish crocheting babys blanket today.
Have a great one ladies.
I wasn't going to buy a glider this time, but thinking back it helped so much w/ Lexi (she had acid reflux and severe colic) I guess why not? John would be jealous of you though..he's been wanting a recliner for a while!! And they do still sell gripe water...that stuff really helped back in the day w/ the colic!

ROFL...yup...getting my sexy back...hehe!

Ugghhhh Lucas has been SOOOO quiet for the past 4-5 days. Very scary. I can only think they get quiet when we are sick? When I had to go on the monitors Tuesday night he moved more than I have ever maybe he's just tired now? I mean my guy doesn't move much to begin with....but lately a lot less. I kinda feel better knowing how active your babe is and for him to be quiet? Must just be b/c we are sick..right?

Oh, here are the two playmats I bought. They sell really expensive ones...but I got a cheaper first one so that I could buy the second I wanted as Basically just quilts with textures and other stimulation things for baby. And I use this site called and used a 20% coupon the mat, a bouncer, bottle dishwasher baskets and a boppy and toy for $100.


  • playmat 1.jpg
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  • playmat 2.jpg
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    22.7 KB · Views: 1 cool. I never saw those before. I may have to get one when I am in the US next time.
I think it's norm for babes to get quiet when mom is not feeling well. I know I am trying to talk myself out of worrying. I just am counting the days til he is out and I can hold him and watch him. I think I am going to book a scan on Tuesday. Hopefully I can get in this week. I will ask for a req on Wed when I see the Dr.. I know he will give me one but I can make the apt without a req, just need it at the apt. Too bad it`s sunday and a holiday tomorrow. It`s family day in Alberta...LOL. Yes, u heard right. We get a stat day here for families.

I wish we had room in our livingroom for our recliner but we don`t. we have a three peice set in there already and I had clutter. Once we get our sunroom made into a four season room we will move it downstairs. it`s a nice beige lazyboy one.
What`s a boppy
Hello ladies...went to church this morning then went and had a bbq with the family. It was in the 70's here today and super nice.

Nicole I like those mats...I haven't got one for Gunner yet.

Tiger booo to the seminars. I hope you get some days off this week to make up for it.

Carole hey lady!! I love they way you think of food...sound yummy!!
Carole and Nicole, I would have to agree with the lack of movement due to you two being sick. When you're sick how can it not affect the baby!?

Nicole, you find such great stuff! That rocker and playmate look great!

Carole, did Joe end up taking you from brunch? And yay on the scan! I can't wait to see it!

Sandi, yay from the warm day!!! Now in the news I saw another cold front coming into the northern states of the Midwest, has that hit you yet?

So I have another scan today, I can't wait to see how big baby got! I so know everything will be fine though, after my seminar I was wiped out, today I'm uncomfortably constipated and when I tried to take a walk during lunch, I felt like an old woman huffing and puffing!

Oh Sandi, to answer your question, no extra time off from work. The seminar wasn't related to what I do now. Even when I do go to a nuclear seminar for my job, I don't get any extra time either. That's just the way it goes around here!
Well dr appt today was my scan first and he is still breech and my placenta has moved down more to where its covering my cervix. My NST went well and he was plenty active and happy. Dr doesn't seemed to be to worried about him being breech or my placenta at this time he says there are times for things to adjust but I am a bit anxious. Up til today I thought it was a low lying placenta but she showed us in the scan and my placenta is over it and even she said it is moving the wrong way it wasn't completely over it 2 weeks ago.

TIger hope all went well at your scan.

Nicole and Carole hope your both feeling better. X

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